I just use the automatic token machines usually, rarely ever buy anything from the booth
Some stations outside of the core, like Runnymede where I frequent, don't have token machines, or metro pass dispensers. So your only choice is to confront the terror of the token collector. I once saw a collector at said station refuse to speak to an elderly woman who didn't understand they had no more metropasses. Instead he only pointed to a poorly written sign that said NO METROPASSES, until after thirty seconds of pointing, he blurted out NO FUCKING METROPASSES HERE, CAN'T YOU READ.
Yeeeep, love them collectors. I find the ratio of friendly/unfriendly collectors is even worse than streetcar drivers. Drivers will at least give me a THANK YOU half the time for showing my pass.
Hey Toronto GAF,
I'm moving to Toronto for a year in August from North Carolina by way of Calgary. Just wanted to say this has been a hugely useful thread. I wanted to get some opinions of places to live. I'm trying to get a place near work and have a few areas picked out. I was looking at the Annex and near OCAD.
I also love to Long distance Cycle and I know I saw a post awhile back about a Gaffer riding the RtCC. I won't have a vehicle so I am wondering how hard it is to get out of the city to do a nice long ride 50-70km few times a week.
Anyone use Zipshare?
Hi. If you're looking to live around OCAD, Annex would be be a good choice. There's a lot of apartment rentals, people renting out houses, and rentals in general. There's also plenty to do in the Annex. I personally enjoy living slightly outside of the core, so I'd recommend you take a look at Roncesvalles and Parkdale as well. Anything East of the Don Valley is probably getting a bit far if you're thinking of biking everywhere, but plenty of people do it at there are some very nice neighborhoods in the area. Try using the apartment resources in the OT, and view as many as you can before making a final decision.
And if by Zipshare, you mean Zipcar, then yes. Although it's very infrequently we do, we use it for appointments in Scarborough and Mississauga, or when we pick something up large. If you're planning on traveling all day, you probably want to consider a standard car rental instead, as Zipcar is around $10.75-$13.00 per hour (price depends on size, but this includes insurance and gas), whereas you could rent an Enterprise car over the weekend for around $100. I do like Zipcar's service a lot, and they have an easy to access office in Toronto. It makes a great alternative as we don't have a car, but occasionally like to have one to use (and of course for emergencies).
Let us know how your move goes.