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Trump’s budget would cut funding for Appalachia — allies in coal country are livid

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I have to admit, you have a point. This is an area which blamed Democrats for the fall of the coal industry. The Dems never gave them a reason to believe or hope things would get better for them and Trump comes along telling them the coal business will be booming again. They voted for Trump because they had hope that he would deliver on his promise. False hope, but it was still hope any way.

The dems offered renewable energy investment and training in new fields.


Personal. Responsibility. That's the "traditional value" these Trump voters should think about.

Funny that, since those fuckers never take responsability of nothing. It's always the immigrants, the negroes, those mexican job stealers, the gays, queers, atheists, the women that don't act like they want.
Nope. Never my fault.
I should feel bad for these people and the people who would loose their health care but I just can't knowing they voted for this.



hey. you guys. stop picking on appalachia.

when you're uneducated, but people are just so nice to you and caring, you believe them. especially if they're white, like you. how could they have known? he was white and male, dammit. and he promised them things. white people always stick togeth....oh.


People that voted for Trump have to live with the mistakes he will create in the 3.5 years. But hey, you guys still have the 2nd amendment.
Can we stop with the narrative that Trump won because of the racists? If so then where were the racists the last two times when an actual black guy was running for president!?

Trump won because people fixated on the Clintons as THE crooked establishment. Spend any time in the South and you'll know how much people hated Clinton.

I've yet to see a single argument from a Trump supporter about why they voted for him that didn't stand up to the the most basic of scrutiny.

I'm so tired of seeing wasted empathy on white people who continually vote Republican election after election. These poor, noble, innocent, ignored working class white people that are just salt of the earth are being conned by a master con man! Oh no, what should we do?!

Except for that fact that this supposed genius con man wasn't able to get more than 30% of any non-white voting bloc in America. So what? Are white people just that dumb and gullible? I think the alternative is much more insidious of a fact and is harder for you to swallow. They just don't like us mud races being around in "their" country at worst or at best, they don't care if policies negatively affect us as long as they get their precious tax cuts or coal mining jobs.

Also these supposed white people who voted for Obama? Obama only won 39% of the white vote in 2012, 43% of the white vote in 2008. John Kerry? 41%. Al Gore, 42%. Bill Clinton, 44% in 1996, 39% in 1992. (Source, you can change the years by the side bar). Hillary won 37% of the white vote by comparison. White people don't vote Democrat. It's pretty evident who they want to butter their bread.


Can we stop with the narrative that Trump won because of the racists? If so then where were the racists the last two times when an actual black guy was running for president!?

Trump won because people fixated on the Clintons as THE crooked establishment. Spend any time in the South and you'll know how much people hated Clinton.

voting for the white guy? duh?

do you think they took a vacation?


Can we stop with the narrative that Trump won because of the racists? If so then where were the racists the last two times when an actual black guy was running for president!?

Can we stop with the narrative that Trump didn't win because of the racists?

From this article:

We find that opinions about how increasing racial diversity will affect American society had much more impact on support for Trump during the 2016 election compared to support for the Republican candidates in the two previous presidential elections. We also find that individuals with high levels of racial resentment were more likely to switch from Obama to Trump, but those with low racial resentment and more positive views about rising diversity voted for Romney but not Trump.

In short, our analysis indicates that Donald Trump successfully leveraged existing resentment towards African Americans in combination with emerging fears of increased racial diversity in America to reshape the presidential electorate, strongly attracting nativists towards Trump and pushing some more affluent and highly educated people with more cosmopolitan views to support Hillary Clinton. Racial identity and attitudes have further displaced class as the central battleground of American politics.


Can we stop with the narrative that Trump won because of the racists? If so then where were the racists the last two times when an actual black guy was running for president!?

Trump won because people fixated on the Clintons as THE crooked establishment. Spend any time in the South and you'll know how much people hated Clinton.

There was no racist platform in 08 and 12. There was in 16. There were several reasonable gop platforms that weren't racist but those aren't the ones people voted for. They voted for the guy who started their campaign by literally saying that all but some mexicans are drug dealers and rapists.

Not that hard to comprehend.


Seems like the first people to be screwed by trump are the same that voted for him. I no longer feel bad for them, get bent.

Zen Aku

Seems like the first people to be screwed by trump are the same that voted for him. I no longer feel bad for them, get bent.
Sadly that is not the case. The first people to be hurt by him are the minority groups and the illegal immigrants.

He's already broken up so many families and a few people have been hurt or died because he has empowered the racists and bigots to come out of their holes.
The only thing I'll be concern about is that they might actually be too dumb to realise they've played themselves.

Kinda takes the joy out of the schadenfreude if the person doesn't even understand their situation.
We will all suffer from Trump, except rich people. We're in it together one way or another. Until 2020.

Trump voters where I work with nice middle class manufacturing jobs still haven't realized that they played themselves. The poor get it first, but they will get theirs too.


Literally drinking oolong tea while reading this thinking to myself "I'll bet they Look forward to voting for him again in 2020"


Maybe it's finally time for those people to finally learn it's not the scary brown people that are making life hard for you but selfish asshole people in Washington, particularly those who scream "bootstraps" At every problem while trying to take said bootstraps from you at every turn are the problem. Maybe it's your inability to see any future beyond coal is a horrible self inflicted problem. These people in plain language said they were going to take what little you had and watch you die because it's not like you'll be able to vote against them next time around anyway. Stop taking the bait from those people to blame all your problems on minorities and immigrants and start going after the people who are actually fucking you over on a daily basis because you're poor.


The only thing I'll be concern about is that they might actually be too dumb to realise they've played themselves.

Kinda takes the joy out of the schadenfreude if the person doesn't even understand their situation.

So much this. In four years, all the dumbasses who voted for Trump will blame the shit state the US is in on Democrat obstruction in Congress, judicial activism, "SJWs", and all manner of conspiracy theories.

The only hope to avoid another four years of this is Trump keels over from being such a disgusting POS, or there's a massive die-off of his supporters because all the programs they relied on have been cut to shit.


The only thing I'll be concern about is that they might actually be too dumb to realise they've played themselves.

Kinda takes the joy out of the schadenfreude if the person doesn't even understand their situation.
Realize or not, they'll always vote Republican. Imaginary fears of the Democrats are more powerful than what Republicans repeatedly do to them. They're not going to get up in arms. One Fox News report will have them blaming the Dems for all this.


That bullshit is what they voted for. Therefore...


And why complain about eroding government handouts now? Hypocrites. BOOTSTRAPS IT UP, APPALACHIA.


The dems offered renewable energy investment and training in new fields.
The problem for democrats was always messaging. The prevailing headline from Hillary wasn't "I have wonderful jobs plan that will save you all", it was "Coal is the past and its fucked, join me on a new difficult uncertain future!" Its not hard to see why Trump's message rang clearer.
Yeah, many people in those regions voted for Trump, but I still feel awful for everything going on there.

Even if you don't feel any sympathy for his voters, this is going to fuck over millions of people who didn't vote for him, too.

Maybe a little less gloating at poor people getting screwed over by the government is called for sometimes.


Can we stop with the narrative that Trump won because of the racists? If so then where were the racists the last two times when an actual black guy was running for president!?

Trump won because people fixated on the Clintons as THE crooked establishment. Spend any time in the South and you'll know how much people hated Clinton.

Believe it or not, you can vote for a Black Guy and still be racist. Just like you can have a Black friend and still say racist shit behind their backs thinking "they are one of the good ones though". That doesn't even consider a lot of other factors like maybe the person didn't like Romney because he's a Mormon or maybe they just like Obama's policies more. You think Trump isn't racist just because he picked Carson to be on his team? Don't think that maybe there was some race motive there?

Weird concept I know. And remember there are only two choices.


There was no racist platform in 08 and 12. There was in 16. There were several reasonable gop platforms that weren't racist but those aren't the ones people voted for. They voted for the guy who started their campaign by literally saying that all but some mexicans are drug dealers and rapists.

Not that hard to comprehend.
Actually it's very hard to comprehend and while racial tensions definately play a big part in the trump campaign it's not a singular monolithic platform.

First, the other GOP candidates were swiftly exposed as incompetent and phony candidates that like business as usual, haven't done jack shit for them. Trump humiliated all candidates through his bravado and television celebrity status.

His television status also cannot be stressed enough. America has been subjugated to complex and sophisticated propaganda methods, where the television is at the center of it. It has aggressively eroded social relations through the cult of the self , where trump epitomizes all the qualities reality tv stars have. His vulgarity is entretainment that was on 24/7 and ran on a political system that elects personalities and not platforms.

It's also important to highlight that most of the xenophobic postures from Trump were aimed to Muslim people, where there's been a communications like persecution towards them since the Gulf War. America has been predisposed to hate on brown people. His other dog whistles like drug cartels or "urban thugs" perfectly hounds on reinforced stereotypes through scapegoating.

His overwhelming victories in poverty stricken rural areas supports the theory of a sizeable portion turning their back establishment politicians, since those areas are outside the centers of policy making and policy execution.

Full blown white supremacy is intrinsically linked to vulnerable population. Low education, low income, highly homogeneous population is more likely to have racist tendencies and scummy politicians will exploit this to their advantage. But neogaf has a ridiculously simplistic outlook on the mechanisms of racism. Trump can scapegoat immigrants and because the opposition isn't giving any answer for the drastic collapse of rural areas, since they refuse to denounce neoliberal policies. Individual acts of racism are irreconcilable, but there's a number of contradictions in the empowerment strategies, where the focus should not be on "ugh these racists should just die off" and more on how both there needs to be drastic immigration reform, drastic low income a assistance, congressional action on gender wage gap and the restitution of industrial America.

Propaganda has pervasive impact, but these direct policies that aim to destitute people are the kind of wake up calls that can mobilize people on collective self interests.


Actually it's very hard to comprehend and while racial tensions definately play a big part in the trump campaign it's not a singular monolithic platform.

First, the other GOP candidates were swiftly exposed as incompetent and phony candidates that like business as usual, haven't done jack shit for them. Trump humiliated all candidates through his bravado and television celebrity status.

His television status also cannot be stressed enough. America has been subjugated to complex and sophisticated propaganda methods, where the television is at the center of it. It has aggressively eroded social relations through the cult of the self , where trump epitomizes all the qualities reality tv stars have. His vulgarity is entretainment that was on 24/7 and ran on a political system that elects personalities and not platforms.

It's also important to highlight that most of the xenophobic postures from Trump were aimed to Muslim people, where there's been a communications like persecution towards them since the Gulf War. America has been predisposed to hate on brown people. His other dog whistles like drug cartels or "urban thugs" perfectly hounds on reinforced stereotypes through scapegoating.

His overwhelming victories in poverty stricken rural areas supports the theory of a sizeable portion turning their back establishment politicians, since those areas are outside the centers of policy making and policy execution.

Full blown white supremacy is intrinsically linked to vulnerable population. Low education, low income, highly homogeneous population is more likely to have racist tendencies and scummy politicians will exploit this to their advantage. But neogaf has a ridiculously simplistic outlook on the mechanisms of racism. Trump can scapegoat immigrants and because the opposition isn't giving any answer for the drastic collapse of rural areas, since they refuse to denounce neoliberal policies. Individual acts of racism are irreconcilable, but there's a number of contradictions in the empowerment strategies, where the focus should not be on "ugh these racists should just die off" and more on how both there needs to be drastic immigration reform, drastic low income a assistance, congressional action on gender wage gap and the restitution of industrial America.

Propaganda has pervasive impact, but these direct policies that aim to destitute people are the kind of wake up calls that can mobilize people on collective self interests.

All I know is what I see from family on facebook and conversations. They used to keep that shit in their heads. Obama was president and it slowly started to leak out, they just couldn't hold it in any more. Finally a target they could say racist shit about and it was even acceptable because he was president.

Then came Trump and now it's just full blown. Every minority is a target. Protestors should be thrown in jail. Minorities are thugs that deserve to die at the hands of police. Their motives for Trump were 100 percent racist, they wanted somebody that was finally going to put an end to the "rise" of the Blacks specifically.

You're not wrong that there are other factors that went into it but racism was a big one if not the biggest.


Maybe it's finally time for those people to finally learn it's not the scary brown people that are making life hard for you but selfish asshole people in Washington, particularly those who scream "bootstraps" At every problem while trying to take said bootstraps from you at every turn are the problem. Maybe it's your inability to see any future beyond coal is a horrible self inflicted problem. These people in plain language said they were going to take what little you had and watch you die because it's not like you'll be able to vote against them next time around anyway. Stop taking the bait from those people to blame all your problems on minorities and immigrants and start going after the people who are actually fucking you over on a daily basis because you're poor.
That lesson will never be learned because the next charalatan to come along after Trump will present yet another scapegoat. In theory, I agree that the people who inflicted this mess upon themselves deserve every ounce of misery coming their way; in practice, however, to perpetuate this cycle will inevitably lead to genocide or some similar atrocity that irrevocably damages our nation.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You would think any of the thousands of stories about a man promising to solve all your problems like it was no problem at all often backfires or worse is maliciously toying with people through their greatest desires would have struck home for these people.


It's just weird that his voters didn't see him for the conman he's always been - for fucking decades, it's been obvious to anyone paying attention that this guy is just a conman who only wants two things; money and fame, and that he doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself. I mean, it's SO obvious, that I don't understand how not everyone sees it.

But then I've dealt with corrupt sales people and swindler businessmen who promise shit like Trump does all the time "yeah, I'll get you the [money, part, item, whatever] in a couple weeks". Couple weeks go by, I don't hear from them and they're nowhere to be reached. After a few of these encounters, now, I can see them coming a mile away, and Trump is definitely one of these types of con-men. Trump supporters are people who have never had to deal with similar shysters (or they see it in career politicians), therefore they don't see it in Trump. Not yet anyways, but they will.


All I know is what I see from family on facebook and conversations. They used to keep that shit in their heads. Obama was president and it slowly started to leak out, they just couldn't hold it in any more. Finally a target they could say racist shit about and it was even acceptable because he was president.

Then came Trump and now it's just full blown. Every minority is a target. Protestors should be thrown in jail. Minorities are thugs that deserve to die at the hands of police. Their motives for Trump were 100 percent racist, they wanted somebody that was finally going to put an end to the "rise" of the Blacks specifically.

You're not wrong that there are other factors that went into it but racism was a big one if not the biggest.
Polanyi speaks of how reactionary forces emerge from economic disasters, and they can take the most vicious of forms since the very existance of oneself is threatened. These racist feelings emerge from the sediments of structural racism combined with increased tensions in the market economy and the powerlessness of people in the free market.

FB & MS – Polanyi argued that the devastating effects on society’s most vulnerable brought on by market crises (such as the Great Depression in the 1930s) tends to generate counter movements as people struggle to defend their livelihoods, their neighborhoods, and their cultures from the destructive forces of marketization. The play of these opposing dynamics is the double movement, and it always involves the effort to remobilize political power to tame the apparent over-extension of market forces. The great danger Polanyi alerts us to, however, is that mobilizing politics to protect against markets run wild is just as likely to be reactionary and conservative, as it is to be progressive and democratic. Whereas the American New Deal was Polanyi’s example of a democratic counter movement, fascism was the classic instance of a reactionary counter-movement; it provided protection to some while utterly destroying democratic institutions.

This helps us to understand the tea party as a response to the uncertainties and disruptions that free market globalization has brought to many white Americans, particularly in the South and Midwest. When people demonstrate against Obamacare with signs saying “Keep Your Government Hands off My Medicare,” they are trying to protect their own health care benefits from changes that they see as threatening what they have. When they express deep hostility to immigrants and immigration reform, they are responding to a perceived threat to their own resources—now considerably diminished from outsourcing and deindustrialization. Polanyi teaches us that in the face of market failures and instabilities we must be relentlessly vigilant to the threats to democracy that are often not immediately apparent in the political mobilizations of the double movement.


The problem for democrats was always messaging. The prevailing headline from Hillary wasn't "I have wonderful jobs plan that will save you all", it was "Coal is the past and its fucked, join me on a new difficult uncertain future!" Its not hard to see why Trump's message rang clearer.
But it's Fox News and not the Dems who set that message. How do you expect the Democrats to change that? Burn Fox to the ground? Because that's the only way that's changing.

Yeah, many people in those regions voted for Trump, but I still feel awful for everything going on there.

Even if you don't feel any sympathy for his voters, this is going to fuck over millions of people who didn't vote for him, too.

Maybe a little less gloating at poor people getting screwed over by the government is called for sometimes.
It's not gloating. It's venting frustration at the source that have screwed this country for all of us.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Yeah, many people in those regions voted for Trump, but I still feel awful for everything going on there.

Even if you don't feel any sympathy for his voters, this is going to fuck over millions of people who didn't vote for him, too.

Maybe a little less gloating at poor people getting screwed over by the government is called for sometimes.

I'm tired of caring for people who don't care for themselves and absolutely don't give a shit about me.
Yeah, many people in those regions voted for Trump, but I still feel awful for everything going on there.

Even if you don't feel any sympathy for his voters, this is going to fuck over millions of people who didn't vote for him, too.

Maybe a little less gloating at poor people getting screwed over by the government is called for sometimes.

Sympathies are for the poor people who didn't vote for Trump.

If anything we're still too nice to the ones who did vote for Trump.
But it's Fox News and not the Dems who set that message. How do you expect the Democrats to change that? Burn Fox to the ground? Because that's the only way that's changing.

It's not gloating. It's venting frustration at the source that have screwed this country for all of us.

A lot of people seem opposed to doing what Fox News does and begin forging a news network that's very leftist, but I believe that's the ticket to getting people motivated and informed enough to vote democrat (especially in swing states). Now is the best time to control the narrative because theirs enough angry people willing to listen.

And try to make that news spread in the rural areas where all they have is the news to go on for keeping up to date with the news.


Egh i think I said this in another thread but, what's a realistic goal to accomplish from rural outreach?

lol. These people are effectively dead. They are zombies trying to destroy America and everything it holds dear. They have not and will not listen to any manner of fact.

Fuck 'em. Fortunately we don't need 'em, election numbers tell us there's like 3 million + registered voters that didn't show up in 2016. We fix this by getting stupid lazy fucks who are not EVIL voting.

If a few of these people realize they were straight up destroying our country then sure, the more the merrier, but reaching out to them is absolute bottom tier priority.
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