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Trump pressures Democrats on Obamacare to get border wall deal

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U.S. President Donald Trump weighed in on congressional efforts to avoid a government shutdown, telling Democrats on Sunday that Obamacare will die without a cash infusion the White House has offered in exchange for their agreement to fund his border wall.

"Obamacare is in serious trouble. The Dems need big money to keep it going - otherwise it dies far sooner than anyone would have thought," Trump said in a Twitter posting.

In a second tweet, he added: "The Democrats don't want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and very bad MS 13 gang members."

MS-13 is a criminal gang with members of Central American origin.

The president's tweets appeared after White House budget director Mick Mulvaney accused Democrats of "holding hostage national security" by opposing $1.5 billion to help build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, one of Trump's top campaign pledges.

But Trump's online salvo was met by Democratic calls for him to stop making "poison pill" demands.

"The only fly in the ointment is that the president is being a little heavy handed, and mixing in and asking for things such as the wall," Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer said.

"We'd ask him to let us do our work, not throw in some last-minute poison pills that could undo it, and we could get this done," Schumer told reporters.


Mulvaney and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus played down the danger of a shutdown. Mulvaney said talks between Republicans and Democrats could produce an agreement as early as Sunday.

If talks fail, the government would shut down on Saturday, Trump's 100th day in office.

"I'm pretty confident we're going to get something that's satisfactory to the president in regard to border security within the current negotiations," Priebus said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

The White House is expected to address another Trump campaign promise this week with a Wednesday announcement on tax reform that Mulvaney said would offer "governing principles, some guidance, also some indication of what the rates will be."

But he said basic elements of the plan remain undecided, including whether to have deficit-funded tax cuts that would not be permanent: "You can either have a small tax cut that's permanent, or a large tax cut that is short term."


Democrats showed no sign of softening their opposition to wall funding on Sunday and sought to place responsibility for any shutdown squarely on Trump and Republicans who control the House of Representatives and the Senate.

"The Democrats do not support the wall," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi told NBC's "Meet the Press. "The wall is, in my view, immoral, expensive, unwise."

Senator Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, called on Trump to "back off."

"To think that he would consider shutting down the government of the United States of America over this outlandish proposal of a border wall ... that would be the height of irresponsibility," he told CNN's "State of the Union."

Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-congress-shutdown-idUSKBN17P0FH

Give me my wall and maybe I let Americans have health care?




Trump: if you don't help me fuck over 20 million people and pay for a stupid wall, I will fuck over 20 million people and not pay for a wall.


Hey, let's get rid of this thing everyone likes and people benefit from so we can build this insanely stupid thing that won't work and no one wants!


Democrats should plaster the fact the President is willing to bargain the healthcare of millions everywhere.

That's some incredible deal-making.


Democrats need to say 'on your head be it'.

They fold and compromise on this, he will always dangle this like a carrot. These are people's lives, not blackmail material.

Do not negotiate with terr...ible people
Democrats should plaster the fact the President is willing to bargain the healthcare of millions everywhere.

That's some incredible deal-making.

Yes. I hope the Dems publically push Trump to fund ACA Heathcare for the sake of the millions of Americans that depend on their healthcare, and to do it in good faith that conversation regarding this will will proceed independently. "Stop playing politics w/ peoples lives." should be their soundbite on this.


Hey, let's get rid of this thing everyone likes and people benefit from so we can build this insanely stupid thing that won't work and no one wants!

Keeping Brown people out of the country is far more important to the wealthy, and the Republican politicians. And stupid people keep voting them in power so they can serve their own interest. It's insane.


Unless I'm off base here, the money needed to "save" Obamacare is money promised by the government anyway, isn't it? It's not like some extra funding. This is like calling your credit card company and saying you'll pay your debt if they raise your spending limit. Otherwise fuck it, you won't pay debt.

And using the wall for leverage is fucking hilarious. You said Mexico was paying for it. Why the shit would Democrats even entertain this conversation? Democrats need to get out and say that. Why is Trump's trying to bargain to break his promise to the American people.


I feel like Trump just recently watched some History Channel special on MS-13 from 2008 and is just going in like it's a huge problem.

Next up he's going to try to put an end to Ice Road Trucking.
What if we stripped away a portion of our ludicrously expensive and stupid "defense" contracts instead? Then you could fund all the border walls you want.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Funny shit. and we have a lot of dems already caving his demands too, let alone listening to their own progressive base.

"ResistTrump"? what a joke, to think it was supposedly the whole dem party were pretended to rally against Trump during his inauguration.

Anything that happens should be pointed back at Trump clearly by the democratic party in unsion and lockstep during every media tour they can find, don't cave and be little bitches because you want to act like your scared of looking uncompromising.

You compromise all the time at the cost of us(in favor of your donors and powerful interests)even when your in the majority and control the government, like early in Obama's tenure. These types of things are important when the supposed opposition party are in power.

Because you didn't just break the Supreme Court filibuster and get an SC justice in during Obama's tenure, now we've got Gorsuch. No more being bitches and caving and being donor corrupt tools.


get fucked. If you don't want democratic input, pass your own bill. good luck

I feel like Trump just recently watched some History Channel special on MS-13 from 2008 and is just going in like it's a huge problem.

Next up he's going to try to put an end to Ice Road Trucking.

lol, right? so out of touch

Sean C

Funny shit. and we have a lot of dems already caving his demands too, let alone listening to their own progressive base.

Because you didn't just break the Supreme Court filibuster and get an SC justice in during Obama's tenure, now we've got Gorsuch.
Er, no. Scalia's seat became vacant after the GOP took control of the Senate. There was nothing the Democrats could have done about that.


What if we stripped away a portion of our ludicrously expensive and stupid "defense" contracts instead? Then you could fund all the border walls you want.

Opposite will happen as he is on whole "Lets rebuild our military might!" thing now. Good time to be in military contractor business.



Er, no. Scalia's seat became vacant after the GOP took control of the Senate. There was nothing the Democrats could have done about that.

This is the second thread where someone has claimed that. Where is this shit coming from?
Er, no. Scalia's seat became vacant after the GOP took control of the Senate. There was nothing the Democrats could have done about that.

Going forward, due to new Republican precedent, The President is only allowed a vote on their supreme court picks if they also have a senate majority.


We know, as he has said so himself, and it has been reported, that he is in active talks with Gop hardliners to pass an Obamacare repeal with a new healthcare bill within his first 100 days (next week), and he is dangling "save Obamacare money" in exchange for Wall money?

Like he seriously thinks anyone would take him seriously on that as he plainly talks from both sides of his mouth?

Wtf is he smoking?
The Democrats are fools if they vote for anything with so much as a single cent of funding for a wall. Just like healthcare and tax reform, it's a big shit sandwich and only a moron would ask Republicans to share a bite.

Er, no. Scalia's seat became vacant after the GOP took control of the Senate. There was nothing the Democrats could have done about that.

And they absolutely went full out trying to stop Trump's nominee. But whatever.

No deal on this.

Polling shows that the large majority blame Trump and the GOP for shit not getting done since he took power. So I don't see Trump holding their feet to the fire outside of the usual defectors.
There's nothing that trump can threaten them with that would be worse than the backlash from their own voters if they help make his wall happen


Junior Member
Because you didn't just break the Supreme Court filibuster and get an SC justice in during Obama's tenure, now we've got Gorsuch. No more being bitches and caving and being donor corrupt tools.

Wtf is this revisionist bullshit? Now the Democrats had the majority last year in the Senate?


There's nothing that trump can threaten them with that would be worse than the backlash from their own voters if they help make his wall happen

I mean shit this is also a golden nugget for 2018 since the President is such a dickhead.

Government shutdown when
We know, as he has said so himself, that he is in active talks with Gop hardliners to pass an Obamacare repeal with a new healthcare bill within his first 100 days (next week), and he is dangling "save Obamacare money" in exchange for Wall money?

Like he seriously thinks anyone would take him seriously on that as he plainly talks from both sides of his mouth.

Wtf is he smoking?

He's going to fund Obamacare, increase military spending, build a wall, and cut taxes.


The only hope he had of getting those increases in budget for the military and budget for the wall was if they slashed healthcare spending. That failed. So...

Pass an emergency budget that does nothing, and we'll see you next time around. That's the only real option on the table.


What is that last tweet? :D Top is latest.



It's trump threatening to refuse to pay insurance companies while trying to blame Democrats. He tried to use the threat to force Democrats to support Trumpcare, which didn't work, so now he is trying to leverage it for border money. For their part, Democrats have insisted that either Trump stop with this threat, or that mandatory funding be added to the budget


You can tell from some of the responses who didn't even read the quoted excerpts in the OP, much less read the linked article before posting.

Also, get fucked Trump, your own party want nothing to do with the wall and are desperate to just keep the government from shutting down.
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