I feel the biggest difference between Gurren Lagann and Kill La Kill is that the former is enjoyable.
....If I had a mic, I'd drop it right now.
This gif is too large and too long.
Overheated my phone.
Wow Hellwarden DansGame
laceFail cirRage atpMistake forsenBan
They are both ridiculously overhyped but Kill la Kill is way worse. In fact I'd go as far as to say that it's a bad show the second half but I'm one of the few in here who thinks that way,
This gif is too large and too long.
Overheated my phone.
Agreed. What made it great was the fact it was paired with the slow build up of increasing the sense of scale of the world. We start underground, make it to the surface, have a small robot, get a giant robot, get a WALKING BATTLESHIP, take to the skies, get a GIANT BATTLESHIP DISGUISED AS THE MOON, go to space, SOMEHOW EVEN BIGGER ROBOTS, then freakin' galaxy size.tbh Gurren Lagann's best aspect is probably its pacing
Rea talk I got the iphone 6s over the weekend and its really awesome
....Man, I would go to a universe in which fudge, fried chicken, and pizza could not exist, if it would get me more Space Dandy.
This gif is too large and too long.
Overheated my phone.
It was too big, too thick, too heavy and too long.
It is a series where roses were deadly projectiles.The fighting in Sailor Moon always seem to involve less punching and kicking, and more slapping and pushing to be honest.
I think I recall one episode where Serena tried to do a flying kick, and just completely missed.
It is a series where roses were deadly projectiles.
Don't worry your tiny shota mind about it. He is just fishing for a weekday ToonamiGAF™ lewd post.
This is true.
I recall even Tuxedo mask didn't fight really. You would think he would have a sword or something.
But he either fought with weird party tricks, or his most common weapon, roses.
Back before Crystal came out, I remember that one reason given for the manga being better than the anime was that Tuxedo Mask actually did have attacks other than his roses.
I really should read Berserk.
I just hate the idea of the wait between chapters.
Im posting this again because I still want feedback, do you guys think this is worth putting on a demo, any suggestions for the acting part? script was just something I found
They said that it's going back to being a monthly release. I don't believe that'll last longer than a few months, but who knows.
Didn't that go on hiatus because supposedly the author was doing something else?
I should watch and read it, because I saw how funny the outtakes were.
First time in a while that M&H didn't break 1m.
Everyone buy Megaman Legends. It's a good game.