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Trump calls for ban on Muslim immigration

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I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
we need to make america great again. like those uh witch hunts. those were great, let's bring those back

I think his actual campaign slogan is "Make America Hate Again."


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
That doesn't really matter for his supporters (or Republicans in general, really). You'll probably need Fox News and right wing talk shows digging into him for it to make a difference.

True, but with Ryan and Graham now standing up and being very vocal about the statement, its clear this is the real start of the GOP eating itself.


It has maybe been said a thousand times but as a Scandinavian the american election looks so fucking dumb. Why on earth is this man even a option to become the president. And Kanye for 2020. I know that there is maybe 0,001% possibility that they win the election but they shouldn't even be an option.


It's kind of scary how this picture is starting to reflect the attitudes a lot of people behind Trump...

Definitely not just starting. That picture was used to great effect back in the 2012 primary to highlight the insanity of the Tea Party branch that really became popular after the 2010 wave. Trump has only ignited their passions more because now they have a "no-nonsense", non-establishment guy saying what they truly want to hear.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
People saying that the numbers found by Pew are alarming:

I seem to recall that Muslims and Jews in America are the least supportive of violence against infidels/nonbelievers/other ethnicities, religions, races, demographics.

The most supportive of violence? White Christian males. But every time a white Christian male does something bad (mass shootings and sex offences are overwhelmingly and disproportionately carried out by this demographic) it is never seen as a reflection of this broader demographic.

Confirmation bias is a bitch.


Political genius.

One's options as an opponent would be either to

A) Agree with it, in which case the Donald has already stolen the thunder

B) Ignore it, which lets him snatch up a vast swathe of press and attention

C) Refute it. Anyone publically trumpeting

I strongly support Muslim immigration to this country

is going to get
slaughtered at the polls.
Definitely not just starting. That picture was used to great effect back in the 2012 primary to highlight the insanity of the Tea Party branch that really became popular after the 2010 wave. Trump has only ignited their passions more because now they have a "no-nonsense", non-establishment guy saying what they truly want to hear.
I still can't believe that there's a large enough demographic in this country that wants to hear a bunch of racist xenophobic rhetoric in the year 2015. I honestly thought half that population died off already.


I still can't believe that there's a large enough demographic in this country that wants to hear a bunch of racist xenophobic rhetoric in the year 2015. I honestly thought half that population died off already.

Naw we got at least another 40-50 years before that generation is all dead. Then we gotta deal with the racist kids they raised.


sorry, no music. it's haram :(
Trumps actions on any network is irrelevant. His supportes think MSNBC is the liberal network and CNN is pro liberal. Hell they even attacked Megyn Kelly for being "unfair". His supporters will defend him no matter what.

I hope is ego is large enough that he tries to start his own party. That should be funny.
Maybe you guys are not familiar with the US immigration process. When you fill out the immigration application form you definitely have to answer the question "Are you a communist?"


I wonder what Trump supporters think in the back of their mind when they see practically no racial diversity at any of his rallies? Glee? Satisfaction? Trepidation?

Actually? They think nothing. White is default so seeing a sea of white people is not something that triggers neurons.


I still can't believe that there's a large enough demographic in this country that wants to hear a bunch of racist xenophobic rhetoric in the year 2015. I honestly thought half that population died off already.

We know how the police have been. How many of them are over 65 again?
Maybe you guys are not familiar with the US immigration process. When you fill out the immigration application form you definitely have to answer the question "Are you a communist?"

The question is "Have you ever been..." And the way you answer it doesn't really matter.
We know how the police have been. How many of them are over 65 again?
Point noted. I guess a part of me just wishes that all racists would just drop dead already, but knowing this country racist sympathizers would then spring up fighting for equal treatment.


Can we stop those damn Irish too
or Germans or the japanese

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
actually just white from England maybe
I'm not the biggest Hillary fan, but I do agree with her comments on this. And she's right to speak to more than just Trump.

Now some Republican candidates are saying that Donald Trump’s latest comments have gone too far. But the truth is, many GOP candidates have also said extreme things about Muslims. Their language may be more veiled than Mr. Trump’s, but their ideas aren’t so different.

Ben Carson says that a Muslim shouldn’t be president. Marco Rubio compares Muslims to members of the Nazi Party and refuses to rule out monitoring and closing of mosques. Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have suggested that we implement a religious test for Syrian refugees—one that only Christians would pass. Chris Christie says not even 3-year-old Syrian orphans should be let in. And they insist on using the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism”—in fact, they criticize anyone who says anything else—even though it drives the exact narrative the jihadists want to advance: that we’re at war with an entire religion.

When you take a step back and see what the Republican field as a whole says about Muslims—not just one or two candidates for President, but nearly all of them—it’s hard to take seriously their attempts to distance themselves from Mr. Trump. He’s just articulating the logical conclusion of what the rest of them have been saying. As Mr. Trump said in an interview this morning, “They condemn practically everything I say, and then they always come to my side.”


So today, I want to send a different message.

To Muslim Americans: What you’re hearing from Trump and other Republicans is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. It’s inconsistent with our values as a nation—a nation which you are helping to build. This is your country, too. I’m proud to be your fellow American. And many, many other Americans feel the same way.


I really hope he wins the primary

So that his policy positions will gain more legitimacy?

Even if he was destined to lose the general election, you think all these millions of people who agree with his views are suddenly going to disappear?


I'm not the biggest Hillary fan, but I do agree with her comments on this. And she's right to speak to more than just Trump.

I'm reminded of the reaction by quite a few far right conservatives towards the Westboro Baptist Church, one of horror and revulsion, and rightly so. But then they go on to spew noxious crap about gay people themselves.

Same over the recent terrorist attack on the Planned Parenthood clinic (if San Fernandino was a terror attack so was this) where many GOPsters condemned the shooting but then snuck in equivocations and the usual "but...." after their half sincere statements. Not to mention those who supported the murders!

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The polls say they support the laws. They're fairly specific with those questions.

lol no

There are much higher percentages is what I'm saying. It's not an incredible minority when you look at the other countries in the survey.

I didn't imply perfection. I'm saying that's about the best there is right now.

Someone just posted a Pew poll showing that 11% of Americans believe suicide bombings are justified.
There are always a few posters (and Bill Maher) that get their britches in a bunch over the minority in countries like Turkey "still being too large" in these poll numbers, but what they don't realize is that there's a substantial minority of crazy in every country -including the USA. The fact that Trump is leading the GOP polls is proof of that, no?
UK Prime Minister, opposition leader, mayor of london, and the next candidates for mayor have all spoken out against trump:


I particularly like this one:

Mr Trump caused further controversy on Tuesday when he claimed that parts of London were "so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives".

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson responded by saying the "ill-informed comments are complete and utter nonsense".

He added: "As a city where more than 300 languages are spoken, London has a proud history of tolerance and diversity and to suggest there are areas where police officers cannot go because of radicalisation is simply ridiculous.

"I would welcome the opportunity to show Mr Trump first hand some of the excellent work our police officers do every day in local neighbourhoods throughout our city. Crime has been falling steadily both in London and in New York - the only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump."
Why does everyone take him seriously anyway. He's not going to get the nom, his points are completely irrational, and both parties hate him. He's a clown. The press, and by extension us, should stop giving him a platform to speak.


Why does everyone take him seriously anyway. He's not going to get the nom, his points are completely irrational, and both parties hate him. He's a clown. The press, and by extension us, should stop giving him a platform to speak.

Well...yeah. But that'd probably hurt their ratings and the media doesn't want that. Right now, he's being attacked on both sides, so he's seen as a clear front runner on both sides and probably the American people as well. Usually parties let the other sort things out, but Trump has himself on a pedestal everyone wants to knock him off of now. It's...kinda weird. At the same time, you don't really hear about anyone else, either.
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