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Toonami |Oct14| A Place for Manly Souls

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In modern times what makes Gundam good is Build Fighters, what makes it bad is G-Reco.
Ding ding ding.

In the past Gundam had some interesting things to say about war and politics. Today it odds all about the mech action and GBF and G Gundam had that in spades.


Unconfirmed Member
I've been a mild fan of anime for over 20 years but I've bever understood what makes Gundam good. it just seems so mediocre. Why is it good?

There's a lot of really good Gundam, and a lot of really really bad Gundam.

We've gotten much more of the latter over the last decade or so, with some exceptions.


*insert Shining Finger reference here*



Gives all the fucks
I don't recall ever seeing a single episode of any Gundam series.....which is strange, considering I kind of dig giant robots in anime.


Gives all the fucks
Speaking of Paranoia Agent, it's a shame we probably won't get any movies by Satoshi Kon unless we get lucky & they pull a Summer Wars.

Crap, completely forgot Tokyo Godfathers never got dubbed....uh, guess that'd leave Perfect Blue (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's not gonna air) or Paprika.


That's cool about Gundam, wonder how Right Stuff will handle the releases. I can't recall anything else they own. I think they released Utena here?


I've been a mild fan of anime for over 20 years but I've bever understood what makes Gundam good. it just seems so mediocre. Why is it good?

mechs in space with guns and energy swords and shit fighting other mechs in space with guns and energy swords and shit and also spaceships and war/military stuff and sometimes good plots and characters

what's not to like?

and because this is the Toonami thread and Gundam has been mentioned, I will take the opportunity to post this because Peter Cullen

In the distant future, mankind has reached the stars...


Build Fighters is my only experience with Gundam. I want to watch all the classic series, but there's like 20 of them and they're all 50 episodes each. Shit is daunting.

Plus there is all this timeline shit.


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of Paranoia Agent, it's a shame we probably won't get any movies by Satoshi Kon unless we get lucky & they pull a Summer Wars.

Crap, completely forgot Tokyo Godfathers never got dubbed....uh, guess that'd leave Perfect Blue (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's not gonna air) or Paprika.

Perfect Blue aired on Syfy's Ani-Mondays. If Syfy could air it with their stricter S&P (last week's Gurren episode was one crazy mosaic-fest on Syfy), there's no real reason why Toonami couldn't if they wanted to.


Here is the thing, Gurren Lagan was not censored for SYFY, was not censored for an American television, it was censored for Japanese TV and the uncut version was DVD only, which as I understand it why it has be licensed separately.


Build Fighters is my only experience with Gundam. I want to watch all the classic series, but there's like 20 of them and they're all 50 episodes each. Shit is daunting.

Plus there is all this timeline shit.

The only ones you need to worry about continuity happen in the Universal Century, and even then only a handful should be watched in order (Gundam, Zeta, Double Zeta, Igloo). The rest can be watched as stand alones and everything else lacks universe continuity.


Unconfirmed Member
Here is the thing, Gurren Lagan was not censored for SYFY, was not censored for an American television, it was censored for Japanese TV and the uncut version was DVD only, which as I understand it why it has be licensed separately.

This is not true. The exact same version of Gurren's episode 6 that aired last week on Toonami aired on Syfy, except there were mosaics EVERYWHERE. Which actually made things more ridiculous, since Kamina's junk and stuff were already self-censored, so it actually made it appear that the episode was even more lewd than it actually was.

Syfy did this sort of thing ALL THE TIME. Also, completely random (and numerous) commercial breaks. The "best" was with Noein, where the show would sometimes cut out in mid-word, and one episode started like a minute into the show with a character in mid-sentence. Or the time they cut about 2 minutes of the climactic fight from the final episode of Gurren Lagann for a commercial break.

Shit was the weirdest.


This is not true. The exact same version of Gurren's episode 6 that aired last week on Toonami aired on Syfy, except there were mosaics EVERYWHERE. Which actually made things more ridiculous, since Kamina's junk and stuff were already self-censored, so it actually made it appear that the episode was even more lewd than it actually was.

Syfy did this sort of thing ALL THE TIME. Also, completely random (and numerous) commercial breaks. The "best" was with Noein, where the show would sometimes cut out in mid-word, and one episode started like a minute into the show with a character in mid-sentence. Or the time they cut about 2 minutes of the climactic fight from the final episode of Gurren Lagann for a commercial break.

Shit was the weirdest.

Who would willingly allow these changes to be made, especially the ones regarding commercials...?


This is not true. The exact same version of Gurren's episode 6 that aired last week on Toonami aired on Syfy, except there were mosaics EVERYWHERE. Which actually made things more ridiculous, since Kamina's junk and stuff were already self-censored, so it actually made it appear that the episode was even more lewd than it actually was.

Syfy did this sort of thing ALL THE TIME. Also, completely random (and numerous) commercial breaks. The "best" was with Noein, where the show would sometimes cut out in mid-word, and one episode started like a minute into the show with a character in mid-sentence. Or the time they cut about 2 minutes of the climactic fight from the final episode of Gurren Lagann for a commercial break.

Shit was the weirdest.

Oh, I mean the episode being recut with that damn recap, that happened for Japanese TV.

Previously: episode 65


On episode 66 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka decides that she better run through the jungle away from the Argonian on her heels. We get some shots of both of them running until finally Ahsoka does the Cling to a Surface and Hope You Don’t Get Noticed thing seen above. The Argonian chief arrives in his flying Jeep still ranting about his son and picks up the other guy, but not before they do the Look Behind to Where the Character Was Previously Hiding But Isn’t Hiding There Anymore Because They Moved While They Were Off Camera thing. Night falls, and Ahsoka returns the Lost Persons of Nonspecific Gender (who I can just refer to as the Lost Boys now) to deliver the bad news. Though demoralized due to the death of the Lost Girl, they devise a new plan to attack the prisoner dropship.


During their very stealthy attack (Ahsoka lands right on the windshield), the kids are spotted and one Argonian goes up to top to fight them off. As usual, the Lost Boys engage him in hand-to-hand combat instead of using the Force to throw him off the ship or something. Ahsoka goes to fight the pilot, who pulls out a shotgun and misses most of his shots, hitting the controls to his ship. After a bunch of pointless dodging, Ahsoka finally hurls him through the windshield with the Force (ships designed to traverse space are apparently that fragile.) The controls of the ship malfunction and the ship spins out of control, which the Lost Boys use to their advantage and kick the Argonian off. As the ship falls apart, Ahsoka manages to hit the “prisoner release” button before everyone escapes. Through sheer dumb luck, a lone figure emerges from the wreckage: Chewbacca. A brief scene with the Argonians confirms that he was conveniently the only prisoner.


Chewbacca explains, with Ahsoka as his translator, that his home planet is not far away and that he could potentially build a transmitter from the ship’s wreckage to contact it. That night, the Lost Boys keep watch as Ahsoka and Chewbacca look around the ship. Soon, an Argonian sniper takes up a post with his crosshairs trained on the wreckage. Ahsoka decides to walk right out into the line of fire, but Chewbacca senses danger while the Lost Boys deflect the shot and attempt to take out the sniper with hand-to-hand combat because they still haven’t learned their lesson yet. When they’re about to be killed, Chewbacca runs up and beats the shit out of the Argonian, as he’s really the only one between the four of them who should even attempt to be using his fists. The Argonian is taken prisoner.


Chewbacca’s transmitter (which looks hilariously like it’s made out of Styrofoam and cardboard) doesn’t work terribly well, so the Lost Boys decide to go for Plan B and use the prisoner to take them to the Argonian base. After a Jedi Mind Trick, the prisoner calls for a Jeep to pick him up that the group easily hijacks and flies up to the base. A brief scene shows that Chewbacca’s transmitter has sent the message, and then we cut to a battle aboard the Argonian base in which the kids actually manage to use the Force to their advantage! But after their Jeep is shot down, the Argonians train their guns on them and prepare to fire. In what has to be the fastest interplanetary trip ever, more wookiees arrive just in time. They soon kill the remaining Argonians with the help of Ahsoka, Chewbacca, and the Lost Boys. During the battle, the chief retreats to the trophy room, with Ahsoka in pursuit. After several struggles where the chief attempts to stab Ahsoka with something, she manages to knock him flat and makes the bizarre choice to point at him and say, “YOU’RE BEATEN.” The two then for some reason debate over whether the death of the chief’s son is her fault before he goes for a gun and Ahsoka is forced (heh heh) to push him out the door and over the balcony to his death. The wookiees return Ahsoka and the Lost Boys to Coruscant, where Anakin is consumed with guilt. Ahsoka assures him that it is his training that allowed her to survive.

Here’s the rub: that’s not true at all. Through a poorly thought-out plan, Ahsoka led the Lost Boys to destroy the prisoner dropship that could have been their ticket home. Through the grace of the Star Wars deity of your choice, this did not kill the lone prisoner, Chewbacca, who is entirely responsible for their escape and rescue. If this episode was meant to demonstrate that Ahsoka can fend for herself, it failed on so many different levels. Beyond that, the fights still blatantly refuse to utilize the Force for the sake of tension and the villains still suck. This is a bit of a strange note to end the season on. Any number of the preceding arcs would have been more fitting. The Nightsisters arc would have been ideal, especially because it featured a Darth Maul tease. But the Citadel would have worked, too. Hell, even the Mortis arc would have worked because it at least tries to feel epic, even if it is completely stupid. This arc doesn’t really have the scale or the impact.

Grade: C


Well it's been like two months, we're probably due for a non-shit Shippuden episode.
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