let's eat shit together
let's eat shit together
She has into using 10% of her power then, obviouslyWait Gene was able to make her bleed with a fist but a knife breaks when it comes to contact with her skin
She has into using 10% of her power then, obviously
There's an upcoming bit that was pretty entertaining, though I'm certain the anime will fuck it up.because it involves Killer Bee
The thing is, the creeper market provides a lot of profits, so there's no incentive to change. They'll leave the worst of it out of the Western collabs, but that has no bearing on Japanese-made stuff. The otaku are still going to pay through the nose for boobs.
Plus, the studios and artists that collab with Western productions are usually the ones that are used to doing it. Most of the industry doesn't give a shit. I mean, hell, a lot of anime adaptations are still made with the idea that you've already read the manga. Even Toei puts spoilers in their episode titles because magazines spoil the episode to everyone in Japan. They wouldn't do that if they actually cared about the Western market, and they don't.
RIP Hilda.
I wasn't referring to the occasional boob juggle. I ain't a fan of that stuff, but if that was the worst anime did, I wouldn't think it was as big a problem. I'm talking about the super excessive stuff like the stupid amount of fan service they gave Yoko in Gurren Lagann, or the stupidly skimpy outfits so many women have in lots of action Shonen (cough cough bleach), or the absolutely disgusting shit like in Kill La Kill. Stuff that is quite popular in anime and among the fandom and yet has serious problems with fanservice and worse.
I ain't gonna make a moral argument about it or get outraged, I just think it has absolutely zero place in anime and will argue that whenever I can.
it isthis episode is good
Well,But does she poop?
One designed by Shoji Kawamori (Macross co-creator) at that.now that's a 90s spaceship
this bomb is dope.this episode is good
Like fine wine, baby.Almost 20 years later and Aisha is still a top-tier anime catgirl<3