|OT| Intruder 2: Intrude Hardershouldnt the november ot title be intruder related
.............I've got nothing.
|OT| Intruder 2: Intrude Hardershouldnt the november ot title be intruder related
shouldnt the november ot title be intruder related
We just bump the old announcement thread and have Seda make a slight title change.We probably should post a thread in the OT letting people know Intruder 2 is starting the week before it airs
Toonami |Nov15| Intruder 2: Anime Boogaloo
I was tempetd to post "Electric Toonamaloo".Toonami |Nov15| Intruder 2: Anime Boogaloo
The Search For More Anime.Intruder 2: The Search For More Money
Cena needs to rehab for six episodes after his last courageous fight. Make way for Gohan del Rio.
.......actually, now that I think about it, this is a plot point because the main character (guy above) has gynophobia to the point it physically harms him to touch another girl because his sister (above) & mother practiced their wrestling moves on him when he was younger every day for TEN YEARS.
Are you the real Intruder?shouldnt the november ot title be intruder related
I was surprised how well animated that was when I first came across it.
Come on, guys. Make a deal with me.
Toonami when
Come on, guys. Make a deal with me.
I was surprised how well animated that was when I first came across it.
Toonami when
Come on, guys. Make a deal with me.
Madoka = Shiemi/Mako/Silica
Miki = Nonon/Lisbeth
Kyubey = Suguha
If I make this deal,will my soul be trapped in the Pip-Boy?