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Toonami |SepOct17| 1 + 1 = YEAH!

Greed Island is the best arc of HxH.

The only difference between Genkai and Bisky is Bisky doesn't take every opportunity to verbally smash her students
In all fairness Gon is easier to deal with than Yusuke. Now Killua on the other hand brings the Genkai out of Bisky.


I have a somewhat irrational love of exam/competition arcs and thus put the Hunter Exam arc far above what it should be based solely on quality. Aside from that, Greed Island would be the best arc thus far for me... if Yorknew didn't exist and completely smash everything before or since quality wise.

Seriously, Yorknew is one of the best arcs in shonen. I truly believe that. It did so much beautifully and really improved my opinion on the show (not that it wasn't high before that).

Putting aside that this is awesome, why is this even a thing? Bringing back Captain Planet is so random. Kudos on them for bringing back the original VAs. Is the reason just Kwame and the Captain are back is because only their VAs could return?

I wonder if there would be value in bringing back Captain Planet as a show? Maybe in a more nuanced/less ham-fisted kind of way but still faithful to the tone and themes of the original.
It's a thing because Ian JQ thinks it's cool. No more reason needed.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yorknew isn't great because it focuses on the worst character. Also the Troupe are a bunch of lamers for the most part.


But I like how batshit the characters/fights are and I read it because the anime got me into it. I oddly don't read a lot of mangas unless the anime got me interested in the property.

One Piece is easily as crazy as jojo in terms of both characters and fights also as for the Anime that's what you get when Toei has been producing you for 20 years and you make money no matter what the quality/pacing is like


tbh, brilliant as it is, One Piece has some pretty severe flaws that are hard to ignore.

Like e.g., pretty much anything Oda writes involving women. I know that's something people argue rather vehemently about, but to me, it's gotten so bad. There's a ton of issues like that, where Oda leans too much into tropes and stereotypes, and they've started to really bring down the series.

It's still one of the best shounens around. But it's never going to be the best with the issues it has.


tbh, brilliant as it is, One Piece has some pretty severe flaws that are hard to ignore.

Like e.g., pretty much anything Oda writes involving women. I know that's something people argue rather vehemently about, but to me, it's gotten so bad. There's a ton of issues like that, where Oda leans too much into tropes and stereotypes, and they've started to really bring down the series.

It's still one of the best shounens around. But it's never going to be the best with the issues it has.

I can't think of a shonen anime or manga that has the level of respect for female characters like Oda does. Yes he draws women with huge titties, but there's a wide variety of female body shapes that he uses outside of his Jessica Rabbit build (which I understand why Oda draws his beautiful women like that. Super Looney Tunes esque figures.)

The only flaws I can think of are
his lack of using certain characters,
but he hasnt used a lot of characters in real fights for a while
and his unabashed love of big boobs, which in the grand scheme of things, especially in the world of japanese manga, is probably the least offensive thing on earth.

The tropey thing I think is a problem with how many characters he's introduced, but this is fairly typical in any type of epic work with ludicrous amounts of characters.

One Piece is by far the best shonen manga out there that has lasted a long time. It took until
fishman island
for there to be any type of dip in quality, and while that dip lasted a couple of arcs,
was one of the better arcs in the series

I havent read much of
yet since I like to binge read One Piece, and I also generally hate fan translations of manga, but I havent heard of anything bad about it.


Let's all be honest with ourselves here: Fullmetal Alchemist is the best shonen, either in manga or anime form.


I super disagree. Like, really hard. Oda's literally the archetype of "middle aged Japanese dude who barely understands women" in my head. I might be biased because I read a lot of seinen, but One Piece is in the pits of how women are written in manga. Something like Naruto might be worse, but that's not saying much.

The women have a lot of body types, sure, but they're still all easily categorized into "exaggerated curves" or "hideously ugly". Sure, some of them are giants, or whatever, but there's nothing approaching the variety of body types that the men have. And worse, the camera is incredibly male gaze in a really fanservice-y way. It's pretty obvious why, but it's not something I like. (And that alone would dethrone Oda as someone who has the most respect for female characters, honestly.)

But that's not the only issue, the broader issue is that nearly everything involving women in One Piece is a stereotype. Nami and Robin are the principal exceptions, but even they get treated badly with the way Oda actively doesn't allow them to fight. The most recent arc seemed like it'd finally get better about this, but nope, Oda drove right into stereotype zone. Even Dressrosa leaned hard into a damsel-in-distress stereotype and a really awful costume, even if it made no logical sense.

And it's only gotten worse since the timeskip, with Oda leaning hard into stereotypes with almost everything. I suspect his health issues play a role in this, but still, ugh.

Let's all be honest with ourselves here: Fullmetal Alchemist is the best shonen, either in manga or anime form.
Yeah, the FMA manga is a much better contender to the throne, at least for battle shounen.

(And needless to say, it writes women infinitely better than One Piece.)


With a poorly paced anime. I can't even filler guide that shit.

it's only poorly paced after you get to the scooby do arc.

also. Some fans have also taken to ways to fix the anime. They feel that the anime should go at One Pace, not the random ass pace it goes at now :p

Let's all be honest with ourselves here: Fullmetal Alchemist is the best shonen, either in manga or anime form.

no lies detected.


I'd go with the manga for One Piece either way. Like, at the very least, Toei's art never lives up to Oda's art after a point.

(Which is a shame, since man, the early One Piece anime looked so nice.)
I always though the original Red Dead Redemption was easily the best game Rockstar has ever made, so I hope the sequel can live up to to it.
I super disagree. Like, really hard. Oda's literally the archetype of "middle aged Japanese dude who barely understands women" in my head. I might be biased because I read a lot of seinen, but One Piece is in the pits of how women are written in manga. Something like Naruto might be worse, but that's not saying much.

The women have a lot of body types, sure, but they're still all easily categorized into "exaggerated curves" or "hideously ugly". Sure, some of them are giants, or whatever, but there's nothing approaching the variety of body types that the men have. And worse, the camera is incredibly male gaze in a really fanservice-y way. It's pretty obvious why, but it's not something I like. (And that alone would dethrone Oda as someone who has the most respect for female characters, honestly.)

But that's not the only issue, the broader issue is that nearly everything involving women in One Piece is a stereotype. Nami and Robin are the principal exceptions, but even they get treated badly with the way Oda actively doesn't allow them to fight. The most recent arc seemed like it'd finally get better about this, but nope, Oda drove right into stereotype zone. Even Dressrosa leaned hard into a damsel-in-distress stereotype and a really awful costume, even if it made no logical sense.

And it's only gotten worse since the timeskip, with Oda leaning hard into stereotypes with almost everything. I suspect his health issues play a role in this, but still, ugh.

Yeah, the FMA manga is a much better contender to the throne, at least for battle shounen.

(And needless to say, it writes women infinitely better than One Piece.)

When it comes to the current arc, I'm gonna have to strongly disagree since
Big Mom is one of the most fully realized, multifaceted characters in the story, Chiffon is contributing to the climax, Nami has had the amplest involvement in a story arc in a loooong time. Even Pudding, for how decisive the community is on her, bucks and twists the common innocent damsel stereotype.

While FMA better utilized the female characters, it had its fair share of issues with Winry and Hawkeye playing a less active role in the plot in the second half.
Granted, I'm basing this off of Brotherhood since I haven't read the manga to completion.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
When it comes to the current arc, I'm gonna have to strongly disagree since
Big Mom is one of the most fully realized, multifaceted characters in the story and Nami has had the amplest involvement in a story arc in a loooong time. Even Pudding, for how decisive the community is on her, bucks and twists the common innocent damsel stereotype.

While FMA better utilized the female characters, it had its fair share of issues with Winry and Hawkeye playing a less active role in the plot in the second half.

That's because Armstrong was fucking people up.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
When it comes to the current arc, I'm gonna have to strongly disagree since
Big Mom is one of the most fully realized, multifaceted characters in the story and Nami has had the amplest involvement in a story arc in a loooong time. Even Pudding, for how decisive the community is on her, bucks and twists the common innocent damsel stereotype.

While FMA better utilized the female characters, it had its fair share of issues with Winry and Hawkeye playing a less active role in the plot in the second half.
That's more to do with them not being Alchemists (or an Armstrong) as the other ladies in FMA are all getting work done in the endgame.


When it comes to the current arc, I'm gonna have to strongly disagree since
Big Mom is one of the most fully realized, multifaceted characters in the story, Chiffon is contributing to the climax, Nami has had the amplest involvement in a story arc in a loooong time. Even Pudding, for how decisive the community is on her, bucks and twists the common innocent damsel stereotype.
Fair enough, but
I had really high hopes for Big Mom and Pudding, but I'm really disappointed in the direction it's taking. Big Mom's still pretty good, and yeah, Nami's gotten a better deal than usual, but it's still pretty rough and leans far too much into Oda's conservative ideas, it's not as good as I'd hoped.

Still, One Piece has done it so horribly that it's going to take a a lot better than the most recent arc for me to be okay with it. I don't have enough faith in Oda to be confident that it's a long-term improvement.

While FMA better utilized the female characters, it had its fair share of issues with Winry and Hawkeye playing a less active role in the plot in the second half.
Granted, I'm basing this off of Brotherhood since I haven't read the manga to completion.
That's more an issue with their characters specifically rather than the women in general, since plenty of other female characters get to put their work in.

And it didn't come across as a huge deal in the manga when I read it, so it might be worse in the anime, I'unno.
More people watched Bebop over Outlaw Star?


I not surprised by either of these. Bebop is still big in popularity, more popular than Outlaw Star. Attack on Titan is a more modern show that is known to more people and holds more popularity currently.

I get that Bebop and AoT2 are re-runs, but, even though it has been shown on Toonami in a long time and it was edited at the time, Outlaw Star is still a re-run in a sense and not as popular as those two shows. Outlaw Star feels more of a cult hit than those two do.
It's because of May, Al is able to sacrifice himself to restore Ed arm.

May also helps with the group when Father stopped Alchemy usage

She helped, but most of that was on Alphonse since it was his idea.

Fair enough, but
I had really high hopes for Big Mom and Pudding, but I'm really disappointed in the direction it's taking. Big Mom's still pretty good, and yeah, Nami's gotten a better deal than usual, but it's still pretty rough and leans far too much into Oda's conservative ideas, it's not as good as I'd hoped.

Still, One Piece has done it so horribly that it's going to take a a lot better than the most recent arc for me to be okay with it. I don't have enough faith in Oda to be confident that it's a long-term improvement.

I can only speak for myself, but the direction Pudding is going in is more interesting and lends itself towards more possibilities than her just being plain old evil or plain old good.
I also don't believe One Piece has treated its main heroines as badly as Sakura or Orihime. Even minor characters like Rebecca or Tashigi are victims of circumstance and being pre-defined by the fanbase.
Looking back in hindsight shows that the mountains really are just molehills.


Bleach and Naruto are worse than One Piece, yes, but that's not saying much.
And I'm disappointed in Pudding because she effectively became a joke character instead of, you know, a real villain. And it's pretty obvious the reason Pudding gets 'redeemed' is because she happens to be a cute girl, rather than Oda genuinely thinking that it'd be more interesting. cf., Reiju, Hancock, Baby 5, others.

And I wouldn't call them molehills. I'm not saying One Piece is a bad series, but why cut Oda that much slack for something he does so badly? It can be done far better than he's willing to do.


She helped, but most of that was on Alphonse since it was his idea.

I can only speak for myself, but the direction Pudding is going in is more interesting and lends itself towards more possibilities than her just being plain old evil or plain old good.
I also don't believe One Piece has treated its main heroines as badly as Sakura or Orihime. Even minor characters like Rebecca or Tashigi are victims of circumstance and being pre-defined by the fanbase.
Looking back in hindsight shows that the mountains really are just molehills.

Yeah the only thing ever hyped about Rebecca was her dodging ability and Tashigi was never presented to be on the same level as Zoro, I'm still waiting for Tashigi to be revealed to be Kunia with amnesia and suddenly stronger than Zoro when she gets her memory back
On the subject of Tashigi,
regardless of her not being that strong, I really wasn't a fan of how she was handled on Punk Hazard, with all those background navy men thirsting over her and Smoker opening up her shirt after switching bodies. Then she proceeded not to actually do anything of note.


Yeah the only thing ever hyped about Rebecca was her dodging ability and Tashigi was never presented to be on the same level as Zoro, I'm still waiting for Tashigi to be revealed to be Kunia with amnesia and suddenly stronger than Zoro when she gets her memory back
That's nonsense. The story doesn't write itself, Oda writes the story. The only reason they don't get fights is because Oda doesn't want to let girls fight. Like, the actual reason Oda gives for Tashigi being weaker than Zoro is that she's a girl. Which is total nonsense in the pile of unrealism that One Piece is, and worse, literally runs counter to what Zoro says to Kuina in his backstory.

Look, let me put it bluntly as possible: Oda is a sexist middle-aged Japanese man, who grew up in an extremely conservative society. He writes a really good story, yes, and doesn't mean anything bad by it, but that doesn't mean you have to find excuses for him.
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