PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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I'm surprised it leaked. Looks like the Senate leaked it.

I'm guessing it's to warn the Orange Dickhead that shit's about to get real.

So, tweetstorm incoming?



uh...how do you guys define "rural" because it makes me think of like Far Cry 5 but I've seen other threads where people are describing Western Long Island.
You only get Western Long Island if you're using it as a dogwhistle synonym for racism. (which is silly)
On the bright side, the shooting today has kept almost any hyperpartisan insanity from boiling over? And I'm pissed that Trump told me the majority whip was going to be fine when he's still in critical. Dick.
Any lawn? Nah. Anything that requires a riding mower? Oh yes. Additionally, if you have a massive lawn like that but are in a population center, you're probably rich enough to be a Republican anyway but for different reasons.
I have a life goal of never living somewhere that requires lawn maintenance again. They're a time and money sink.

They don't even look that good! It's just a big patch of nothing.

If you get your drinking water from a well, and your electricity from a generator or the sun, you might be rural.

Germany: Now in Rural America.

Yes I know their big renewable push isn't in solar. Don't @me


People are calling me a crazy cynic, but I'm still worried Trump finds some way to fire Mueller. It doesn't feel like that long ago when everyone was saying firing Comey would be the end for Trump and that there was no way he actually does it.

Firing Mueller is even more difficult, of course, but Trump is guilty. Nothing is going to stop him from doing everything he can to block this investigation.


People are calling me a crazy cynic, but I'm still worried Trump finds some way to fire Mueller. It doesn't feel like that long ago when everyone was saying firing Comey would be the end for Trump and that there was no way he actually does it.

Firing Mueller is even more difficult, of course, but Trump is guilty. Nothing is going to stop him from doing everything he can to block this investigation.
I mean, even if he does it, it won't work out for him in the long run.
Lawns are universal to all property lot sizes and land values everywhere other than the east coast, so that alone isn't enough specification.
Riding mowers are a sure sign of conservative madness.

Some say they even cause it.

Forget cars we need to ban riding mowers.
Here a catch 22-- Electric riding lawnmowers. Then what? I'd be okay with golf carts, personally, as something of a compromise that would please no side in particular. Some model that you could put mowing attachments on when necessary but would largely be used for moving people. Those things are a hoot to zip around in at full speed, and you'd instantly double the lane capacity on all roads!

Well water is a pretty good category for rural classification, actually, but that might be a bit too restrictive. Generator on property is 100%, though.

I saw the story on that disappearing island last week. When Trump says he's sure it'll be there 'for hundreds of years to come', 1) the fuck is he talking about? You can literally check satellite pictures and watch it vanish bit by bit every year, and 2) it will be, technically, just underwater. It'll always have a Wikipedia icon hovering above its former location on google earth. Is that what he means?
"Rural America = Lawns" is hilarious given how spread out California cities are.

Also ... fuck living in Cities. Suburbs life 4eva.

I never want to go back to suburban style living. Being able to accomplish most of my daily/weekly tasks by walking (and the rest by taking public transit) is life changing.
I never want to go back to suburban style living. Being able to accomplish most of my daily/weekly tasks by walking (and the rest by taking public transit) is life changing.

Can't do that shit in LA anyway. Maybe SF. I like space and I appreciate not having a shared wall so I can crank my surround sound. I feel boxed in visiting my sister's town house in costa mesa and she has more square footage than I do. I'm also growing weed in my backyard, along with tomatoes and have a peach tree.




Haha this is so sad where I am from this island is a tourist attraction with boats going there weekly. They have very few cars and like one road a few miles long lol. These people will keep voting for the Republican too.

Someone linked a news special on them from some foreign outlet where they interviewed all the people there a few weeks back. Your analysis is correct on their probable future voting, lol.
Can't do that shit in LA anyway. Maybe SF. I like space and I appreciate not having a shared wall so I can crank my surround sound. I feel boxed in visiting my sister's town house in costa mesa and she has more square footage than I do. I'm also growing weed in my backyard, along with tomatoes and have a peach tree.


LA is a trash city IMO. Cities laid out for cars were a mistake.


I mow my grandmothers lawn for her, you'll take riding lawn mowers from my cold dead hands.

And I'm pissed that Trump told me the majority whip was going to be fine when he's still in critical. Dick.
He was a few hours ago, he's had complications after surgery so they downgraded him.

-NeoGAF.com's official Trump defense force


Unconfirmed Member
But did anyone ask Mueller to call it a "matter"?
That's what's important here (and the leaks!)

I had a coworker who was working that angle yesterday "lynch, Clinton and Comey should be in jail for asking Comey to call it a matter"
I hope these two debate. Bob Marshall is a piece of garbage.


RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- A former journalist who could become the first transgender member of the Virginia House of Delegates has won the Democratic primary to challenge long-serving conservative Republican Del. Bob Marshall.

The 13th District race was Tuesday's most crowded Democratic primary. Danica Roem beat Steve Jansen, Andrew Adams and Mansimran Kahlon.

Marshall has served in the General Assembly since 1992. Often at odds with his party's leadership, he frequently sponsors socially conservative bills with little chance of passage.
This year, he sponsored a transgender bathroom bill similar to North Carolina's that was quickly killed by fellow Republicans.

The demographics in his district, which encompasses Prince William County and Manassas Park, have shifted over the years, growing increasingly left-leaning. Democrats view it as vulnerable in part because Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump there in November.


But did anyone ask Mueller to all it a "matter"?
That's what's important here (and the leaks!)

I had a coworker who was working that angle yesterday "lynch, Clinton and Comey should be in jail for asking Comey to call it a matter"
The FBI guy giving the press conference on the shooting a couple hours ago kept going back and forth between calling it an "ongoing investigation" and an "ongoing matter."

Makes you really wonder why we aren't getting the full story yet...


Unconfirmed Member
The FBI guy giving the press conference on the shooting a couple hours ago kept going back and forth between calling it an "ongoing investigation" and an "ongoing matter."

Makes you really wonder why we aren't getting the full story yet...

When someone knocks on the bathroom door and I'm still pooping should I say that it is an "ongoing investigation" or "ongoing matter"?
Hilarious scenario I envisioned.

Trump pardons self for crime.

Pardoning requires an admission of crime.

Court voids pardon.

Stay tuned for next week's episode.


Hilarious scenario I envisioned.

Trump pardons self for crime.

Pardoning requires an admission of crime.

Court voids pardon.

Stay tuned for next week's episode.
The Supreme Court cannot override pardons. It, itself, ruled this. And Congress would need an Amendment to do so (which Walter Mondale once proposed).

I don't even believe a future President can undue them though it's never been done to my knowledge*. I know lots of people wanted Trump to undue Manning's commutation.

*Bush withdrew one of his own pardons a day after he issued it: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/26/us/26pardon.html
Mr. Bush's revoking of the pardon was so unusual that some legal experts questioned whether he had the authority to reverse the pardon, one of 19 the White House announced Tuesday. But the Justice Department said it believed that the original pardon announcement was not binding and could be revoked because Mr. Toussie had not received formal notification of the president's action. Mr. Toussie's lawyers hope he might still be granted a pardon once the Justice Department completes a formal review.
The Supreme Court cannot override pardons. It, itself, ruled this. And Congress would need an Amendment to do so (which Walter Mondale once proposed).

I don't even believe a future President can undue them though it's never been done to my knowledge*. I know lots of people wanted Trump to undue Manning's commutation.

*Bush withdrew one of his own pardons a day after he issued it: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/26/us/26pardon.html

Pardon me, I seem to be using imprecise language.

Could the Court find a self-pardon unconstitutional? Has that issue ever been argued?


Pardon me, I seem to be using imprecise language.

Could the Court find a self-pardon unconstitutional? Has that issue ever been argued?
I think a self-pardon is one of those things where like, you can't do it because then it renders the entire system defunct.

"I, President benji, pardon benji for any and all crimes committed while in office of the Presidency."

Then I nuke Albany's disgusting skyline. Also, I murder a bunch of hookers. (So that we have a crime.)

I don't think that works without everybody else immediately passing a Constitutional Amendment to prevent it.


Sidhe / PikPok
Hilarious scenario I envisioned.

Trump pardons self for crime.

Pardoning requires an admission of crime.

Court voids pardon.

Stay tuned for next week's episode.

Pardoning doesn't require admission of a crime. A Presidential pardon can be granted before conviction or even a trial, so Trump could pardon himself as an insulating move.

Of course, it would be a horribly bad look, and for all intents and purposes an admission of guilt even if the explicit words aren't said. So I imagine it would only be done as a last resort. I imagine it would be challenged as unconstitutional anyway though.


You know, Trump's insistence on having Comey announce he's not under investigation makes me think Mueller thought to himself he didn't want to have to go through that shit himself, so now that they got a reason to say "Yes, you are under investigation"' if not straight up make him understand he shouldn't even ask.


Who thought it was a good idea to give the president the right to pardon himself?
The founders originally designed the Electoral College under the assumption that people in each state would vote for the best person from their state and the best person nationally to be President, hence why the runner up became VP.

The system as a whole has shown how easily it can fall apart if people start ignoring it and everyone else agrees that's totally cool. Just look at the war making power to pick a non controversial example.

I mean, The Court after granting itself final say also ruled black people as unable to be anything but property and racially based internment as cool beans to pick a few examples.

Ford's pardon was retrospectively dumb personally but it did basically make Nixon disappear for a few years (and Nixon wasn't ever going to be tried for his real crimes) and give us Billy Beer. I'm honestly one of those who's conflicted by it.
Who thought it was a good idea to give the president the right to pardon himself?
Well, it isn't explicitly spelled out that he can't, and nobody has tried it before so it's still an unanswered question, but there's a good argument that a self-pardon would be legally invalid. Here's an article I read the other week about it: http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/19...ardoned-himself-mueller-russia-investigation/. I don't know what the general legal consensus is on this. If he tried it, though, the courts would surely have to rule on it.
Self-pardons fall under the category of "not included in the Constitution because it's such a fucking basic idea that no one that could ever rule the country would be so stupid/evil/clueless/dense as to attempt such a thing, considering the entire rest of the document relates to humanizing the President as subject to the law like everyone else."

There are a LOT of these things, unfortunately! Also stuff where only out of habit do we do a thing a certain way and pray it works because we have no contingencies to repair stuff, such as a do-over election or snap election in event of crisis. It took forfreakingever to ever get an 'in the event the President is incapacitated' amendment, and despite what you'd think would be common sense of when a VP has authority, yes, people demanded it in writing.

So, yeah, Executive and Legislative branches: 1/3rd direct interpretation of law, 1/3rd omitted content that should be common sense, and 1/3rd pretending that everything is fine and nothing will ever go wrong because if it does we're fucked lalalalaaaaaaalala~~~
I am honestly tired of the talking point "libruls hated comey now they cheer him!!!

It's desperation, they know Comey is telling the truth, and they know the truth is devastating. Thats why they're trying to discredit him and deflect with pointless arguments like that.

The White House and Fox are also coordinating to discredit Mueller and his team, they were using the same talking point from the last 24 hours.


It's desperation, they know Comey is telling the truth, and they know the truth is devastating. Thats why they're trying to discredit him and deflect with pointless arguments like that.

The White House and Fox are also coordinating to discredit Mueller and his team, they were using the same talking point from the last 24 hours.

I wonder if Fox News hosts can be questioned about their correspondences with the white house.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Apparently Scalise is in critical condition and his organs are damaged. Hospital statement says "severe bleeding." Hoping he pulls through.
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