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Toonami |MayJun17| WE ARE ROBOTS

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Abridged Cell telling Vegeta
to wait for Goku
is maybe the sickest burn I've ever heard in a cartoon show.


I stopped watching DBZ abridged around Future Trunks taking down Frieza (what was that, 3 years ago?)

I figure I'll marathon the rest at some point when I get bored.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm considering making a thread about that possible writer self-insert in Powerpuff Girls, but I don't know the policy on 4chan collages.


Here's an idea that could have helped avoid major power creep in Dragon Ball: when a saiyan dies, instead of getting a power boost it's pretty much brought back to square 1. They would only get a benefit from near-death.

This or a scene from Magi season 1?

DBZ Kai Abridged is probably their funniest stuff. If only they could make episode 3....

Kai Abridged is basically covering the entire arc in a span of 2-4 minutes. since Androids bled into Cell then Cell Games it'll be a bit before we see episode 3.


All this talk about dragon ball super spoilers
is it goku's fault is goku an asshole was grand priest lying did super Saiyan jump the shark and all I wanna talk about is how awesome caulifla is.
Much like the show I would like to leave on a more hopeful note.

Back in high school, while running the track and field, a ladybug landed on one of my fingertips and stayed there for what felt like at least a good 10 or so minutes even as I went back to sit on the bleacher.

Anyway, I'm having my dad record the new Samurai Jack season on his 4k TV as it will re-air.

I actually got him to watch the first 8 episodes of YYH with me a little while back, and he seemed to enjoy it. Wonder if I should continue it with him?
My good friend and his dad saw the whole thing along with a number of other anime. I'm actually fairly certain his dad's seen much more anime than I have. His favorite that they saw together was Naoki Urasawa's Monster. (Saw it, but I ought to read the manga of that along with 20th Century Boys)

Ray Down

The problem with a season 3 of Magi is that the next part of the manga is a very long flashback arc which killed it's momentum for most of it's fan base.

Literally a 3 volume long boring flashback.

And while the following fights pick up, the Kou War Arc is very disappointing and the finale arc is just all over the place.

What killed it for me was when
that prince guy went crazy



What's with the roman numeral choices for season 5 anyway? They skipped a lot and don't even end on 100.

Roman numerals in general are also really weird. You would think XCIX would just be IC.

It's also weird how we don't have their alternative name (for whatever reason season 1-4 often uses their roman for the official episode title on streaming services too, but we always got an easier to remember name).


I liked Magi, especially the second season, but that show has too many damn characters to keep track of. Especially when so many of them look the same lol.


Naruto hands down, anyone who answers otherwise is a liar.

Naruto is pretty darn good at its peak, hence why we rag on it so hard when it falls. FT at its best is merely tolerable.


So I know we agreed not to talk about the new Powerpuff Girls Cartoon, but there was a recent episode where Blossom falls in love. That's fine right? It gets kinda weird when people noticed the kid Blossom falls for looks like one of the writers, and said writer voices the character...


It's a bit odd...
Also is it a thing because this at least weird a kinda creepy
So speaking of Fairy Tail which one do you prefer Naruto at its best or Fairy Tail at its best
Even if this was true it be damning with faint praise.

While Hinata doesn't do much in part 1 and 2, at least she does stuff unlike Lisanna who can't even be a good second girl to Natsu.

Lisanna at least actually has an actual dynamic with Natsu. Hinata's big claim to shame was having a crush and getting her ass kicked by Neji.

Like, I know more stuff comes up in this arc, but I always found Hinata's popularity really perplexing.
Even if this was true it be damning with faint praise.

While Hinata doesn't do much in part 1 and 2, at least she does stuff unlike Lisanna who can't even be a good second girl to Natsu.

You know your character is awful when she was better off being stuffed in the refrigerator


woops didn't mean to start a waifu war lol...hinata does much more than lissana does all lissana really does is die for drama with elfman and mira and come back for no reason and just become a background character....at least hinata was involved in a few of the biggest moments in her series.
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