I was out of town last weekend so I'm glad that Funimation has uploaded their shows to YouTube. Going to catch up on DMW in the time left, though I'm not sure I'll bother with Casshern. I don't know how much my wrists can take in a single evening.
In preparation of Toonami tonight, here's a FMA: Brotherhood 30 sec Toonami Intro I cooked up a few days ago.
Last weeks CS wasn't even depressing.
Wow, really? I'll have to give it a try.
Oh my god, Brotherhood is pretty much the most badass shit ever put on page/screen.
can they please please get rid of bleach and brotherhood? they such boring shows
Oh crap do you guys need one?We getting an IRC, Frankman?
can they please please get rid of bleach and brotherhood? they're such boring shows
Still on the fucking swords.
stolen tea leaves and chickens.
I will come to your house.
And cut you.
This is episode 259. This filler arc ends at 265.