Well, I did enjoy that glorious train-wreck that was Code Geass.
I would think so given they're nothing alike.
But I've mixed up weird things before so meh. The subconscious is a strange entity.
Well, I did enjoy that glorious train-wreck that was Code Geass.
That show was a train wreck? Haven''t really heard bad things.
It was a glorious train wreck. It went so far off the rails in the best way possible.
Calling Code Geass a trainwreck is disingenuous, that implies there was a train to begin with
I deeply regret missing out on that show as it aired
That show was a train wreck? Haven''t really heard bad things.
It wasn't as noticeable in the first season. But when the 2nd season rolled around? Oh boy...
My only regret was that I wasn't here during that time.
Right, but I know nothing - not what the shows look like or who the characters are, etc.
So I see people talk either show but all I have to go on are those nine letter titles which start to blur together. Yes I acknowledge this is stupid.
Also pls dont post images I kinda like being totally oblivious.
They both aired during the ASA days. I thought you would've at least seen one of them.
This is why I kind of wish Code Geass was Toonamified, because it would be perfect in the lineup.
Calling Code Geass a trainwreck is disingenuous, that implies there was a train to begin with
I deeply regret missing out on that show as it aired
They both aired during the ASA days. I thought you would've at least seen one of them.
They both aired during the ASA days. I thought you would've at least seen one of them.
This is why I kind of wish Code Geass was Toonamified, because it would be perfect in the lineup.
The difference is that Death Note has the Inuyasha cast of Canadian dubs, while Code Geass has all the heavy hitters leading off with JYB's masterful performance. That and the fact that the supporting cast were amazing themselves too. Not to say that Death Note was bad, as it had its own over the top hilarious epic scene itself.
Hell, they both had amazingly hilarious epic scenes and PERMA-SHOOK faces.
code geass sucks
in other news
i bought a gsync monitor
don't underestimate what i havent seen :v
p sure seda hates anime
p sure seda hates anime
Has anyone here actually seen any of the new Code Geass OVA series?
I know they've been having production difficulties on it.
don't underestimate what i havent seen :v
HOW COULD YOU FORGET TABLE-KUN AUUGGGHHHOPWREIHRKBJ498BEBSOrange-kun, Spinzaku, CHARLES V BRITANNIA, THE PLANET JUPITER! It was just a glorious train wreck and no one had any idea where it was going from week to week.
All people with a brain hate animep sure seda hates anime
All people with a brain hate anime
I tried to forget and you bring it all back, why would you do that to me?
I tried to forget and you bring it all back, why would you do that to me?
I need to check out the dub, I bet Funimation had a field day with the VAs and being all "OKAY, SO...*snicker*...we need you to....*snicker, trying to hold in laugher*...read these lines for Anna, & you need to put emphasis on....*can't hold it in much longer*...the "love nector" part...."Marathoning Shimoneta, Toonami should show the dub.
Please don't counter-attack my balls.
Marathoning Shimoneta, Toonami should show the dub.
This is why I can't get into baseball, watching men using their wood to whack eachother's balls.
Need more anime people in NFL plox.
wake me up when it's Super Bowl Sunday