Cool sketches SAB, although I don't know why you made the text so awkward to read. I think you try and get too artsy for my tastes sometimes.
On to the reviews!
Intruder II - This first installment was a lot longer than I was expecting. I also thought they would be airing shorter snippets of it throughout the night rather than just all up front. The new "Red Alert" bumps are cool looking and make sense. It's like the Absolution is still broadcasting in the background while all this stuff is going on.
Rating: Signal received
Dragon Ball Z: Kai - Frieza sure is accommodating to his opponents by waiting around as they prep for each attack. I can understand his hubris being his downfall but not noticing a giant glowing ball right above him for that long is a stretch. Speaking of which, just throw the damn Spirit Bomb early, Goku! Jeez! Even if it only injures Frieza, that would at least bide you time to finish him off! At least Piccolo knows how stupid it is to keep waiting and is finally doing something more than just watching from the sidelines.
Rating: Frustratingly Awesome
Akame ga Kill - These new characters are as generic and cliche as the rest of the cast and the attempts at "humor" are so predictable and ham-fisted that they fall flat every time. This show is so bad it's kind of embarrassing. Imagine if this was someone's first introduction to anime. I'm usually one to try and find the good in things but it's hard to see much of any redeeming quality here (except for Leone, who's kinda cool).
Rating: CUT IT OFF!
Parasyte - Bullies are bad, m'kay. All kidding aside, this was the best episode of the night. Lots of twists and intriguing stuff going on and, best of all, I didn't see any of it coming. The ending scene with the Mom becoming a parasyte was quite effective. I'm really digging this show. The MC's dub performance is my only complaint. The rest of the cast are just fine. The animation looks sharp and the music was pretty great this week. The overall quality jump from Akame ga Shit to this is just massive.
Rating: Penis Malfunction
Michiko & Hatchin - Seeing Michiko's nosebleed was a very "anime" moment in this typically un-anime show. While slow paced, I kinda liked this rather light-hearted episode. Faliciano was kinda fun. The overarching plot is still confusing with all the Hiroshi look-a-likes and aliases but at least they took some time to explain some of it. Hatchin was amazing as always.
Rating: Samba Time
Naruto: Shippuden - Keep failing Naruto. I have to wonder: Do fans of this show actually like Naruto as a character? At least he comes through in the end even if it didn't feel all that earned to me. Shikamaru on the other hand is a total badass and someone I can totally get behind. I'd much rather have a REAL ninja like Shika than an over-powered bafoon like Naruto. All that aside, it was still a decent episode. This arc continues to be the only thing in Shippuden I've actually enjoyed.
Rating: Rasen-fail
Music Video: "C.U.R.E." - Pretty cool. Nothing spectacular but I liked the song. The animation was decent and the character designs reminded me of Peter Chung's Æon Flux.
Rating: Millions and Millions
One Piece - That whole episode was pretty funny and equally awkward at the same time. I can't tell if this is a cultural difference or if One Piece's author just has weird sensibilities when it comes to humor. It also really makes me wonder how 4Kids would have dealt with the whole "ball grab" situation. An okay episode filled mostly with flashbacks and a few funny moments. At least Franky is now fully a Straw Hat. Now Robin, don't go magically grabbing at a guy's junk like that anymore... unless he's into it.
Rating: I can't un-see it
KLL la KILL - Tsumugu was such a wasted opportunity. He was an okay character with a cool looking design. They should have made him like Batman who outsmarts his enemies but instead they made him like a version of Batman who's traps are ineffective. Still, I do like the bathroom scene in this episode a lot.
Rating: Nom-Nom