Now some Republican candidates are saying that Donald Trumps latest comments have gone too far. But the truth is, many GOP candidates have also said extreme things about Muslims. Their language may be more veiled than Mr. Trumps, but their ideas arent so different.
Ben Carson says that a Muslim shouldnt be president. Marco Rubio compares Muslims to members of the Nazi Party and refuses to rule out monitoring and closing of mosques. Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have suggested that we implement a religious test for Syrian refugeesone that only Christians would pass. Chris Christie says not even 3-year-old Syrian orphans should be let in. And they insist on using the phrase radical Islamic terrorismin fact, they criticize anyone who says anything elseeven though it drives the exact narrative the jihadists want to advance: that were at war with an entire religion.
When you take a step back and see what the Republican field as a whole says about Muslimsnot just one or two candidates for President, but nearly all of themits hard to take seriously their attempts to distance themselves from Mr. Trump. Hes just articulating the logical conclusion of what the rest of them have been saying. As Mr. Trump said in an interview this morning, They condemn practically everything I say, and then they always come to my side.
So today, I want to send a different message.
To Muslim Americans: What youre hearing from Trump and other Republicans is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. Its inconsistent with our values as a nationa nation which you are helping to build. This is your country, too. Im proud to be your fellow American. And many, many other Americans feel the same way.