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Toonami |SepOct17| 1 + 1 = YEAH!


IIRC, TNG's first season was kind of hamstrung by Roddenberry deciding, among other things, that the show should have "no interpersonal conflict between the crew". Which is, um, yeah.


I'm not a trekkie but so far discovery is alright with a lot of potential

I do know a lot of second hand stuff because I watch sfdebris as background noise while working
plot twist: tokyo ghoul gets the rerun slot after aot2


The edgelords got their time in the sun. Now it needs to be done and goes back to hell where it belongs.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Discovery might grow into something great.

Most Star Trek series don't have great beginnings. The Next Generation had a pretty bad first season, including the infamous Code of Honor episode.


I was surprised that they still air that one in reruns. I would have thought they would bury it and leave it only on DVD/Blu-Ray releases.
Finished ep 1 of Discovery.

It's a slow start, but it's pretty good just from a visual point of view. There's no way this wasn't trying to be like the Abrams movies.

It's still amazing that we're in an age where TV has basically caught up with Hollywood.



Holy shit guys, this might be the mecca of bad anime. This is just obsceneley bad, and in only the worst ways. This is making me feel shame and embarrassment on a level I havent had since seeing the Room.

I dont have my giffing studio up to make gifs, so you'll have to bear with me

This show stars one of the worst self inserts ive ever experienced. He's literally perfect at everything he does, but acts like a little bitch 99% of time. The dialogue makes absolutely no sense, and they reference things made by smart people to be like HEY LOOK AT HOW CULTURED WE ARE. No human beings interact like they do in this show. The animation is horrendous, thee voice acting is terrible, this show has a hard time dealing with mouth sync, and it's fucking got the worst sound effects and mixing ive seen.

This is literally it fam. I think Ive discovered something that manages to be worse then Tenchi Muyo GXP. This could be it.

Holy shit guys, this might be the mecca of bad anime. This is just obsceneley bad, and in only the worst ways. This is making me feel shame and embarrassment on a level I havent had since seeing the Room.

I dont have my giffing studio up to make gifs, so you'll have to bear with me

This show stars one of the worst self inserts ive ever experienced. He's literally perfect at everything he does, but acts like a little bitch 99% of time. The dialogue makes absolutely no sense, and they reference things made by smart people to be like HEY LOOK AT HOW CULTURED WE ARE. No human beings interact like they do in this show. The animation is horrendous, thee voice acting is terrible, this show has a hard time dealing with mouth sync, and it's fucking got the worst sound effects and mixing ive seen.

This is literally it fam. I think Ive discovered something that manages to be worse then Tenchi Muyo GXP. This could be it.

I told you guys.

This...thing is a shitshow in the best and worst ways. don't watch it sober. Jaden Smith's self insert main character still haunts my dreams.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Neo Yokio is terrible. I watched two episodes and just couldn't stop rolling my eyes. Its not so bad its good, its so bad you realize you're watching a vanity project for a rich brat who is channeling all that teenage "imagination" into shitty gags and every anime stereotype possible. I'd rather watch Tokyo Ghoul.

Also the director of the new Blade Runner film is making a new Dune movie for all those joking about that. Its his next project.


Like, im sitting here speechless after what I just witnessed.

This is like the Room, but in anime form. A vain project made by a vain man trying to appear way smarter, cool, and awesome then he actually is.

I thought people in society would be too self aware to create a second Room, but by golly, this competes with it


I do think the show is supposed to be comedic and is basically an indie (like was Anderson or woodie allen kind of indie) in anime "style"

I like that kind of stuff but it's not funny, the character is annoying and lacks the charm they have


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Like, im sitting here speechless after what I just witnessed.

This is like the Room, but in anime form. A vain project made by a vain man trying to appear way smarter, cool, and awesome then he actually is.

I thought people in society would be too self aware to create a second Room, but by golly, this competes with it

At least Tommy Wiseau seems like a pretty ok, if totally weird guy that's incredibly earnest but just seems to have no clue how to better voice his thoughts and creative desires. Jaden just seems like a tool who hasn't gotten past the "teenagers know it all" phase yet and thinks what he's making is at all interesting, unique or worth while.


You can tell when they're trying to be funny, and it falls flat, in fact, the only truly funny parts are when they try t take themselves seriously

Im just astonished by this show. Im gonna try to watch episode 2, but Idk if my brain can handle it

At least Tommy Wiseau seems like a pretty ok, if totally weird guy. Jaden just seems like a tool who hasn't gotten past the "teenagers know it all" phase yet.

I think Jaden Smith is just the voice actor, Ezra Koenig's name is plastered all over it.
Like, im sitting here speechless after what I just witnessed.

This is like the Room, but in anime form. A vain project made by a vain man trying to appear way smarter, cool, and awesome then he actually is.

I thought people in society would be too self aware to create a second Room, but by golly, this competes with it


That is the EXACT comparison I made on twitter to a friend.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You can tell when they're trying to be funny, and it falls flat, in fact, the only truly funny parts are when they try t take themselves seriously

Im just astonished by this show. Im gonna try to watch episode 2, but Idk if my brain can handle it

I think Jaden Smith is just the voice actor, Ezra Koenig's name is plastered all over it.

He sucks too.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Wow, props to him if he manages to pull that off.

Fun fact: People going to David Lynch's Dune were given a glossary before entering the theater.

He's apparently a huge fan of the novel and wants to do it proper justice this time around. Anyone else and I would be pretty worried but he's like tailor made for a Dune film. Its a great combination.


...speaking of, the first impressions of the new Blade Runner are "it's really good".

Again, I'm actually surprised.


He's apparently a huge fan of the novel and wants to do it proper justice this time around. Anyone else and I would be pretty worried but he's like tailor made for a Dune film. Its a great combination.
Yeah, here's hoping he does well, it's a great book. I'll be really impressed if he pulls it off.

They probably locked Ridley Scott in a closet.
Heh. Still wonder how he managed to get The Martian right.

I should rewatch the original Blade Runner, it's been forever and I barely remember any of it


This is a show made by someone who's never experienced any actual problems. Even the room had a strong conflict at least, the stakes in this show are literally the least important things


Oh, holy shit, I didn't know the new Blade Runner was by the guy who did Arrival! I haven't watched that yet either, but I really want to since I've read the original story and I'm blown away by people telling me that he managed to do it faithfully.

Alright, yes, this definitely sounds like the kind of guy who'd get Dune right.
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