Double Giant Rasengan!
I could lay out how all of this will likely play out because it's so telegraphed... and I'd probably be right... but why bother.
I imagine it's there because there was no other place to put it.
No more Transformers.
To be fair, it probably takes longer to get between places in Tokyo than it does to get there from Narita either.Japan's infrastructure is also such that it doesn't make much difference. Getting to JFK from my apartment in Brooklyn can take nearly as long as getting to Narita from Tokyo does.
By the way, I believe this episode approximately marks the end of the original '99 anime series.
To be fair, it probably takes longer to get between places in Tokyo than it does to get there from Narita either.
Apparently the cool thing to do now is shit on the 2011 anime and say the 1999 one is superior.
Wait so are the Zoldcyk family in cahoots with the Phantom Troupe?!?!?!?!
So the Ten Dons hired half of the Zoldycks, and Chrollo hired the other half.
Only Illumi