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Trump’s success shows many Christians don’t actually believe in God — just the flag

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Everything is moe to me
The pope is living in a city surrounded by big wall, built specifically to stop invaders though :)

Seems like they left quite the hole.
Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?
Pretty sure that's not in the bible.
Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?

The way I heard it, basically Christianity eventually began to 'take over' ancient Rome as the most popular religion, and to smooth the transition all the traditions of Rome's old religions just got mixed into it.


This argument has been flown around about virtually every Republican candidate. This is just one at the extreme poles for once (hypothetically, given that it's even possible he's pretending to believe this nonsense for media exposure and primary victories sake), but the end result is still yet another Republican candidate who doesn't seem to authentically affirm his/her beliefs via actions consistent with Jesus' life.


Seems kinda pretentious.

"Back in the good old days, believing in God was civilized and sophisticated! Now people just worship the flag!"

Like, no, dude. God belief has always been tied up with nationalism and the believer's own ego. It's also stinks of No True Scotsman.
Seems kinda pretentious.

"Back in the good old days, believing in God was civilized and sophisticated! Now people just worship the flag!"

Like, no, dude. God belief has always been tied up with nationalism and the believer's own ego. It's also stinks of No True Scotsman.

He explicitly states that the problem has been present since before the pilgrims arrived.
The bible has explicit, straight-forward passages that are pro-slavery, anti-gay, misogynistic, etc. God help you if you get your morality from Christian scripture.


They do actually believe in God. They also love their country. Not mutually exclusive. America is the center of the universe created by a Christian God. Note that it wasn't the American flag or nationalism that molded certain regressive views held by people who identify as Republican/Conservative. Views towards marriage equality, women's autonomy, and the LGBT community in general.

“Anyone, whoever he is, who only wants to build walls and not bridges is not a Christian,” said the pope of Trump’s faith, “… if he says these things, this man is not a Christian.” Likewise, the head of the US Presbyterian church into which Trump was baptised said: “Donald Trump’s views are not in keeping with the policies adopted by our church.”

You can spin this another way. What has the "the pope of Trump’s faith" said about contraception and same-sex marriage? In contrast, Trump has said Planned Parenthood has done “very good work for millions of women”. He's also not strongly opposed to marriage equality. So, yea, Trump and his supporters are totally not Christian in this regard. Praise, Jesus Old Glory!


Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?

"Catholics aren't technically Christians " The only place where I heard this is in America lol

Where exactly does it say that Catholics can't pray directly to God?
And what is your definition of" Christian"?


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
"Catholics aren't technically Christians " The only place where I heard this is in America lol

Where exactly does it say that Catholics can't pray directly to God?
And what is your definition of" Christian"?

And this ignores Eastern Orthodox and Coptic Christianity. What about them? So everyone who wasn't Protestant was doing it "wrong" for the first millennium and a half?
Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?
Why even post if you don't even understand what Catholic's believe and their reason for doing so?

A quick google would have you find that they believe the apostle Peter was chosen by Jesus to be the leader of his church as the first "pope".

How can you get more Christian than following Christ's orders?

I'm completely non religious, but it annoys me when people talk without knowing anything about what they're talking about.


This shit is the same "no true scotman" shit that muslim use to argue that ISIS aren't muslims.

Religion dogmas and traditions play well in people which have extremely narrow worldviews and see everything as an attack on the status quo: news at eleven. Just because those people are stupid it doesn't mean that they aren't religious, i'd argue that in fact religion was created exactly in a way to appeal to those people in the first place.

A lot of Christian Americans believe in the christian god in the same way a lot of muslim in regressive nations believe in it: they use it as a way to rationalize acting like a dick toward others. Acting like they're not "true" believers is just a refusal to accept the fact that religions was created and shaped by history as a mean to control the masses in a certain way, and to preserve the status quo against the attacks over it. There's no way you can't call them true christians or whatever, if anything, i'd say history precedents tend to show religions as a conservative force against equality the vast majority of time rather than the opposite (aside from the moment they were born, where they were arguably a motor for change, altought more "neutral" than anything else, see the predicaments for helping poors, but see also the acts of fanaticisms of early christians stoning phylosophers and burning libraries, and see the improvemnt of slaves situations, but the violent conquests of the Dar-Al-Islam in Islam). "True" Christian or "True" god is such a dumb concept anyway. Trueness is applicable only to strict logic.
As someone who is just reading the Bible (I just hit Deuteronomium) I have to say that Trump's success doesn't show that.

Seriously, I dare anyone and everyone to read the Bible and then come here and say that god is good.

i read the bible twice

god is good
not saying it's not arguable but if the notion of god being good was ridiculous, abrahamic religions would have a much lesser following

finish reading it bro
also, which edition are you reading? for an english translation I suggest the new american bible (revised edition), it has great introductions to each book as well as footnotes, and little bias if at all unless I missed something (it also translates certain terms in more recent, easily understood ways, for example "holocaust" becomes "burned offering")

The bible has explicit, straight-forward passages that are pro-slavery, anti-gay, misogynistic, etc. God help you if you get your morality from Christian scripture.

well, that's sort of what the vast majority of christians do

is this an attack on all christians? because you're setting yourself up for an internet fight, you do know there are christians on GAF right


Jealous Bastard
A lot of Christian Americans believe in the christian god in the same way a lot of muslim in regressive nations believe in it: they use it as a way to rationalize acting like a dick toward others. Acting like they're not "true" believers is just a refusal to accept the fact that religions was created and shaped by history as a mean to control the masses in a certain way, and to preserve the status quo against the attacks over it. There's no way you can't call them true christians or whatever, if anything, i'd say history precedents tend to show religions as a conservative force against equality the vast majority of time rather than the opposite. "True" Christian or "True" god is such a dumb concept anyway. Trueness is applicable only to strict logic.

yeah, if anything, using religion like silly putty to shape and rationalize one's behavior seems like one of the most "christian" things one can do


Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?
I'm catholic, you're full of shit for the reasons others have pointed out.

The term Christianity out dates protestants, who do you think that referred to? Sikhs?


Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?


My impression is alot of church goers treat their version of Chritianity like a sports team, they probably don't believe the afterlife part of bible that much.

That actual show they are smarter than they let on IMO.


Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?
The fuck is this super convenient interpretation? "From now on you shall call yourself Peter, and over this stone my church shall be erected".
New age cleric rebellion ia nice and all, but Jesus had a very clear message of his guys spreading his message and stabilishing the sacraments.

I somehow agree with the article, those kind of Christians are closer to adore the "god" from the old, historically inaccurate, politically loaded testament, than the semi reliable, and peace touting new one. Honestly, if I'm gonna say it as it is, there is only one scripture you should follow if you want to be the closest to a true Christian, and that is Matthew's gospel,as it seems to be the source the other 3 are based on. When you even get to read Paul's letters the message starts turning into hate mongering shit, and the Apocalypse is just edgy fanfiction.


Catholics aren't technically Christians. Jesus died so that jews didn't have to pray to a priest anymore, and that anyone could have a relationship with god. This is signified by the curtain before the ark of the covenant ripping at the time of Jesus' death. The Catholics then put up a wall between you and god in the form of priests and the pope, along with other saints(idols), who you must pray to and for to get blessings and forgiveness. Why?

Embarassing stuff buddy.

Catholics are lucky there are Muslims around, otherwise evangelicals would be tempted to wage holy war against them.

and once they're done there, they'll divide their own camps up into those that believe in various interpretations and then have a go at it again.
As someone who is just reading the Bible (I just hit Deuteronomium) I have to say that Trump's success doesn't show that.

Seriously, I dare anyone and everyone to read the Bible and then come here and say that god is good.

He's an old-world God, man. There were no friendly care bear deities back then. Old Testament God is angry, vindictive, spiteful, and a generally unpleasant reflection of the world the Jews lived in back when the book was written.

New Tesament God, and Jesus, are a whole other ballgame and that is where Christianity comes from. That's where the "love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek, eye of a needle" stuff comes from.
i read the bible twice

god is good
not saying it's not arguable but if the notion of god being good was ridiculous, abrahamic religions would have a much lesser following
That's not what I'm reading, sorry.

finish reading it bro
also, which edition are you reading? for an english translation I suggest the new american bible (revised edition), it has great introductions to each book as well as footnotes, and little bias if at all unless I missed something (it also translates certain terms in more recent, easily understood ways, for example "holocaust" becomes "burned offering")
I think I'm reading the same thing, only in German. Title says it's the New Evangelical Bible. It also has introductions and footnotes. And yes, it more or less says the same as the old Bible from Martin Luther from 1912. I crossed checked occasionally. It's just much easier to read.

He's an old-world God, man. There were no friendly care bear deities back then. Old Testament God is angry, vindictive, spiteful, and a generally unpleasant reflection of the world the Jews lived in back when the book was written.

New Tesament God, and Jesus, are a whole other ballgame and that is where Christianity comes from. That's where the "love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek, eye of a needle" stuff comes from.
Then why are certain parts of the Old Testament still being taught, like the 10 commandments?
Does anybody, even his supporters, really believe he believes in God? The guy thinks he is a god. Trump or Sanders would be the first Atheist president.
So the article is saying people shouldnt vote Trump because his ideas/policies dont follow Jesus' teachings? I grew up as a Christian kid, but am now agnostic/non-religious, so I admit I am no expert on the Bible, but Im pretty sure it doesnt expect people to be doormats either.
Would the bible encourage people to bring lepers or psychopathic goat herders etc into their home where they would endanger the lives of people they cared about? Probably not.
If people who are religious and see themselves as "good" perceive a threat against people they care about, coming from people like Mexicans or Muslims (which I assume the article is talking about), then of course their priority will be to protect their family and friends over the perceived potential wrong doers.
I think thats common sense and in line with Bible teachings - unless it says in there somewhere "risk everyone to save anyone". Any Bible experts here?


I don't disagree with the article. I think there's a lot of people that, while I'm sure they're sincere in what they believe, I don't think those teachings themselves are rooted in clear or loving interpretation of Christianity.

Edit: also the post about not producing interesting atheists is very true.

So the article is saying people shouldnt vote Trump because his ideas/policies dont follow Jesus' teachings? I grew up as a Christian kid, but am now agnostic/non-religious, so I admit I am no expert on the Bible, but Im pretty sure it doesnt expect people to be doormats either.
Would the bible encourage people to bring lepers or psychopathic goat herders etc into their home where they would endanger the lives of people they cared about? Probably not.
If people who are religious and see themselves as "good" perceive a threat against people they care about, coming from people like Mexicans or Muslims (which I assume the article is talking about), then of course their priority will be to protect their family and friends over the perceived potential wrong doers.
I think thats common sense and in line with Bible teachings - unless it says in there somewhere "risk everyone to save anyone". Any Bible experts here?

"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well."

You would probably be incorrect.
Trump's brand is populist nationalism

and the OP struck a chord that is true.

Lots people hide behind the Bible to justify their nationalism even if they are not really religious.

Lots of people are ubber fans of their favorite Sports Team as a form of religion

Trump is nationalism upfront in your face and he is even crossing over the line in the economic Center attracting poorly educating working class Democrats
So the article is saying people shouldnt vote Trump because his ideas/policies dont follow Jesus' teachings? I grew up as a Christian kid, but am now agnostic/non-religious, so I admit I am no expert on the Bible, but Im pretty sure it doesnt expect people to be doormats either.
Would the bible encourage people to bring lepers or psychopathic goat herders etc into their home where they would endanger the lives of people they cared about? Probably not.
If people who are religious and see themselves as "good" perceive a threat against people they care about, coming from people like Mexicans or Muslims (which I assume the article is talking about), then of course their priority will be to protect their family and friends over the perceived potential wrong doers.
I think thats common sense and in line with Bible teachings - unless it says in there somewhere "risk everyone to save anyone". Any Bible experts here?
Uh...I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Jesus encouraged. In fact, helping those less fortunate was key to his teachings above all else.

And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Mark 10:21

Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’
Matthew 25:44-45

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.
Matthew 10:8

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Luke 12:33

Of course, no one actually follows the teachings of Jesus, because it would be very inconvenient.
"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well."

You would probably be incorrect.

The stuff you quoted only talks about hurting yourself to help an evil person. Doesnt mention anything about risking other good people.

Uh...I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Jesus encouraged. In fact, helping those less fortunate was key to his teachings above all else.

Mark 10:21

Matthew 25:44-45

Matthew 10:8

Luke 12:33

Of course, no one actually follows the teachings of Jesus, because it would be very inconvenient.

Again, those quotes say nothing about risking the well being of (other) good people to help an evil person. Only about risking oneself to help another.

You cant expect people to not protect those they care about, yet this article seems to expect religious Jesus followers to do just that.


Don't see how it applies solely to America. The scriptures, bible and people of authority have made such big pile of contradicting beliefs and values over the last 2000 years to the point that there really ain't no "Christians" as opposed to groups of people with cherry picked beliefs. Most of the time even those cherry picked beliefs are completely ignored by the people who supposedly follow them.


First, I don't care for Trump.

Second, I'm surprised the article is just about Trump and not more so about Rubio and Cruz. At least Trump doesn't sprout out religious themes every other minute like Rubio and Cruz, while at the same time promoting fear, war and bigotry. The crap they're able to say on TV should be illegal.

Everytime they open their mouth, I'm like this.


Junior Member
As someone who is just reading the Bible (I just hit Deuteronomium) I have to say that Trump's success doesn't show that.

Seriously, I dare anyone and everyone to read the Bible and then come here and say that god is good.
God is good.

Seriously, you're not even halfway thru. The old testament. And did you just make up a new book? Was that the book where Wolverine got his old testament skeleton?
White Evangelicals aren't philosophically same as Black American Protestants, that distinction has to be made when you talk about American Christianity. The former was using religion as as a tool of repression and tilts towards Old Testament values of crime and punishment, the latter embraces New Testament values of forgiveness and reconciliation.
One of Greg Boyd's major themes is "understanding a God that looks like Christ." Christ was the ultimate example of self-sacrificial love for all people. The nationalistic and militaristic Christians that the OP criticizing are missing that. The people doing drive-by shit-posts on Christians and Christianity are generally missing that as well.

Friends with Greg Boyd and many other pastors. Trust me, there are many pastors and Christians that are pissed with the current state of American nationalism blended with Christianity. My Twitter is filled with pastors and theologians who shred Trump for his misappropriation of the Christian message at every turn.

Growing up in the south though was a different story. Unfortunately there's an odd blend of tribalism that lends itself to bleeding nationalism, religion, and culture into one indistinguishable blob of identity. I remember singing patriotic songs at church on July 4 - so weird. Now, most of the pastors I know won't even tolerate flags of any type inside the church unless it's all the nations flags.


White Evangelicals aren't philosophically same as Black American Protestants, that distinction has to be made when you talk about American Christianity. The former was using religion as as a tool of repression and tilts towards Old Testament values of crime and punishment, the latter embraces New Testament values of forgiveness and reconciliation.
White = bad, black = good. Ok.


God is good.

Seriously, you're not even halfway thru. The old testament. And did you just make up a new book? Was that the book where Wolverine got his old testament skeleton?

Considering that in Greek, the word for Deutoronomy is Deuteronómion, I can only assume that whatever the first language of the poster is, takes its translation from that. But you know, universal nature of Christianity and all that.

One doesn't have to be halfway through to see the more insidious qualities of the god of the OT pierce through.
Then why are certain parts of the Old Testament still being taught, like the 10 commandments?

In the case of the Ten Commandments it's because they still form the basic foundation on which the Covenant was based, i.e. worship God and don't be a dick and Heaven is open to you. And a lot of the older stories (Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, etc) are still considered important for the purposes of lessons and providing context for the New Testament. Not the main focus of the work, but still relavent for background reasons. Like The Simarillion to The Lord of the Rings. But in terms of the actual rules and expectations of Christianity Jesus's word=strongest Canon, with anything he didn't specifically touch on either going back to Old Testament for precedent or just given a judgement call by the Pope and Cardinals.


From my experience - its not that they don't believe in God, but they believe in the constitution deeply like they do in their Christian God. Actually many of them see Trump as corrupted liberal and are sticking by Cruz. A lot of others are frustrated enough to trade conservatism for nationalism this election because in Trump they see the wrecking ball candidate and a chance for them to reclaim the country.


The stuff you quoted only talks about hurting yourself to help an evil person. Doesnt mention anything about risking other good people.

Again, those quotes say nothing about risking the well being of (other) good people to help an evil person. Only about risking oneself to help another.

You cant expect people to not protect those they care about, yet this article seems to expect religious Jesus followers to do just that.

The point of the general message is to not inflict damage or hurt upon others. The message also isn't to 'help' evil people, it's more that if you keep fighting, more people are going to get hurt. I'm not really sure what you mean by risking others - like if we're gonna assume that a whole Christian family is being harmed, they should all have the same thinking there. If you mean like I'm in control of the fate of of somebody, than I think the idea would be, do whatever the assailant wants so you can end or diffuse the situation. It's the same general thing in both scenarios either way.
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