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TRUMP 2016: "The Winston Churchill of Our Time"

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Unconfirmed Member
Carson seems to have caught up to Trump. He'll probably be overtaken. The dream is dead. :(


The interesting thing is that since even before the debate, Trump + Carson + Fiorina always equal between 52% and 55%.

Lets look at the last 10 polls RCP has and add up Trump + Carson + Fiorina

8/30 PPP: 52%
Monmouth: 52%
CNN/ORC: 54%
ABC/Wash Post: 55%
CBS/NYT: 54%
FOX News: 53%
Bloomberg: 48%
Quinnipiac: 54%
CNN/ORC: 53%
9/24 NBC/WSJ: 52%

9 out of the last 10 polls have Trump + Carson + Fiorina inside the surprisingly tight 52%-55% range. You have to take down all three for everyone to be right saying those three have no chance, and yet it seems like taking support away from one of those three only gives support to another of those three.


Just saw a preview for 60 minutes watching football, why in the world is Trump bothering going on legitimate news shows? He has nothing to gain. His base doesnt care and the only way it does anything for him is if the interview allows FoxNews or his opponents to pounce on a screw up.


Remember, You Asked for This
by KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON May 3, 2016 10:20 PM @KEVINNR
I want to leave a note here, because I expect to have many occasions to link back to it in the next several months.

Americans and Republicans, remember: You asked for this. Given the choice between a dozen solid conservatives and one Clinton-supporting con artist and game-show host, you chose the con artist. You chose him freely. Nobody made you do it.

I will be reminding you all of that, from time to time.


Jerry Falwell Jr.: Trump is the Churchillian leader we need
The policies of Obama and Clinton have made the world unstable and unsafe and created a world stage eerily similar to that of the late 1930s. We could be on the precipice of international conflict like nothing we have seen since World War II. Obama and Clinton are the Neville Chamberlains of our time. The deal to make $150 billion available to Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world and a nation committed to the destruction of Israel, clearing the way for Iran to become a nuclear power, reminds me of Chamberlain’s deal with Hitler in 1938, when the British prime minister declared “peace for our time.”
We are at a crossroads where our first priority must be saving our nation. We need a leader with qualities that resemble those of Winston Churchill, and I believe that leader is Donald Trump. As Churchill did, Trump possesses the resolve to put his country first and to never give up in a world that is increasingly hostile to our values.

Despite our differences, Americans from all walks of life must unite behind Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence or suffer dire consequences. If Clinton appoints the next few Supreme Court justices, not only will the Second Amendment right to bear arms be effectively lost, but also activist judges will rewrite our Constitution in ways that would make it unrecognizable to our founders.

And this country will have as its president a person who jeopardized our national security by negligently sending and receiving classified emails on a private server and then repeatedly making inaccurate statements about it, all while her family’s foundation accepted millions of dollars in donations from foreign countries. Will time reveal the quid pro quo?

Our nation’s future truly hangs in the balance. Republicans such as Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) need to stop whining about Trump’s temperament and start focusing on Clinton’s corruption. (As far as I am concerned, the credibility of anyone who ignores Clinton’s temperament while attacking Trump’s is suspect anyhow.) It is naive or deceptive for conservatives to claim that a write-in vote or a third-party vote will not benefit Clinton.

A vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence is a vote for more freedom and less government, a vote for national security and responsible immigration policy, a vote to finally fight radical Islamic terrorism. It is a vote to rebuild America’s respect overseas and a vote for strict-constructionist and pro-life Supreme Court justices. Remember when Iran held American hostages for 444 days, only to release them the day Ronald Reagan took office? Expect those kinds of results under Donald Trump’s leadership.
two separate people said it, that makes it true!


God damn...

ha I prefer this Huelen quote:

Donald Trump does not seem like a nice person. On a basic level, he seems like the most misanthropic presidential candidate in a long time, at least since Nixon, maybe even longer. He seems deeply motivated by a disliking of other people. I think that's just about the worst personal quality a leader can have.

Agreed, but does that equate to having any less of a chance?

You are right though, he would have horrible qualities as a leader.

This is a fun thread to read.


TRUMPDATE: January 20, 2017
We're still quoting trump in 2015?
Trump running for President? The debates would be amazing to watch.
Marketing. He'll never run, it's too much work. I'm guessing his tv show is about to premier again or he's about to sell a book.

Seriously, how many times has this fuck teased a presidential run just to get himself more publicity?
He does this song and dance every time.
I think we can all agree that this time we will just ignore this loser from here on out.
I pray to the great Cthulhu to make this happen. They cut down the number of GOP presidential nominee debates.

Make them count....get Trump up there!
Do it!


Don't win, but do run!
Every four years with this shit.

I swear, even if the GOP wins the White House in 2016, come 2020 Trump will start talking about a run as a Democrat.
Did he overlook the fact that being half orangutan makes him eligible to be president? It should be fun when people start asking for him to show his birth certificate.
Trump would be better than any of other candidates that the GOP could throw at the Presidency.

That's not exactly saying a whole lot though.
Trump does this every election. It's one of his ways of staying relevant.
Please run for president. It's so obvious Trump is an embittered man with an inflated ego, who honestly thinks he'd be better than Washington and Lincoln combined. I really want to see this man get crushed by other republicans, let alone whoever the democrats put forward.
This is the second time in 10 minutes or so that I get to state how excited I am for the republican primaries.
Trump has a lot of mouth but he's not backing it up.

yes, yes Trump, we hear this every election season. Go on back to your towers now, and play detective with someone's birth certificate.
My thoughts exactly. Throw in Sarah Palin and we're gonna have an amazing race to watch.
The more, the merrier.

By the time they have a nominee, that person's campaign will have empty coffers, and the party will be divided & bitter. For a party whose path to 269 electoral votes is already as tight as a tick, they can't afford to piss-off very many people at all.
I hope he does, it would be hilarious to watch.

If you thought Romney was an entitled 1%-ist then Trumps got him... Trumped.
Fuck, if it ends up being Trump and Hilary, God damn...

Why hasn't Biden talked much on running? I'd vote for Amtrak Joe in a heartbeat.
Wait he's actually hiring people?

Oh man this is gonna be fun.
I love this. He's going to spend a shit load of money for nothing.
Shieeet 2016 confirmed for most entertaining election year. I'll be clearing my schedule.
Would still have a better shot than Trump.

EDIT - What's one more bankruptcy?
I would love this. Primary season shaping up to be something special.
I was worried for a second
lol no I wasn't
that we wouldn't have a clown on the order of Herman Cain this primary season. Now we got the King Clown himself getting serious. Can't wait.

God I love primary season. Quality TV right there.
Has it really been two entire years?


Unconfirmed Member
Never should have wished for a trump primary win on that monkey paw.

At least my Trump + Carson + Fiorina theory sort of held up.


Churchill was also a motherfucker.

On the bus a couple days ago listening to people talk like this was the coming of a golden god and I just wanted to curl up and die.
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