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Toonami |Mar16| Oh yes. I poop.

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Tenchi Muyo! GXP Episode 5: Seeing is Believing


Alright, so now im starting to understand why this show is so hated. We start out with a simple premise, Charlie Chaplin and his two new roommates decide to go out for a night on the town and break curfew because apparently there are parties everyday at the GXP academy. Charlie Chaplin was of course generally aghainst this because he's a gigantic fucking pussy, but whatever, he goes along with his new roommates because they peer pressure them. But it's a simple premise nonetheless. They go out sneaking at night wearing silly concealmernt, and end up accidently setting of some type of alarm on their way out. This causes a bunch of those octopus robots from Kirby Super Star to chase after them, and apparently, their entire goal in life is too brand you with something by shooting black stuff on you and if you get branded 10 times you get sent to be a cabin boy on an intergalactic freight ship. Of course, his red haired friend already has one.

This sets off alarm #1, as iwe get too see these brands on one of the characters, and yet they are blurred out. This only makes me think they got branded with a penis or a vagina? I have no clue, but it seems the logical answer? Honestly, that was a little weird, but i guess they wanted the brand to be terrible?

So anyway, Charlie Chaplin's 2 friends find some type of car and escape, although his 2 friends now have brands which apparently scare off any women they meet. This is remedied by them wearing paper bags on their heads, which really does nothing to stop them from being looked at as freaks (idk why paper bags on heads would get people to hate them so much?)

So they meet up with Blonde hair waifu, Amane I guess is her name? and Amane conitnues to hit on Charlie Chaplin while the two friends freak out because apparently Amane was a supermodel. Amane gets them to a private booth which ends up being a TRAP! and all the boys get gassed with sleeping gas.

We find them waking up and we find out that Amane was actually the catgirl waifu with a hologram overlaid on her, and they are actually just collecting people for human experiements (wat?) These people who do science in the middle of the night are called "people hunters"

Apparently, this was a huge problem, so the government had to step in and o̶b̶v̶i̶o̶u̶s̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶h̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶ regulate it so that they dont do too bad human experiments? Anyway, the boys are forced to do experiments, and Charlie Chaplin is stuck to this weird scifi electrical chair. He's obviously nervous, but finds out that the tests is just him sitting in a chair and them collecting his brain data? Anyway, so he's free to go after a whopping 2 seconds of nothing and Cat Waifu lady leads Charlie Chaplin to their friends


So apparently, the experiments they did to the friends was literally tying them up to two giant robot cats naked, in a crucifixion pose, and having them get fondled by groups of women. THIS SHIT CAME OUT OF FUCKING LEFT FIELD WHAT THE FUCK. Anyway, so cat waifu doesnt seem to think that this is very strange, and the two friends are somewhat enjoying themselves getting handies from loads of science women, this is when cat waifu presses her chest against Charlie Chaplin and is like YO YOU WANT TO DO THIS SHIT, AND THIS DUDE WHO CLEARLY WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITH THESE WOMEN IS LIKE NO BITCH IM IN A HAREM ANIME.

So anyway, they go back home and want to be human experiments again, and then the octopus robots show up again and shoot them with dick brands on their face.

Clearly, whoever wrote this shit is fucked up. What the fuck man, why are you constantly putting your fucking fetishes into this show. And the sad part is, I know this shit is going to get a lot worse.


I know this makes me seem like an old man (might as well be), but I loved the old FG. The newer seasons just aren't to snuff. And don't let me get started on the Cleveland Show...


Want a laugh? I found when we endured the final episode of Tenchi GXP:


I meant to revisit this earlier. This series of posts lolol.

Oh fuck, he gonna marry the cabbit too?



Wait, he's marrying the cabbit? d;kls;lkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk



Oh THAT'S sick

"You're marrying Fuku as well."


He's marrying the rat thing too. I'm dying...

Marry fuku? Fuck this show.


Gives all the fucks
I know this makes me seem like an old man (might as well be), but I loved the old FG. The newer seasons just aren't to snuff. And don't let me get started on the Cleveland Show...
Honestly, the pre-cancellation seasons are alright, though some people complain that it wasn't "unique" enough. It's when it came back to TV & a season or two in when McFarlane was all "LOL LET'S SEE HOW MEAN SPIRITED I CAN GET AWAY WITH"
I don't see how it could get worse

(While I'd probably enjoy it)

Tenchi Ga Kill, a harem action show where all the girls good or bad just want to ride Tenchi's d and the few males are their to kill him out of rage due to their girls being ntr'd into his harem (by accident since Tenchi is a loveable loser that is super strong and always win) or are monsters who treat women as nothing more then sex slaves. The show would obviously have a dark edge where one or two of the various girls would die each episode and be replaced by two to three new ones each time. Most of the episodes would be wacky tenchi hijinx before breaking into srs biz trying to over throw an evil space empire.


Some reaction snippets from Tenchi Muyo GXP episode 18. (last quote collection from me for now)

What just happened?

Make it stop, make it end, the pain of the stupid is overbearing.

What the fuck is going on?\

I know right?!?!

This is so fucking random.

this is horrible

I dont understand


I think this show may be slowly killing me

What the hell is going on

Like seriously what


Somebody actually got laid in this show!

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this show?

I don't know what's going on anymore.

WTF is going on.

I now know what the fevered dreams of the insane look like and it is GXP.

WTF is happening

Kill me now







My mind is so full of fuck right now.


GXP Stahp

Guys, I'm scared. Did we get drugged again?


drugs make more sense than this


What was that? I don't even.........

I'm going to bed...or something.

I don't think my brain can handle any more of...whatever the hell is going on.

My brain, my brain rejects that this is a thing that was created by humans, it was created by aliens who wanted to explore our humon capacity for pain.

Maybe I'm just bitter as hell right now but I think GXP might be the worst show Adult Swim has ever shown.

god damn



Jarate on Episode 1 of GXP: "This isn't so bad"

Jarate on Episode 5 of GXP: "KILL ME NOW!"

Toonami reactions are what sustain me and give me life energy <3

GXP was I think one show I just never bothered to watch. I wonder if I made a mistake just because I could participate in the "suffering" at the time. You couldn't pay me to watch that shit on my own however.


Jarate broke a lot faster then I did on GXP, I think it was around episode 18 that the series wore out the "haha this is so bad" and became "ugh this is really bad" before becoming "fuck this shit END END" by the finale


No Scrubs
Jarate on Episode 1 of GXP: "This isn't so bad"

Jarate on Episode 5 of GXP: "KILL ME NOW!"

Toonami reactions are what sustain me and give me life energy <3

GXP was I think one show I just never bothered to watch. I wonder if I made a mistake just because I could participate in the "suffering" at the time. You couldn't pay me to watch that shit on my own however.

It was a hell of a time...


We warned you dude, it only gets worse from there...


Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Episode 6, First Tests

So one of the characters I forgot to talk about was the professor snape of this show, he has pink hair and is fabulous, and hes Charlie Chaplin's physical instructor.

So now that I got that out of the way, we now know that the GXP apparently has a fucking clone army, and now, those aren't just one off shots, the entire fucking class outside of Charlie Chaplin and co are literally the same fucking people over and over again. This animation Quality! is incredibly jarring, as this show wasnt horribly animated to start off with. Suddenly the animation went from decent, to OMG WE'RE THE NEXT HANNA BARBARA CARTOON levels of shit.

Alright, so this episodes revolves around pink haired snape running a fitness class an d poor Charlie chaplin isnt able to keep up with his classmates because they all got the g&#822;e&#822;n&#822;e&#822; &#822;s&#822;e&#822;e&#822;d&#822; &#822;t&#822;o&#822; &#822;b&#822;e&#822;c&#822;o&#822;m&#822;e&#822; &#822;s&#822;p&#822;a&#822;c&#822;e&#822; &#822;m&#822;a&#822;r&#822;i&#822;n&#822;e&#822;s&#822; physical enhancements which makes them super powerful. Well geez, wouldnt you think THAT THIS WOULDVE BEEN BROUGHT UP WHEN YOU LITERALLY SAW CADETS RUNNING AWAY FROM SHIT IN THE PREVIOUS EPISODE AT THE SAME SPEED AS CHARLIE CHAPLIN.

So anyway, Snape is forcing Charlie Chaplin to do these physical training activities with these master chiefs clones, even though he physically isnt able to complete them. We also find out Charlie Chaplin hasn't gotten the gene seed implanted because the computer is fucking up his data or some shit. IDK anymore.

So we see him physically being a shit and we see a scene where Amane and Kiriko are talking to each other about how to prepare blowfish (this is how this converstaion is introduced) before completely stopping whatever they are doing and looking at Charlie Chaplin sweet bod. Kiriko and Amane fight over the way they appreciate Charlie Chaplin, and apparently they are freinds because they keep hanging out, but they fucking hate each other so AAAAAA I dont know

Anyway, we meet the two girls at a restaurant when pink haired snape shows up to try and sexually assault Amane, who forks him. They imply heavily that snape is causing the issues with the compuiter, and we find out later that snape has been giving some type of computer chip to a guy? anyway, so snape gets found out and assigned to toilet cleaning duty with the tan blone haired aifu who has been literally the only character on this show who has a personality. Actually, you know what, the pink hair guy tries to have a personality, so i guess Ill give him the benefit of the doubt

So anyway, Charlie Chaplin's new teachers are kiriko and amane I guess? None of them wanted the job, until the lady who was offeringh the job was like "Ill take care of Charlie Chaplin instead" and immediately the two high ranking girls ask to do this terrible job for the sole purpose of spending more time with Charlie Chaplin.

Charlie is then given a scientific rundown on what goes on with the gene seed process by cat girl waifu. It didnt make any sense, so im assuming that it was stupid.

Next Kiriko once again tries to convince Charlie Chaplin to not become a space marine because he wont be able to go to earth for some reason. Even though she was on earth and she had the gene seed? this is still really confusing. Like why is Kiriko in space, why does everyone care so much that Charlie Chaplin is an earthling when she's an earthling, and did people know she was a space clerk? Im still really confused by this?

Anyway, during this time we see Pink haired Snape working the latrines and being upset. They then hear over an intercom that Amane and Charlie Chaplin have to go get enhancements, and Pink haired Snape immediately imagines that Amane and Charlie Chaplin are going to immediately have sex with Charlie's new enhanced penis? This made no sense. But hey, it's better then the rest of the show

So they get Charlie to the lab and have an argument over who's going to strip down Charlie Chaplin's character between Amane, Cat Girl Waifu, and Kiriko. He gets into the healing pod you see in DBZ and he gets submerged in a yellow liquid. This with a bunch of shots of naked Charle Chaplin, including the a very thin and narrow beam covering up Charlies tiny junk. I guess he really did need enhancements.

Afterwards, we find Charlie in a room that's custard colored with amane. He tries to get up but launches himself all around the room due to his new incredible strength. He gets explained that with his new strength he's going to have to learn how to deal with everything as simple as walking without flying. And then the episode ends with that concept

This wasn't as bad in plot as the last episode. but man, this was probably the worst animated episode by a huge chunk, and might be one of the worst things to ever air on western television.


I'm here, I'll watch another episode tonight, fine. I was trying to push away this shit job, but I might as well get it over with



Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Episode 7, Moving In


Yes, the two roommates that Charlie Chaplin had I think are gone. Charlie Chaplin is given orders to move in with Amane so he can train better? I don't know, whoever planned this shit out didnt know what the fuck they were doing anyway, so Im assuming that there's probably a good reason.

Anyway, we start off with like an 8 minute car ride where we get explanation as too why they need to move Charlie Chaplin into this house with Amane. This also included heavy flirting from Amane. You'd think Charlie Chaplin would be used to this by now, but he brightens up like a fucking rose whenever it happens, so no character growth for you!

Anyway, during this shit car ride we also learn that Cat Waifu will also be living with them for no reason. Anyway, they are driving a car and Pink haired Snape shows up to ruin the day before being attacked by Amane because he can't accept that no means no. I dont generally mind this trope that much of a guy who keeps trying to get with a single girl, but it's not funnily done here, and is pretty shitty actually. Anyway, Amane causes him too get into a violent car accident and that shit is done for right now.

We then inexplicably meet with the original two roommates who wanted to join Seda at Amane's house, but she wouldnt let them live there, which makes sense I guess, but they literally show up out of fucking nowhere, and it seems like an out for "OH SHIT WE FORGOT ABOUT THESE CHARACTERS" We later see them complaining about how they didnt file to live anywhere for some reason and that it's all Charlie Chaplins fault. This is also parroted by a group that everyone forgot about, and that was the group of three crew members in the first couple of episodes on that stupid ship they were initially on, both exclaiming how their faults in life are due to Charlie Chaplain. Then a literal PAUSE OF LIKE 10 FUCKING SECONDS I AM NOT FUCKING KIDDING THERES A LITERAL PAUSE FOR 10 SECONDS WHERE NOTHING HAPPENS. FUCK YOU GUYS, THIS IS SHIT DIRECTING AND YOU SUCK ASS AT IT WHOEVER MADE THIS EPISODE.

So anyway, we get to Amane's house and who wouldvbe thunk it's a mansion, and amane and charlie seperate somehow and Charlie is now with Cat Girl Waifu who tells him that Amane's dad was a fashion mogul and that amane was a supermodel and it doesn't matter, she's fucking rich and wants his dick so whatever. Next we find out Kiriko is also living with them because she's now Charlie Chaplins legal guardian? They then fly off to go shopping for their new house.

They go to the most generic shopping center where Kiriko tries to ask Charlier what shampoo to get, and Charlie is dumbfounded and cant just say one like any normal fucking person would. This makes amane say WOW YOU GUYS ARE LIKE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE and they blush and shit. Then the catgirl and amane go and fondle Charlie Chaplin again asking if it was ok if they were dating him since Kiriko is 2 tsundere too admit she likes Charlie when literally every female wants his dick.

Anyway, we meet up again with Pink hair Snape, who's covered in fish and water from his earlier car crash and tries to once againm explain that Amane should sex him up and not that scrub Charlie Chaplin. Amane then clothesline him into a trash dump, and then he's gone again.

They then go out to eat and it's basically the same shit. Amane does something to emberass Charlie Chaplin and nmadefshkjnasdjhknasdjknadskjadsnadskjnsad happens where adsfimnoadsjknasdjkl happens and fuck it doesnt matter anymore. They eat food cooked by another waifu that was like the person who gave the initial tour of galaxy place, and then the pink ahir guy comes again, and this time gets thrown into a package, which gets freeze dried and sent to another galaxy away.

The episode ends with literally nothing happening and nothing even remotely funny happening. Actually, we do get to see Charlie's new training with his new body enhancements which involves stacking wooden blocks on top of each other which is literally the most stressful thing ever? Also, Kiriko gets mad at Charlie Chaplin because he gets a post workout massage from Amane which was basically the massage I got when I accidently went to a happy ending massage parlor (IE rub your crotch as close to your dick as possible without touching your dick so they can later ask if you want more time) Of course, Chgarlie Chaplin is holding a bucket over his dick at this time because I guess he got an erection that his towel wouldnt be able to handle, and god forbid the people that have already seen you naked, and have already seen you in skin tight outfits see your erection. Kiriko sees this massage and throws a buckets at Charlie and that's the end of the episode.

This show moved really fast to begin with, and there were some stakes involved, but that has quickly changed to where literally nothing happened. Im on episode 7 and I still have 19 more episodes to go. Please kill me
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