Maybe game rank is single platform, website rank is cross platform?I wonder what the disconnect between website rank and game rank is, maybe the website is not updated as often?
Maybe game rank is single platform, website rank is cross platform?I wonder what the disconnect between website rank and game rank is, maybe the website is not updated as often?
Maybe game rank is single platform, website rank is cross platform?
Ah didn't notice that. Just checked and it's definitely not cross platform leaderboard. Also doesn't seem to be time delayed. WeirdBut you select a platform on the site? It's possible, and that would make more sense to be honest
just picked up the pc version. can't find the graphical settings. anyone know how to get to them?
I've been trying for almost that long to get a green on #2 alone lol, what time do I need?
edit: woo got it
Also if you're on ps4 can I add you for ghost?
There is a launcher for the game, it's in there. Should just be called Config.exe, in the same folder with regular game .exe. There's also some basic graphical settings like resolution and AA in the game's settings. Move your mouse to the top of the screen and hit the gear icon.
Speaking of graphic settings, has anyone found any SGSSAA bits so far?
The launcher settings didn't work at all for me. Launched the game and it ran at 900p, checked the launcher again and all settings were like I had set them. They just didn't have any effect on the game. =/
Checked the in-game settings and saw that you couldn't change anything there. Remembered how the older games had the options menu at the top and tried that and fortunately those settings did work.
But if you only play this game with a gamepad you would have no fucking idea how to access those options.
It's a shame the PC version was a straight port with some PC features bolted on. They finally got the presentation/UI down at least.
Are there enough improvements to make this worth picking up on pc for someone who owns all of 2? The lack of custom dedicated servers is a huge blow.
Campaign track #28 was nearly the death of me. Over 100 tries to get hold. The end feels so based on luck.
They are going to give Maniaplanet Lagoon for free if you own Turbo.
Grabbed this yesterday and have been having a blast. The visuals remind me a little of the old Sega arcade racers like Outrun or Daytona USA. Those blue skies, bright colors, and that crazy drifting. What an awesome surprise this game has been.
Is that confirmed anywhere?
Source"It's planned to give a free TM² environment to Turbo buyers (from any plateform), including Lagoon when it'll be available next year. But we don't have a process yet on how it'll be done." - Cerovan
"Yes, we wish to give Maniaplanet Lagoon for free to every Trackmania Turbo owner. On console, I hope we will be able to do it through the Uplay account, but it's still to be confirmed." - Hylis
Regarding to this pro-driver you unlock the super solo mode once you got all trackmaster medals.
Don't know if this is true for consoles and pc?
wtf is a super solo mode? lol
Yo! Welcome to the Super TrackMaster video series. For those, who don't know what Super TrackMaster means, here a quick explanation: Me and a few other professional drivers have been hired by Nadeo to drive super hard to beat times to make a Super TrackMaster medal. Once you've beaten the regular TrackMaster medals on all 200 tracks, you will unlock the Super Solo mode where you can tackle our times
Regarding to this pro-driver you unlock the super solo mode once you got all trackmaster medals.
Don't know if this is true for consoles and pc?
from the comments
from the comments
Well I don't have to worry about that lol.. I don't see myself getting track master in all the tracks.. I got gold in the first 50, and trackmaster in 5 of them. I wish there was a better way to check needed times for green medal, maybe show only after getting gold or something
Easily the best arcade racer in years and an absolute steal at that price.
Quality stuff.
Campaign track #28 was nearly the death of me. Over 100 tries to get hold. The end feels so based on luck.
Easily the best arcade racer in years and an absolute steal at that price.
Quality stuff.
A couple of basic questions for people who have spent some time with the game, I've only just started it.
- Having watched a video on YouTube it looks like you can sort of bunny hop the cars but I couldn't work out how it happened, I've tried pressing everything. What am I missing?
- Is there any way to manually boost?
If you are racing in "stunt mode", you use the right stick to control suspension/bunny hopA couple of basic questions for people who have spent some time with the game, I've only just started it.
- Having watched a video on YouTube it looks like you can sort of bunny hop the cars but I couldn't work out how it happened, I've tried pressing everything. What am I missing?
- Is there any way to manually boost?
You can only hop when it's in stunt mode, you can do it by moving the right stick up and down.
I believe you can boost, I think it's L1 or LB.
Thanks.If you are racing in "stunt mode", you use the right stick to control suspension/bunny hop
There's no regular boost. EDIT: Whoa really? Didn't know that
Easily the best arcade racer in years and an absolute steal at that price.
Quality stuff.
How's the framerate on PS4?
It's great, haven't noticed any significant dips, but there's the odd screen tear here and there. Nothing major.
is it 60, 30 or variable fps?
I believe you can boost, I think it's L1 or LB.
Is anyone seeing some strange graphical artifacts in the early Valley levels? PC version. The sun and/or clouds reflect on the screen in some really strange ways. It's tough to explain but it feels like a broken god ray or something.
I only get it in fullscreen. Weird.
You sure about that? None of the previous games allowed you to manually boost. Pressing it in-game doesn't do anything either.
edit: If there's a boost, I'm 99% sure it's not active in the racing mode.
60 but very rarely will drop a few.
Well I don't have to worry about that lol.. I don't see myself getting track master in all the tracks.. I got gold in the first 50, and trackmaster in 5 of them. I wish there was a better way to check needed times for green medal, maybe show only after getting gold or something
I'm not enjoying this as much as I'd expected/hoped to.
Then again, the fact that part of the campaign is locked behind perfection has kind of killed my excitement.
Picked this up on a whim (on PC). I'd heard of the series off and on over the years, but for some reason, I thought it was something totally different from what it actually is. I thought it was just an online kart racing game for PC. I'm soooo glad that I was wrong. And I'm also soooo bummed it took me this long to play! It's like Wipeout meets Trials. Two of my favorite games in one!