Holy fuck episode 4 is boring. I like can't get through this.
Holy fuck episode 4 is boring. I like can't get through this.
Sweet Jesus. How could anyone possibly think this after watching even one episode?So like, does this take place concurrently with season 1? Like, was Casper the guy who Russ stole the tapes from?
Okay, it's not bad. I'm really hoping they pull out a good twist to cancel out all this by-the-numbers shit.
Damn, that was crazy. Kind of too real for my tastes though.Keep watching shit happens
just watched episode 5
Have any of the main three smiled at one point?
Hopefully Season 3 will put Nic in the writers' backseat. I still have no idea why Frank and his wife chat scenes are there. Their scenes could be cut entirely and I wouldn't notice. I feel like they have zero chemistry, and the lady seems so flat all the damn time, almost as flat as Vince Vaughn, who still manages to have some moments.
And Paul. Lol at Paul.
With this dialogue, they should've hired Jaden Smith.
We got 4chan trying to predict things Frank would say and that's better than any fan art.
This is amazingly on-point.
40 wasted minutes to lead up to shit we all guessed in the first episode. What a colossal waste of time this season has been.
I don't know, if that was what people consider the show being good or decent, I think it's already lost me. The dialogue is just not working for any character or actor IMO. It's trying to do some hybrid of pulpy noir and ominous one liners with oddly timed verbosity, but it's run through a filter where everything which should be a witty little remark or dramatic line is coming through the speakers like an avalanche of cringe. The cadence in the writing sounds completely off, like scripts written by someone who's never heard/seen humans interact before but tried to create stylized dialogue anyway.
Vince Vaughn in particular has had to mumble out some ridiculous stuff in these 5 episodes. I mean: "It stymies my retribution. It's like, your heart." Jesus Christ. It's like bizarro Justified where none of the beautiful rhythm or masterful control of one liners and "words of the day" transferred. I was wrong, Max Payne couldn't even make some of this stuff work.
But this post is crazy negative so I'll touch on the one part of that episode that did work for me: Velcoro tailing that guy with the thumping low end soundtrack droning in the background where nobody talked and Colin Farrell did his furrowed brow investigative thing.
You know what it is? The shootout should have been, at most, the end of the second episode. There was so little movement in the first four episodes it was all set up for this later time period, but it was half the season.
I'm 15 minutes in and oh my god this is dreadful. Between the "big dick" scene and "well then, go stand in front of a tank" this show has already delivered some of the worst dialogue in a season of bad dialogue.
What happened? I was so excited for this show, I'm blown away at how disappointed I am.
Honestly Stan was the heart of the show. Once he died the show just felt pointless.
Maybe he's been in every episode.Next episode needs 200% more Birdman.
Lol only 3 leftBest episode this season, hopefully it keeps it up
Seriously tho, Colin Farrell is fucking murdering it in this show. I think he's as good as Matt as Rust
Seriously tho, Colin Farrell is fucking murdering it in this show. I think he's as good as Matt as Rust
So good.
It's not LA county . . . it's supposed to be Ventura or something. Or some weird amalgam of what people think LA is.But somehow you can smoke in it which is banned in Los Angeles County.
But somehow you can smoke in it which is banned in Los Angeles County.
It's not LA county . . . it's supposed to be Ventura or something. Or some weird amalgam of what people think LA is.
Stop saying odd shit
lol no. Matt was GOAT as rust. Untouchable.
This whole season would of been a lot better if Vince Vaugh's character was just a bit role like the mayor or the psychiatrist. We're past the half way mark and I still don't see how he or his struggle fit into the whole picture beyond "they took my money so I'm paying Ferrell to help me find it".
At this point for all the screen time Vaughn's getting his character would of been better suited as a NPC in the GTA games who gives the main character a mission to complete with some over the top banter in a 30 second cut scene