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Tour de Lance, Armstrong wins stage, gets spat on by fans

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Justin Bailey

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L'ALPE D'HUEZ, France (Reuters) - Tour de France director Jean-Marie Leblanc admitted he had seen fans spit at five-times champion Lance Armstrong during the 9.6-miles time trial to L'Alpe d'Huez on Wednesday.


Haters are going to be owned, however:


L'ALPE D'HUEZ, France (Reuters) - Lance Armstrong seized complete control of the Tour de France on Wednesday with an awesome display of power cycling to win the 9.6-mile individual time trial.

The American, bidding for a record sixth overall Tour victory, blasted round the 21 hairpins on the twisting climb to the Alpine ski resort in 39 minutes 41.47 seconds to annihilate his nearest rival Ivan Basso.



All it takes is ONE incident - like the stabbing of Seles - and you can kiss this "fan involvement" good-bye.

MotherFers will ruin everything for the rest of us eventually.

Justin Bailey

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bishoptl said:
Come on - it's not like these assmonkeys represent all of France.
They were German anyway:

"There were lots of fans, and it was a little scary. To me, sincerely, it was not a good idea to have a time trial at l'Alpe d'Huez. It's over now but a lot of German fans were just disgusting. C'est la vie...


CaptainABAB said:
"Germans the big binge drinkers of Europe"


"Survey finds 17 percent of German adults believe
'the point of drinking is to get drunk'"
I would have thought the Russians had that title. I bet if you did a survey, 10% of Russians would say the sole purpose of having a job is to make money to buy vodka. :p Someone did a study and it was like 5-10% of the population drinks to the point that they don't have normal lives. And that doesn't include the people who aren't off the deep end, but still drink too much, too often for their own/family's good. I remember there was/is debate in Russia about a new tax on vodka and something like 20% of the population said that the tax would cut into their family budget. What the heck? Cut into the family budget? Cut down on the vodka you freaks! Can you imagine that conversation: Parent: "Hmmm. Vodka or enough food for the kids? Hmmmm. Well, sorry kids, you can eat next week!"

As for the main topic of the thread, I'm afraid CaptainABAB's post may be the most accurate one posted.


Well, Russia isn't in Europe, in terms of this survey.

BTW, I work with Russians who drive drunk in NYC!!! The one place where you don't need a car AT ALL. Why? They claim "russian pride"


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
If Happy Gilmore had been about biking rather than golf, this would likely be a publicity photo for the film.

How pathetic. These people have nothing better to do than go out and flick off and spit on racers? Jesus, get a effin' job, or at least a hobby.
Wait, are they doing this as an anti-America thing?

and even though with the middle finger guy there making it look like the whole crowd is against him, it could possibly be just one jackass.
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