Acrylic7 Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,752 Its almost Super Sayian time! This was legendary as a kid, it the only thing anyone in school could talk about.
Its almost Super Sayian time! This was legendary as a kid, it the only thing anyone in school could talk about.
F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Nov 15, 2015 #3,756 Remember at this point, krililin was alreaidiy killed and guru has died of old age
S Soulflarz Banned Nov 15, 2015 #3,758 Seda said: two down Click to expand... we're on a roll \o/ Spoiler and heartless
K Korigama Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,760 And there goes Krillin (old Frieza line of "This time you won't come back!" was better)... Good...GOOD. Let the HATE flow THROUGH you...
And there goes Krillin (old Frieza line of "This time you won't come back!" was better)... Good...GOOD. Let the HATE flow THROUGH you...
L Line_HTX Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,764 Can it be??? I'm actually home on time! Time to go even further BEYOND!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! SAB CA said: A Sketch Dump preview SHOULD be here, but I've got a new computer finally, Rise of The Tomb Raider, got Blazblue CPE on sale... So I'm running totally late on that! Click to expand... Oh, didn't know you played Blazblue also. Nice!
Can it be??? I'm actually home on time! Time to go even further BEYOND!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! SAB CA said: A Sketch Dump preview SHOULD be here, but I've got a new computer finally, Rise of The Tomb Raider, got Blazblue CPE on sale... So I'm running totally late on that! Click to expand... Oh, didn't know you played Blazblue also. Nice!
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Nov 15, 2015 #3,766 Here. We. Fucking. GO! "You ruthless... heartless... BASTARD!" "I will make you SUFFER!"
R Raxus Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,770 Oh Frieza, you really fucked up. You just don't realize it yet. You haven't seen mad Goku yet.
A aspiegamer Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,771 There is no way to wreck someone more convincingly than that. Just... lol...
S Shard XBLAnnoyance Nov 15, 2015 #3,777 This really needed better music, I suspect it had better music at one point.
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Nov 15, 2015 #3,779 Oh so THIIIIISSSSS is where Super Saiyans come from. I thought it came from, like, Sailor Moon or something.
Oh so THIIIIISSSSS is where Super Saiyans come from. I thought it came from, like, Sailor Moon or something.
F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Nov 15, 2015 #3,786 HYPE. also alot faster than I remember
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Nov 15, 2015 #3,787 BOOM! We. Have. Arrived! God damn, Schemmel's scream was just primal!
S skLaFarebear Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,788 :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Still as amazing as the first day i saw it.
G GaimeGuy Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16 Nov 15, 2015 #3,790 He mad. And now he glow. And he have crazy eyes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
R Raxus Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,792 Funny thing is at this point *REAL SPOILERS* Spoiler the fight is more or less officially over
A ASSauLTxMasTER Member Nov 15, 2015 #3,796 Speaking of Frieza, Spoiler the new visuals for the Super opening look great with him in there.
B B-Dubs No Scrubs Nov 15, 2015 #3,799 LOLDSFAN said: That was a pretty quick transformation. Click to expand... Yea, I expected that to take longer and to have better music
LOLDSFAN said: That was a pretty quick transformation. Click to expand... Yea, I expected that to take longer and to have better music