‘The Last of Us’ Season 1 Finale Scores 8.2 Million Viewers, Reaching Series High

What are they gonna do in season 3 as is no 3rd game, my bet is they are go in a different direction then the games.
they already ssaid they were splitting season two.

3 seasons is enough. HBO isn't known for running properties into the ground (GoT was a different situation, there were 8 year contracts to tell a complete story, and the showrunners destroyed it).
Not even a touch on the game....decent enough watch but I do not understand how this reviewed like it did...tbh.

It reviewed like it did because it's absolutely incredible. It may not have had the fun shooty game bits, but the story telling was far better than in the game.

If you prefer the game, fine, but to say "I do not understand how this reviewed like it did" is just some weird, edgy stuff. It was beautifully written, acted, and shot. It's not difficult.


Tears of Nintendo
Just finished watchin' all 9 episodes.

The show did improve on some things which are waaaay more flashed out visually and narratively (I'm not talking about the Bill thing - out of all things, Bill's story was at the very bottom of things I'd liked to see in the show - they should've gave that screen time to Tess and Joel before the whole thing in the QZ). There's a lot of scenes and locations missing, a lot of conversations and character development, some stuff was changed (some for the better, other not so much). Overall, I'd say original game and especially PS5 Remake is way better, even if some of the things are more fleshed out in the show.

And yeah, I don't care what anyone thinks, but to me, actress who's playing Ellie is a huge miscast. She just not looking like Ellie, overacting a lot in some scenes, some of the dialogues were shot and delivered way better in the game and I just can't see Ellie in her at all.
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Not even a touch on the game....decent enough watch but I do not understand how this reviewed like it did...tbh.

I agree with you, except I know exactly how it reviewed well. Because people like when stories are watered down and spelled out to them. The amount of exposition and the ham fisted delivery of important information completely violated the “show, don’t tell” rule of filmmaking. The show was largely a failure in its portrayal of Joel and Ellie’s relationship, which was the entire point of the show. It was so bad that they were able to show every important scene between them within a minute during the recap in the final episode.

This show follows the exact formula HBO knows the viewer base is accustomed to, with a few shock moments to get people talking around the water cooler. If they actually included more footage of the main draw of the story and made the series 13 episodes so they could give care to the excellent story it is, that would have been believable.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
I am one of those people - believe it or not, I refuse to watch it because of Bella Ramsay alone. It's just a spit to the face to the fans. Her derpy face just doesn't fit the character, it's ridiculous whoever greenlit that. I don't care how good of an actor you are if you don't resemble a character I am connected with. Pedro I can give a pass too. Great for them that they have success, but I won't be watching it. The game is better anyway and is the real deal with the real original actors and characters. Nothing will ever replace that.
I wasn’t sure this was a troll post. It seems a little too on the nose.


Tears of Nintendo
Idk if it was posted here yet or not...

Just like I've said before the show even launched - they just can't cram the whole TLOU2 into just one season and there must be 2 or 3 at least and it looks like that's exactly what they're going to do.
I also haven't mentioned in my previous post that... well, I think the show in general will have the biggest impact on those who haven't even played original games, cuz they don't know what's gonna happen and what to expect.

I wonder if by watching the show, people who haven't played original games will go, buy, play them and then the second season won't be that successfull cuz of the reason above. I also wonder how many of those millions of people who watched the first season didn't even knew about the games:goog_unsure:
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Neo Member
Show was pretty much the same as the game for me with the highlights being the beginning and the end, though I think the show had a superior middle. I thought Bill was worse but Sam/Henry were better with the inclusion of Katherine. I remember David being more terrifying in the game but that final fight with him in the show was amazing, hell last two episodes were probably the best in the entire run. Actually has me wanting to try TLoU 2 since I never got around to playing it.

Kev Kev

And yeah, I don't care what anyone thinks, but to me, actress who's playing Ellie is a huge miscast. She just not looking like Ellie, overacting a lot in some scenes, some of the dialogues were shot and delivered way better in the game and I just can't see Ellie in her at all.
She looks enough like Ellie for me, so I don’t take issue with that. But I agree with the rest. She’s doing a “just ok” job and I don’t see why people are gushing over her acting capabilities. Pedro is carrying the show in my mind. Don’t know if I could watch the show without him tbh 😬
Pretty underwhelming for those of us who played trough the game. I think the game did it better.
The game is worlds better by comparison. It's actually shocking to me while playing through the remake how much more nuanced the writing is. The TV show bashes you over the head and tries to force the viewer to feel a certain way. Not to mention how much the show ruined a character like Bill who went from a great , well crafted badass gay character in the game to a stereotypical closeted gay character in the show.


ChatGPT 0.001
Games to tv shows is real all games will be available to tv streaming shows going forward, games like horizon, or god of war will be up for grabs.


It was pretty good. Not a shade on the game though.

And the ending, just didnt hit the same. Props for Ashley Johnson she did such an amazing job in as VA, and actress in the games. Bella Ramsey did okay overall. And while Pedro Pascal did good, his interpretation of Joel is a little wooden. And its a little dissapointing to see such big moments in the game and them having their lines fall somewhat flat. Still think its bad casting on their part.
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Here is my full review...started out strong and slowly tapered. Pacing is way off and it feels completely rushed, lack of clickers throughout the show. Standalone episodes were highlighted more strongly then the actual story line episodes. Because everything was rushed it took me out of the experience of actually feeling anything for any character so in the end it was pointless. (Still the best video game adaptation of a show.)

I was actually more impressed with Bella Ramsey as Ellie than Pedro as Joel. Pedro seemed a bit robotic to me but I guess he's supposed to be like that as Joel is obviously depressed and doesn't give a fuck about anything anymore. Ellie is the one who makes him start remembering himself from before the breakout. I hope we get to see more of that Joel before the inevitable. Interested to see how they handle it and how viewers respond.


It's a solid show and the best game to film adaptation for sure, but I can't help myself from picking at small changes they make that don't seem necessary or came out worse than the game. Recent example is after Ellie hacks up David, she walks out and Joel finds her outside instead of interrupting her while she's still hacking away, that had more impact in my eyes.
And again, having come from the games to the show and knowing about Druckmann etc, you can see his agenda seeping out throughout the show. Not necessarily a "Bad" thing but it's obvious where things were changed to suit it. The Bill episode for one thing, the race swapping of major characters and I wouldn't be surprised if Ramsey was hired for her genderfluid guff, rather than acting talent because there's definitely better choices for that character than her.


Tears of Nintendo
She looks enough like Ellie for me, so I don’t take issue with that. But I agree with the rest. She’s doing a “just ok” job and I don’t see why people are gushing over her acting capabilities. Pedro is carrying the show in my mind. Don’t know if I could watch the show without him tbh 😬
Oh, absolutely! Pedro is amazing in the show the whole way through. Merle Dandridge and Anna Torv was great too - again, not enough screen time for Tess to develop her character more - I mean clearly she and Joel have A LOT of history together and stories to tell... and we'll never know any of it :(
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The Amiga Brotherhood
The only downer was a lack of action in certain parts of the story, sounds like a budget issue. I also didn't like the DLC episode, was dull.
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I've never been able to get into the game, but I'm really enjoying the show (seen the first four so far).

Bella is awesome btw. As is Pedro. Looking forward to watching another tonight.


Tears of Nintendo
I vote for Sophie Thatcher and Courtney Eaton to play Ellie and Dina in TLOU2 seasons.

Can't think of anyone for Abby, especially if they'll decide to go for exact same phisique she had in the game - with which I've zero problems with. If they'll go for it, man, good luck to them cuz couldn't find or think of anyone to fit the role and have + - the same age as Ellie.
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It would be great if there was an actress out there willing to buff to play the part. But Hollywood likes them skinny and it might get hard to be offered certain roles if she bulks.

Ridiculous because these days even nerdy looking actors have to be shredded.

Even Wonder Woman was played by a skinny ass actor.
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Speak for yourself. Gamers and non-gamers have for the most part given the show immense praise. It is without a doubt the best live action television or movie based on a video game
So it's better than Halo and.... Actually were there other TV shows based on games in last 20 years?


was mostly great.
show definitely could have used couple more episodes, bigger budgets and more set pieces.
but hbo probably wanted to see the reaction before diving all in.
Silliest thing of the series was how they jumped from remote town to CBD City in 1 scene, then magically they got to a point where they needed to look around, then they got ambushed.

Overall I liked it, but the cuts were always weird. Only real time we got suburbia was seeing the man loot a Walmart over and over.
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I don't get it, "reaching series high", how can the last episode get more views than the first one? Did some people only watched the end for some reason?
I would understand the views going down because of some people stopping the show, but the opposite seems extremely weird / impossible.
I don't get it, "reaching series high", how can the last episode get more views than the first one? Did some people only watched the end for some reason?
I would understand the views going down because of some people stopping the show, but the opposite seems extremely weird / impossible.
Marketing has been massive. A lot of people watched just because all his friends were watching. I expect that the hype will reduce a lot for the coming season as the series isn’t that great to begin with.
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Gold Member
This show has definitely hit the mainstream. They dedicated an entire segment to this on Elliot in the Morning today. Pretty crazy.
I'm glad the show has done really well i enjoyed it. I do have a few nitpicks like the lack of infected and i wished it had 10 episodes not 9 but those are just small things. I hope S2 is lengthier and dives into the character more then the first season.


I don't get it, "reaching series high", how can the last episode get more views than the first one? Did some people only watched the end for some reason?
I would understand the views going down because of some people stopping the show, but the opposite seems extremely weird / impossible.
I'm pretty sure it means series high on airing. Also seeing that the series has averaged 30 million views per episode

edit: it says so in the op. it also says episode 1 had 40 million views. i don't read OP's either
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It reviewed like it did because it's absolutely incredible. It may not have had the fun shooty game bits, but the story telling was far better than in the game.

If you prefer the game, fine, but to say "I do not understand how this reviewed like it did" is just some weird, edgy stuff. It was beautifully written, acted, and shot. It's not difficult.
No it wasn't.
The series didn't add nothing noteworthy to the plot and it removed quite a bit. Even the heavy moments NEVER reached the game's emotional highs.
As for beautifully acted? What? We watched the same show?
Pedro Pascal is the only great actor in the show. Bella Ramsey is expressionless. She's not a good fit for Ellie. Ashley Johnson had more emotion in her 5 minutes than Bella had in the entire show. She's a bad actress. Atleast she was abysmal in this show.
None of the changes to the plot were good either. Episode 3 murdered Bill's character and removed his and Ellie's interactions in favor of an emmy bait of the most mundane relationship. It also made Bill, a guy neurotic for safety, a dumbass who would stand in the middle of the street, uncovered, during a shoot out.
The university section. All of it. Abysmal.

I still enjoyed it, but the series is a sub par experience to the game.
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