Good to know. And how would you feel if you were a trans female?
Unfortunately, this requires empathy and critical thought. Not high on the list of strengths for the majority of bigots.
Good to know. And how would you feel if you were a trans female?
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Civil rights. Do you think it would be fair for someone to be able to go to the bathroom they identify with happily in one state and it to be illegal in another?Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
This is the same argument that allowed slavery and then Jim Crow to endure for as long as it did. Some states need to be FORCED to do the right thing and that is the way it should be.
By protecting the rights of the minority, you protect everyone's rights. This does not work in the opposite direction.
Even from a selfish perspective in makes sense to protect minority rights. Sooner or later you may find yourself in the minority. You protect those rights now and there will be nothing to worry about later.
You guys post sources from these links all the time so surely you wouldn't mind if I posted these, since you wanted statistics:
Remember, I said around half, not over half, or less than half, agreed with me on the bathroom law.
You guys post sources from these links all the time so surely you wouldn't mind if I posted these, since you wanted statistics:
Remember, I said around half, not over half, or less than half, agreed with me on the bathroom law.
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Percentages change over time, and people begin to understand they're wrong.
Slavery was a much bigger deal though. SOME issues do need to be settled by the federal government, not all.
Sorry for the double post. Thread is moving so fast that I thought someone else would've posted by now.
This is great news, fuck that piece of shit. Being a bigoted scumbag should carry real life consequences, I'm glad his life is in tatters.
OK but currently (most of those sources I posted are fairly current), it's roughly half. Yes, over time approval will go up.
And who knows, maybe my opinion will change some day. But right now I'll stand firm.
I didn't have a candidate for me in the election so I didn't vote.
Why you posting on The_Donald tho
Told ya about those burner accountsWhy you posting on The_Donald tho
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeitWhy you posting on The_Donald tho
Why you posting on The_Donald tho
Why you posting on The_Donald tho
Yeah, now go back to the 1960s and see how many people opposed black people using white bathrooms.
Why you posting on The_Donald tho
"And I have nothing to fire back with!" kills me for some reason.
"These people are actually smart and dismantling my poorly thought out arguments, send help!"
Why you posting on The_Donald tho
Why you posting on The_Donald tho
What in the fuck does that even mean?They're using feeling and not emotions