Why are we getting Coolers Revenge....again
Demarco explain nao
The first one we watched was actually Coolers Day Off. Now it's Coolers Revenge 4real.
Why are we getting Coolers Revenge....again
Demarco explain nao
It's really short and they have an hour to fill and decided to fit it in? Sounds reasonable to me. Plus DBZ is coming up soon so might as well promote it.
The first one we watched was actually Coolers Day Off. Now it's Coolers Revenge 4real.
hopefully it is a trilogy
Black Dynamite Season 2 premieres tomorrow before Toonami.
Could we start Toonami early to adjust for that?
It's Black Dynamite --> Family Guy --> Attack on Titan, right?
Will post some quickie thoughts on last weeks shows in a bit.
show still looks terrible
I'm watching the Clone Wars movie. It has Samuel L. Jackson in it, but he sounds like he's half-asleep.
also, "Skyguy" is a thing.
I went to see that movie in theatres and had to be yelled at by my friends because I was laughing too hard at that trainwreck of a film. Just wait till you get to "Stinky"
Uncensored Terraformars is glorious.
Uncensored Terraformars is glorious.
nah, i'll pass
Yup. Too bad it's still a bad adaptation
The "How to Make an Ice Cream Sundae" is flawless.https://www.youtube.com/user/HowToBasic/
I can't believe we live in a world where a guy who plays with toys and wastes food makes more money than a doctor.
I'm watching the Funi dub of One Piece Movie 8 right now. Watched the Film Z dub last night.gmn with great friday night decisions
gmn with great friday night decisions
oh my god why is this movie an hour and 40 minutes long
I'm watching the Funi dub of One Piece Movie 8 right now. Watched the Film Z dub last night.
they're using the Force to throw sand at each other
And GMN is only 10 minutes in.
And GMN is only 10 minutes in.
If you haven't seen them, these anime pregnancy memes are damn good.
"Whoever this turns out to be I'll bet he has a fucking stupid hairdo."
We really really really really REALLY need JoJo on Toonami"The hell did you say about my hair?"
*commences beatdown*
If you haven't seen them, these anime pregnancy memes are damn good.
that should end well
Is it bad that I'm more terrified by the girl than the pokemon?