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TRUMP 2016: "The Winston Churchill of Our Time"

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Michael Savage interviews Donald "The Winston Churchill of Our Time" Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSkUzoVF-XI

At least so says radio talk show host Michael Savage, who praised Donald Trump as the “Winston Churchill of our time” during the real estate billionaire’s appearance on Savage’s radio show Wednesday.

Savage, who said he is supporting Trump’s presidential candidacy, talked voter identification laws, immigration and the Iran nuclear deal with the man who is currently leading most Republican presidential primary polls.

Asked about Iran, Trump said it is “inconceivable” that New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, who he always “thought loved Israel,” would support the Iran deal in the Senate.

After Savage interjected to ask whether Schumer has come out to say he is going to support the deal, Trump replied, “nobody knows what he is going to do,” before suggesting Israel might pressure him to oppose it.

“Actually I’m surprised that Israel isn’t putting tremendous pressure on Schumer because they do have a lot of power over Schumer,” Trump said, implying a sitting U.S. senator’s vote could be swayed by the pressure of a foreign power. (RELATED: Savage Says Obama Purging Military Like Stalin)

Savage also pressed Trump on whether he would establish strict voter ID laws through an executive order as president. But before Trump could answer, Savage explained why he actually shouldn’t answer the question.

“I know I don’t want to nail you, I don’t want to get you to say ‘yes’ and then they’ll nail you for that,” Savage said. “‘Trump goes on right wing Savage Show and says’ — right away, they start screaming racism. I get it. I know what they do. I know the game.”

Trump finally broke into Savage’s monologue to say he supports ID laws, though he didn’t say whether he would establish them nationally through executive action.

Towards the end of the interview, Savage asked Trump whether he is really prepared to spend over a billion dollars to win the presidency.

“You’re a rich man, but you know this is going to cost a billion and a half dollars. You surely don’t want to throw all of that out on your own. Are you considering having people donate money or not?” he asked.

Trump said some people send money into his campaign, but he doesn’t want to take large checks because he doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone.

“Michael, one man offered $5 million, they want to put millions in,” Trump explained. “I said, ‘don’t do it because I don’t want to have a position where some day you’re going to need [something].”

Pressed again if he is willing to spend $1.5 billion of his own wealth to win the White House, Trump simply replied, “I’ll see what happens.”

TRUMPDATE: July 15, 2015:
Today, Donald J. Trump filed his Personal Financial Disclosure (PFD) forms with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

This report was not designed for a man of Mr. Trump's massive wealth. For instance, they have boxes once a certain number is reached that simply state $50 million or more. Many of these boxes have been checked. As an example, if a building owned by Mr. Trump is worth $1.5 billion, the box checked is “$50,000,000 or more.”

Mr. Trump stated, “First people said I would never run, and I did. Then, they said, I would never file my statement of candidacy with the FEC, and I did. Next, they said I would never file my personal financial disclosure forms. I filed them early despite the fact that I am allowed two 45 days extensions. Now I have surged in the polls and am fighting to Make America Great Again. I look forward to the challenge of winning the presidency and doing a fantastic job for our country. I will make the United States rich and strong and respected again, but also a country with a 'big heart' toward the care of our people.”

Mr. Trump's net worth has increased since the more than one year old financial statement produced at his presidential announcement. Real estate values in New York City, San Francisco, Miami and many other places where he owns property have gone up considerably during this period of time. His debt is a very small percentage of value, and at very low interest rates. As of this date, Mr. Trump's net worth is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS.

Mr. Trump's income for the year 2014, as reported in the PFD statement, is $362 million dollars (which does not include dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties).

In addition, he was successful in choosing multiple stocks which were sold in January 2014. Even though stock market purchases are not something that Mr. Trump has focused on in the past, and while only a small part of his net worth, 40 of the 45 stocks purchased went up in a relatively short period of time, creating a gain of $27,021,471, not including those stocks still remaining in the portfolio which currently have an unrealized gain of over $22 million (schedule attached).

Mr. Trump showed almost 500 business entities of which 91% are owned 100% by him. Mr. Trump wrote Trump: The Art of the Deal, one of the bestselling business books of all time, and numerous other bestsellers over the years.

NBC/Universal renewed, at the upfronts this year, The Apprentice (for a 15th season), but Mr. Trump decided to turn them down in order to run for President of the United States. NBC was not happy. During the 14 seasons of The Apprentice, Mr. Trump was paid $213,606,575.

TRUMPDATE: July 6, 2015:
Statement from Donald J. Trump:

I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet this statement is deliberately distorted by the media:

“When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. This was evident just this week when, as an example, a young woman in San Francisco was viciously killed by a 5 time deported Mexican with a long criminal record, who was forced back into the United States because they didn’t want him in Mexico. This is merely one of thousands of similar incidents throughout the United States. In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. On the other hand, many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.

The Mexican Government wants an open border as long as it’s a ONE WAY open border into the United States. Not only are they killing us at the border, but they are killing us on trade … and the country of Mexico is making billions of dollars in doing so.

I have great respect for Mexico and love their people and their peoples’ great spirit. The problem is, however, that their leaders are far smarter, more cunning, and better negotiators than ours. To the citizens of the United States, who I will represent far better than anyone else as President, the Mexican government is not our friend…and why should they be when the relationship is totally one sided in their favor on both illegal immigration and trade. I have pointed this out during my speeches and it is something Mexico doesn’t want me to say. In actuality, it was only after my significant rise in the polls that Univision, previously my friend, went ballistic. I believe that my examples of bad trade deals for the United States was of even more concern to the Mexican government than my talk of border security.

I have lost a lot during this Presidential run defending the people of the United States. I have always heard that it is very hard for a successful person to run for President. Macy’s, NBC, Serta and NASCAR have all taken the weak and very sad position of being politically correct even though they are wrong in terms of what is good for our country. Univision, because 70% of their business comes from Mexico, in my opinion, is being dictated to by the Mexican Government. The last thing Mexico wants is Donald Trump as President in that I will make great trade deals for the United States and will have an impenetrable border--only legally approved people will come through easily.

Interestingly, Univision has just announced they are attempting to go public despite very poor and even negative earnings, which is not a good situation for a successful IPO or high stock price—not to mention that I am currently suing them for breach of contract. Remember, Univision is the one who began this charade in the first place, and they are owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers. After the speech was made, there were numerous compliments and indeed, many rave “reviews”—there was very little criticism. It wasn’t until a week after my announcement that people started to totally distort these very easy to understand words. If there was something stated incorrectly, it would have been brought up immediately and with great enthusiasm.

The issues I have addressed, and continue to address, are vital steps to Make America Great Again! Additionally, I would be the best jobs President that God ever created. Let’s get to work!
TRUMP 2016

TRUMPDATE: June 16, 2015:


Marketing. He'll never run, it's too much work. I'm guessing his tv show is about to premier again or he's about to sell a book.
I pray to the great Cthulhu to make this happen. They cut down the number of GOP presidential nominee debates.

Make them count....get Trump up there!


Seriously, how many times has this fuck teased a presidential run just to get himself more publicity?
If he's serious this time (he's already spent a few million on researching such a campaign): Once, 2012.

In 2000 he actually officially started the process for the Reform Party nomination but backed out at the last second apparently due to disclosure requirements.

Also in 2000 he was pro-choice, wanted wealth taxes, gay marriage, campaign finance reform, universal health care, and assault gun bans.
Every four years with this shit.

I swear, even if the GOP wins the White House in 2016, come 2020 Trump will start talking about a run as a Democrat.


Did he overlook the fact that being half orangutan makes him eligible to be president? It should be fun when people start asking for him to show his birth certificate.


For real? D:
Yeah, he wrote this book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1580631312/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Dave Weigel takes a look at it eleven years later here: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2011/04/enter_the_donald_take_two.html

From some contemporary stories:
The irony in the possible Buchanan-Trump matchup is that both men left the Republican Party to get away from the likes of each other. Buchanan says he left because the party had lost its way on core principles, such as the abortion issue.

Trump says he quit because "the Republicans are just too crazy right," a comment that he could easily have been aiming at the Buchananites, judging from some of Trump's comments about the conservative commentator. Speaking Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," he called Buchanan a "Hitler lover," a reference to Buchanan's new book stating that Hitler posed no real threat to the United States at the start of World War II.
Before opting for Ross Perot's Reform Party, Trump was known as a Republican with socially liberal but economically conservative views.

He backs abortion rights - a stark contrast to his Reform Party opponent Pat Buchanan - tax cuts and universal health care.

He supports free trade - but only with the US getting tough with countries that refuse to open their markets.

"Japan for many years has ripped off the United States, big league," he once said. "England has been a terrific partner.

"France has been a terrible partner, a terrible team player."

While he had said he broadly favoured tax cuts, he also proposed a surtax on every person and trust valued over $10m, the proceeds of which would go to paying the national debt.

He had said that would mean he would have to stump up some $700m but economists say his figures didn't add up.

Best part of that short-lived campaign though:
The developer's aides, razor sharp in black suits and sunglasses, handed out samples of Trump 2000 hand sanitizer -- a wink to the candidate's reluctance to shake hands
Please run for president. It's so obvious Trump is an embittered man with an inflated ego, who honestly thinks he'd be better than Washington and Lincoln combined. I really want to see this man get crushed by other republicans, let alone whoever the democrats put forward.


Yeah, he wrote this book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1580631312/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Dave Weigel takes a look at it eleven years later here: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2011/04/enter_the_donald_take_two.html

From some contemporary stories:

Best part of that short-lived campaign though:

Thanks for going through the trouble of making this post. I had a totally wrong idea about some of Trump's views. Actually, I didn't realize that he even had such nuanced views at all.


Thanks for going through the trouble of making this post. I had a totally wrong idea about some of Trump's views. Actually, I didn't realize that he even had such nuanced views at all.
Those were his 2000 views, they've mostly changed to standard Republican views. Now pro-life, anti-Obamacare, etc.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
The white house would look much better with a ginormous Trump logo.

yes, yes Trump, we hear this every election season. Go on back to your towers now, and play detective with someone's birth certificate.


MYRTLE BEACH — Businessman Donald Trump


(I know it's where the S.C. Tea Party Coalition Convention is, shh)

Also, there are 5 Sandy Adams on facbeook who live in Myrtle Beach WHICH ONE IS THE RIGHT ONE.


The more, the merrier.

By the time they have a nominee, that person's campaign will have empty coffers, and the party will be divided & bitter. For a party whose path to 269 electoral votes is already as tight as a tick, they can't afford to piss-off very many people at all.


I hope he does, it would be hilarious to watch.

If you thought Romney was an entitled 1%-ist then Trumps got him... Trumped.


Trump says he is serious about 2016 bid, is hiring staff and delaying TV gig
This time, Donald J. Trump says, he really means it.

The billionaire real-estate mogul, who has long amounted to a one-man sideshow in GOP presidential politics, said in an interview Wednesday that he is “more serious” than ever about pursuing a run for the White House in 2016.

In recent days, Trump said, he has hired staffers in key primary states, retained an election attorney and delayed signing on for another season as host of NBC’s “The Celebrity Apprentice” because of his political projects.

“Everybody feels I’m doing this just to have fun or because it’s good for the brand,” Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post. “Well, it’s not fun. I’m not doing this for enjoyment. I’m doing this because the country is in serious trouble.”


Democrats reacted to Trump’s plans with eye-rolling. “You mean there’s a chance that he could blow up the entire Republican field and get ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ off my television? Sign me up!” wrote Mo Elleithee, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, in an e-mail.

Many Republicans were also skeptical.

“It’s a free country and he can do whatever he wants with his money, but the notion of him being elected president is pretty remote,” said Thomas D. Rath, a former attorney general in New Hampshire. “Running for president shouldn’t be a reality show that you watch once a week.”

As part of his preparations, Trump met Monday in New York with Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, telling him that he was actively mulling a presidential run, according to people familiar with the conversation


Corey R. Lewandowski, a former director of voter registration at Americans for Prosperity, a group backed by conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch, has been asked by Trump to serve as his senior political adviser and manager for the campaign-in-waiting. Alan Cobb, a former political adviser at Koch Industries, is another Republican who has signed on with Trump and is assisting with recruitment.

Based in New Hampshire, Lewandowski will direct Trump’s efforts in the first presidential primary and nationally if Trump jumps into the race later this year.

“The dysfunction of Washington and politics as usual drew me away from other candidates and toward someone who’s gotten something done in the business world,” Lewandowski said in an interview. To doubters, he added: “Wait and see. Mr. Trump is going to reintroduce himself to the American public. This is going to be a real contest, and no one wants to see a coronation.”

Chuck Laudner, who advised former senator Rick Santorum’s 2012 victory in the Iowa presidential caucuses, will lead Trump’s expected campaign there. Laudner’s hire was first reported Tuesday by the conservative Breitbart news Web site.

And in South Carolina, Ed McMullen, who has assisted the presidential campaigns of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), has agreed to serve as Trump’s state chairman and political adviser. Also on board is state Rep. James H. Merrill.

Advising Trump on communications is Sam Nunberg, a political operative who is an associate of Roger Stone, the famed New York-based GOP opposition researcher.


Trump said his pitch is straightforward and meant to reach voters who are fed up with the political system, mixing conservative populism and a blunt message about leadership.

“People around the world are laughing at us,” he said. “Look at China, they’re killing us, taking our jobs. We have weakness in the Middle East and with ISIS. We have incompetent people running the country and I’m tired of it.”


Unconfirmed Member
I read the title as "Romney choked a dog". Republican mudslinging getting personal.


Fuck, if it ends up being Trump and Hilary, God damn...

Why hasn't Biden talked much on running? I'd vote for Amtrak Joe in a heartbeat.


listen to the mad man
Donald Trump does not seem like a nice person. On a basic level, he seems like the most misanthropic presidential candidate in a long time, at least since Nixon, maybe even longer. He seems deeply motivated by a disliking of other people. I think that's just about the worst personal quality a leader can have.


Donald Trump does not seem like a nice person. On a basic level, he seems like the most misanthropic presidential candidate in a long time, at least since Nixon, maybe even longer. He seems deeply motivated by a disliking of other people. I think that's just about the worst personal quality a leader can have.
Agreed, but does that equate to having any less of a chance?

I mean, Nixon got elected, right? Has the American vote public really changed that much to guarantee a person like him would not win? Personally, I am not too convinced.

You are right though, he would have horrible qualities as a leader.
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