So i missed like 2 episodes, the glasses chick got killed?
So i missed like 2 episodes, the glasses chick got killed?
watOh dear, one of the moments where Akame actually has to show emotion.
One Piece sadness this is not.
Killed by a plush doggy.
I think the Prime Minister is probably the only decent voice on this show.
I think we have found the real aliens who have only vague knowledge of what humon emotions are to play these characters.
So i missed like 2 episodes, the glasses chick got killed?
Glasses girl was ok and so is EVA girl.
Welcome to my problem to Esdeth, you can't really attempt to merge waifu culture and irredeemable tyrant together.
Akame Ga Kill was made by a robot who was given the entire database of deviant art weabboos and told to make a manga
So i missed like 2 episodes, the glasses chick got killed?
Gay Bro has a good voice actor.
Eaten by Justice Girl's dog.
"I just wanna level up as fast as i can"
To be fair, it's really only the fans that do that. Despite, the manga fully acknowledges that she is a terrible, irredeemable monster that has only helped the capital maintain its state of depravity.her infatuation with Tatsumi
it was made by a guy who usually writes eroge
why can't I enjoy this show like I did a year ago ;-;