Imperial Bishop
And no one is surprised at all.
Fat guy Parkour!
God DAMN it that meme is everywhere.
They would have immediately captured her if she went down the stairs.
was this supposed to be surprising? Like a legit shocked moment? Because it was mad obvious as soon as the female titan showed up.
Mikassa ready to cut some shit up
i never understood this laughing scene
dude he was sooooooooooooo ready for shit to happen you saw how he did that roll lol
Bleachonetta 2
Wait, so next week is the last episode?
We totally are gonna hear about its replacement (assuming this reairs later in the night) tonight or next week, right?
So both Armin and Annie are idiots. Armin, I can understand. But Annie, I am so disappointed in you. You should have killed Armin when you had the chance
"Are you the titan?"
"You sure?"
i mean its hard to prove from just marcos gear