Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Took so much for them to beat bradley and it was more luck than anything, so boss
You guys keep referring to ami as a he lol
It's not that bad compared to other anime, its actually quite sophisticated which is why it has such a good reputation.
Bradley is such a baller even in death
Everyone's a he on the internet.
I just had to search that up and I watch the entire toothbrush scene. I feel extremely dirty but...intrigued. I might check out the anime. Thanks.
Everyone's a he on the internet.
I just had to search that up and I watch the entire toothbrush scene. I feel extremely dirty but...intrigued. I might check out the anime. Thanks.
Remember guys, the ending of FMA Manga/Brotherhood was too clean and happy and everything worked out perfectly!
Tonight's theme seems to be
Do these people not realize how homonculi work? Fritz Lang is still alive.
welcome, sister, I will now tell you the order to watch the series: bakemonogatari>nisemonogatari>nekomonogatari>monogatari the second season, there is a part called kizumonogatari that is a movie, that was announced like over a year ago, still hasent come out, but that goes before everything else, but dont worry about it.
also the monogatari series is all about dialogue, talking all the time. it gives alot of character development but it doesnt mean everything is constantly progressing either, but its all worth it in the end.
Wow. Thanks. Didn't realize it was such a big thing. Great. If I enjoy it, I'll have a lot of material. How long has it been going?
Was the 3rd promo for Space Dandy different?
Was the 3rd promo for Space Dandy different?
bakemonogatari the anime started in 2009, I think nisemonogatari either happened in 2010 or 2011 and nekomonogatari was at the end of 2012, monogatari second season aired this year and is still ongoing though I think its close to the end this season. Nekomonogatari technically is before monogatari storywise but I think it has more impact afterwards. Second season has so much pay off of so much character development that happened through all those 3 seasons.
Man, this Christmas commercial is really long and weird.
I'm still surprised they didn't try to trick Armstrong into becoming the 4th sacrifice
It is really long and for some reason it makes me sad. Somethings about it really make me nostalgic.