Calling it a night....gotta get up at 6 as is.
Night guys.
Night guys.
Holland not explaining shit in a timely manner is kind of a running theme for pretty much the entire first half of the series.
More importantly, there's a ton of information that explains a lot of what's ACTUALLY going on here that you're not going to be privy to for a long long time.
Oh, hey, they finally stopped shoving the next episode preview in there before the ED.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Megas XLR, Transformers Animated, and Sym-Bionic Titan are all proof that Cartoon Network does NOT dig giant robots.
That's fucking stupid. That kind of storytelling works if you're building towards a central plot, but keeping the audience in the dark for the sake of it is just bad storytelling.
The world was not ready for your awesomeness, Sym-Bionic Titan.
Wow. This show is already fucking gorgeous.
That's fucking stupid. That kind of storytelling works if you're building towards a central plot, but keeping the audience in the dark for the sake of it is just bad storytelling.
This is cool and all but their expressions are slightly... annoying... sometimes.
I always liked Solomon.
I always liked Solomon.
I always liked Solomon.