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Trump Has Finally Condemned Neo-Nazis & KKK Two Days After Neo-Nazi Kills Protester


Like when a kindergartener is walked by the shoulders and forced to make a shoe-gazing apology after doing stupid shit.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Lol what a sham, reminded me of the boking accident

No, it needed to be said two days ago, and the only reason it was said now was because it started to look like, for a second at least, that shit was about to hit the fan in a way it hasn't in a very long time in this country.

Boggles my mind people are giving him kudos in here on empty words.
You know damn well he doesnt mean this
I'm pretty sure that it's okay to denounce literal Nazis, Trump. No need to wait 2 days.

Though when a big part of your base are Nazis, it does muddy things up a bit, huh, Cheetolini?


That shit is way too late and forced. No one, including the Nazis and KKK, are gonna believe he means it even a littlebit


wonder how the Gaf users who voted for him feel when they see this shit daily lol

Who fucking cares how those assholes feel...

They saw how much garbage he was spewing and still voted for him. They got exactly what they fucking wanted, whether they admit it or not.

Two Words

I'm sure many of these people in these groups are thinking "oh he's just saying it because he has to be "politically correct". He doesn't really hate us."


Better late than never.

Seriously, if he had never come out and said this, it would have been worse than waiting two days.

Ok, that was my yearly allotment of praise for Mango Mussolini.
Better late than never.

Seriously, if he had never come out and said this, it would have been worse than waiting two days.

Ok, that was my yearly allotment of praise for Mango Mussolini.

Nope, he gets no praise from me. This is the POTUS, he should be able to make these kinds of statements immediately, not days after the fact.

This feels more like someone told him behind the scenes "Hey, your image is going to get a lot worse if you don't say this." Trump said "No, it's fine." And two days later "Mr. Trump, no really, this is a bad stance to take." Trump then says "Fine, fine, someone write me a script."

Now, neo-nazis and the like get the impression he was forced to say this. Nothing about it feels genuine.


Better late than never.

Seriously, if he had never come out and said this, it would have been worse than waiting two days.

Ok, that was my yearly allotment of praise for Mango Mussolini.

That's not how any of this works.

If you're going to condemn your base. You do it day one. Not after 2 days of complaining. This effectively does:

1. Nothing.
2. Nazis know he's forced to do it.
3. Everyone else knows it was forced to be done, and isn't genuine.
Imagine having to be backed into a corner with the whole world telling you how wrong you before you denounce fucking NAZIS

This statement means NOTHING, it's just empty words to try and shut people up, his first statement is what he really thinks and his Nazi cunt followers know that. They know this isn't a real condemnation.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I'm glad he said it in such strong terms. I don't care why he did, or who forced him to, just seeing that he can be pushed to say it matters to me, and leaves the door open for stronger action against these groups.
Jim Acosta is a hero

He asked trump why it took him so long to condemn the nazis

Trump says he's fake news

Acosta says you've also spread a lot of fake news around


Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Is the "TelePrompTer" capitalization a joke I don't get?
This basically doesn't appease anyone. Nazis will feel disappointed. The rest will feel it's too late and that he is full of shit.

So sort of good that the POTUS officially condemns nazis, while he doesn't want to, and nobody believes him, and his base won't like it. He keeps digging his own grave.


Saddened to see he caved to the pressure. Would’ve liked Trump to keep mum. He’ll provided conservatives the cover they need to argue “See? Trump’s not that bad.”


Jim Acosta is a hero

He asked trump why it took him so long to condemn the nazis

Trump says he's fake news

Acosta says you've also spread a lot of fake news around


That seriously happened? Acosta asks an honest question, and then is called "fake news" by the President of the United States? I mean, that's a rhetorical question, because I totally believe it, but Jesus Christ. The country has elected the dumbest motherfucker possible to "run" things.



Boggles my mind people are giving him kudos in here on empty words.
You know damn well he doesnt mean this

It's that easy to get the left to "infight", the left has been groomed by Cable News and the right to always apologize and dislike their seedier/more aggressive sides. Where as the right never attacks theirs. That is why the Right does so much better often in elections, they don't mind fighting dirty, and have the hatchet-men to do so.

Were as the left is too busy attacking the porn kingpin/star that sides with them, the union boss that beat up some scabs from breaking the strike, Bernie sanders/Nader Supporters for not voting as they want... Hillary supporters for not being "left enough"... the list goes on and on.

The left wants their people to be so squeaky clean and perfect that they never are really able to muster a good attack. I mean, just look at the hoops both Hilary and Bernie had to jump through for them to even remotely be accepted! Yes I would have prefered Bernie, but the Bernie or bust movement was idiotic. Unless you can get him to run indepedent and you are able to pull enough away from Trump's populism. But Sanders sided behind Clinton and pulled out, but nope they kept attacking.

And vice versa too. For goodness sake, someone like Larry Flint would be perfect to teach old "Uncle Rupert" and his cronies a lesson. Why should you always have to go "high" when they have no issues with going low? Or as Bill Clinton once said to Fox news: https://youtu.be/3L2513JFJsY?t=2m27s
. We need more of that!

If you want that, allow people like Flint to be off his chains, yes the porno industry is seedy, yes it is dirty and it is far from what many would consider feminist. But do you see the religious right attacking Rupert Murdoch for his centerfolds and his disgusting objectification of women?

If you want to beat them, then allow these men, women and genderfluids to do their thing. But like everybody attacked Katty Griffin, nobody on the right EVER attacks Ted Nugent.

Or put shortly: Release the hounds!

The longer you wait, the more the NAZI's will ingrain themselves into your society.


Better late than never.

Seriously, if he had never come out and said this, it would have been worse than waiting two days.

Ok, that was my yearly allotment of praise for Mango Mussolini.

Nah it's effectively the same as never. There was a window of time to do this. Immediately. John McCain, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and pretty much everyone else knew this. Neither Trump or his administration acted in that window of time because they had something to lose. The political support of those Nazi shitheads. It's the same thing when he was forced to "Disavow" David Duke. He did so when he had no way of getting out of it with a vague statement. He did so with a gun to his head. Just like when he got caught on a hot Mic with Billy Bush, he stumbles to read a prepared statement when he can't *smoke bomb* ninja vanish out of a situation of his own making.
That seriously happened? Acosta asks an honest question, and then is called "fake news" by the President of the United States? I mean, that's a rhetorical question, because I totally believe it, but Jesus Christ. The country has elected the dumbest motherfucker possible to "run" things.

Yup, I think trump was signing a bill. Gives the pen to some dude, and Jim asks trump if he was gonna do the big press conference he promised. Trump says we already did a press conference. Then he calls him fake news.

The funniest thing to me was that trump doesn't know what a press conference is. A press conference consists of multiple questions from members of the press. Trump thinks anytime he addresses the public, it counts as a press conference. So, as you know, trump is a dumb motherfucker. Really really dense, the best kind.


In my eyes, his silence and avoiding to condemn these idiots directly when he had the first chance to do so it's a stronger message than this one.

So fuck Trump.


Man, I'm so sick of reading so much whataboutism from the Trump supporters, my blood boils.

I need a month away from twitter.
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