Who would rather guys,Doctor Girlfriend or Haku?
Time for Soul Eater!
Good, this type of stuff shouldn't be tolerated.I got bullied enough in grade school to have to deal with that shit now. I don't care if that's your "favorite word" or something. If I hear you say that, I hurt you. It's that simple. It's really the only way to teach these fucking homophobes that we aren't ineffectual pushovers.
violence wont solve thingsI got bullied enough in grade school to have to deal with that shit now. I don't care if that's your "favorite word" or something. If I hear you say that, I hurt you. It's that simple. It's really the only way to teach these fucking homophobes that we aren't ineffectual pushovers.
Two tvs?
I didn't know it would really offend anyone.
Why they got to cut the intro?
They might as well just cut the ending and play the whole opening.
I got bullied enough in grade school to have to deal with that shit now. I don't care if that's your "favorite word" or something. If I hear you say that, I hurt you. It's that simple. It's really the only way to teach these fucking homophobes that we aren't ineffectual pushovers.
Man Laura just using her Rise voice and giving no fucks
It can ONLY be used that way.I never used it to refer to homosexuality
Wait. Is that the title?
'Cause it's LONG!
I never used it to refer to homosexuality, but I can see that can't easily be inferred.
They knowPatty and Liz: "Started at the bottom, now we here!"