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Trump: Same-Sex Marriage is "Fine", “It was settled in the Supreme Court."

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Eh... I am guessing Trump knows the Supreme Court rarely overturns their own rulings. To the SCOTUS precedent is king. Even all his Roe v Wade stuff, shines Trump has to know/believe that even with a 6/3 conservative court they won't overturn it. They might attempt to chip away at it but even then it would be an up hill battle.
Memoirs have already revealed that Casey v Planned Parenthood was originally a 5-4 decision overturning Roe v Wade. Justice Kennedy switched his vote after originally deciding to go along with overturning it. If the democrats hadn't blocked Bork, resulting in the appointment of Kennedy, Roe would already have been overturned (and then possibly re-instated when Bill Clinton appointed justices during his term).

Precedent is only king to the SCOTUS when it agrees with their politics, this is true for both liberal and conservative justices. There are many major, country-shaking cases that overturned 50+ years of precedent, such as Brown v Board of Education (overturning Plessy), Furman v Georgia (overturning capital punishment in every state, which had existed since the constitution was signed), and of course more recent decisions such as Lawrence v Texas, Obergefell, Citizens United, and so on.

edit: although SSM is broadly popular with many people in the country right now, so I'd expect almost every state to enact either civil unions or full SSM as a law if the court decision creating it was overturned. This will happen whenever the state government is taken over by democrats, and then republicans will get back into office and not mess with it as many of them are OK with it. Even before Obergefell, many states were beginning to enact SSM through the democratic process and it probably would have been less than 10 years till it was almost everywhere, similar to how democratic European states are beginning to have it although some like Germany still don't.
Because Gannon just got the triforce.

Bowser and Koopa Kids are in the whitehouse.

Sorry only two speeds atm, flippant or furious.
is there even anything at this point Trump can do that would ease your fears?

First, that flag is upside down, fitting.

Second, if he did support LGBT rights, explain to me why he picked Mike "Electrocute the Gay Away" Pence, and why is a lot of his cabinet filled with anti-LGBT people? Explain to me why he's going to purpose and sign in a law that allows open discrimination of LGBT individuals under the guise of "Religious Freedom"? Explain to me why he's going to likely remove the executive action that Obama did to allow transgender students to be treated with respect to their gender identity in public schools? I'm probably missing a whole lot more, but no, he's not a LGBT supporter. He wouldn't defend gay marriage if the case was taken back to the Supreme Court and overrides it. I wouldn't be surprised if he signs another more powerful DOMA all things considering.

He piked Mike to counterbalance his own presence, to try to appeal to the establishment republicans, He piked Pence because Pence is almost the exact opposite of him. Giving the way they interact with one another I very much doubt Trump is being influenced much by Pence.

As for who will be in his cabinet, that is not being base on policy or believes, is being based on loyalty, remember that not everyone in the republican party was good to Trump so he will likely surround himself with yes men, including that Breitbard guy.

Trump did said he was going to repeal Obama's executive orders, but that was just campaign talk, I would bet you a kidney he doesn't touch most of them, you're just assuming he'll reverse the pro-LGBT ones.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I actually, truly think that this is how Trump thinks it'll all work out for him


Read between the lines. Sure it's the law of the land but his Vice President is a hardcore anti-LGBT advocate. So while sure, you can get married but get ready to be discriminated against so much it'll make your fucking head spin. Have a problem with that? Sorry, states rights, religious freedom laws (it's the law), etc.


Man, Trump wants to be loved above all else. He's a narcissist.

I honestly feel if he were invited to be the Grand Marshall of the gay pride parade, he'd definitely do it.
Read between the lines. Sure it's the law of the land but his Vice President is a hardcore anti-LGBT advocate. So while sure, you can get married but get ready to be discriminated against so much it'll make your fucking head spin. Have a problem with that? Sorry, states rights, religious freedom laws (it's the law), etc.

Yeah, even if gay marriage stays intact, there are a shitload of other issues LGBT have to deal with that are now looming over us because the republicans have control over all three branches.

We're still not considered a Protected Class. And any chances of that changing anytime soon have been shot.


Let's not pretend suddenly like Vice Presidents matter, because no one took them seriously in the past. Trump picked him to secure votes, just like Obama did with Biden to get the working class voter then proceeded to do nothing for that group.

What about Cheney though.

If you're talking about racism/sexism/homophobia, those were always part of the Republican platform.

I mean memes, wikileaks/ info warsers, aimless obstructionist shitheads in the likes of Ted Cruz (only more of them), and the ones who previously had the decency of staying under their respective rocks like the KKK/alt right/ Russian sympathizers/ vocal anti feminisist/ anti PC. The GOP has to take them more seriously than ever before.


is there even anything at this point Trump can do that would ease your fears?

He piked Mike to counterbalance his own presence, to try to appeal to the establishment republicans, He piked Pence because Pence is almost the exact opposite of him. Giving the way they interact with one another I very much doubt Trump is being influenced much by Pence.

As for who will be in his cabinet, that is not being base on policy or believes, is being based on loyalty, remember that not everyone in the republican party was good to Trump so he will likely surround himself with yes men, including that Breitbard guy.

Trump did said he was going to repeal Obama's executive orders, but that was just campaign talk, I would bet you a kidney he doesn't touch most of them, you're just assuming he'll reverse the pro-LGBT ones.

That's... not filling me with confidence, not one bit, because all you're giving me is based on your assumptions while what I seen from him, his own words, and his actions throughout this entire campaign is enough to tell me the full story. I lived with LGBT bigotry for years, I can easily see through his shit. You haven't explained how he's pro-LGBT if he's going to sign an act that allows discrimination of LGBT people on the belief of "Religious Freedom", by the way.
is there even anything at this point Trump can do that would ease your fears?

He piked Mike to counterbalance his own presence, to try to appeal to the establishment republicans, He piked Pence because Pence is almost the exact opposite of him. Giving the way they interact with one another I very much doubt Trump is being influenced much by Pence.

As for who will be in his cabinet, that is not being base on policy or believes, is being based on loyalty, remember that not everyone in the republican party was good to Trump so he will likely surround himself with yes men, including that Breitbard guy.

Trump did said he was going to repeal Obama's executive orders, but that was just campaign talk, I would bet you a kidney he doesn't touch most of them, you're just assuming he'll reverse the pro-LGBT ones.

Point 1. He could you know not have hate groups leading his transition, not have a white nationalist as his chief strategist.

Point 2. Pence just took over his transition team. That and we have his entire life of how he ran business. Go and wand watch the Trump U deposition, his style is branding not management. He lets people go unchecked beneath him and signs and puts his name on the front. It is literal insanity to think he is going to change.

Point 3. See above. These people are also ones to articulate the policy for his admin. The President's office is enacting the law, his cabinet positions are going to dictate how he governs.

Point 4. It's pretty stupid to see who he is putting in power, the GOP congress, and the groups he is surrounding himself with to think it is "campaign talk."
Repealing RvW will set this country back decades. Women will be risking their health and freedom and to obtain abortions. Pandering to the right wing religious conservatives is a dangerous game.
That's... not filling me with confidence, not one bit, because all you're giving me is based on your assumptions while what I seen from him, his own words, and his actions throughout this entire campaign is enough to tell me the full story. I lived with LGBT bigotry for years, I can easily see through his shit. You haven't explained how he's pro-LGBT if he's going to sign an act that allows discrimination of LGBT people on the belief of "Religious Freedom", by the way.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's Pro-LGBT, but I don't believe is Anti-LGBT like many republicans would be, which is why I don't see him working to dismantle gay rights
Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's Pro-LGBT, but I don't believe is Anti-LGBT like many republicans would be, which is why I don't see him working to dismantle gay rights

It's not him working on dismantling rights that's the problem, but the fact that he's surrounded by people who want to and congress is filled with the party who also want to. Him being indifferent is effectively the same as him being against LGBT rights.


That's... not filling me with confidence, not one bit, because all you're giving me is based on your assumptions while what I seen from him, his own words, and his actions throughout this entire campaign is enough to tell me the full story. I lived with LGBT bigotry for years, I can easily see through his shit. You haven't explained how he's pro-LGBT if he's going to sign an act that allows discrimination of LGBT people on the belief of "Religious Freedom", by the way.

The really damming fact about a Trump supporters that has minorities all riled up is that they knowingly ignored his inflammatory remarks and decided to gamble with the rights of other people so they could get jobs back to rural America, have low taxes, drain the swamp, blow up the Washington establishment etc. It's not like he had a hidden agenda. You guys literally have no defense here.

Let's assume the best case scenario and Trump turns out to be a centrists; minorities still won't forgive white America for a very long time, I know I wouldn't. It's like if you got into a car with a guy who decided to do 120 in a 55 zone. Even if he gets you to your destination safely, why take your chances the next time?
Point 1. He could you know not have hate groups leading his transition, not have a white nationalist as his chief strategist.
All throughout his campaign he and his supporters have been accused of being deplorables, racist, misogynist, etc. here in this forum alone I've seen some declare the 60 million that voted for him as being evil (racist, sexist, etc) just guilt by association all around, I think after a while you start ignoring other peoples opinions of you and your associates, which is why we see it now, which is why he will not care how "deplorable" the left calls his supporters, he'll ignore it because from his point of view they were wrong before and are just exaggerating.

Point 2. Pence just took over his transition team. That and we have his entire life of how he ran business. Go and wand watch the Trump U deposition, his style is branding not management. He lets people go unchecked beneath him and signs and puts his name on the front. It is literal insanity to think he is going to change.
I think this particular appointment has more to do with Chris Christie's failure than anything else

Point 3. See above. These people are also ones to articulate the policy for his admin. The President's office is enacting the law, his cabinet positions are going to dictate how he governs.
I am not saying he is not going to listen to them, but in the end what Trump wants is to be loved and be popular, I really do believe than he will be more influence by the general public opinion far more than any other president

Point 4. It's pretty stupid to see who he is putting in power, the GOP congress, and the groups he is surrounding himself with to think it is "campaign talk."
But it is campaign talk, his recent interview, the way he is handling himself now, it proves I think that he has no intention of going all in, he already said he would keep the popular parts of Obamacare, in the 60 minutes interview he clarify that the Wall would be part fence and part wall, the very topic we are discussing about same sex marriage, this is not a standard hardcore republican conservative response.

All I am saying guys is you should give him a chance. at least a hundred days to see how he will govern.


supporter and all I care about is jobs and immigration. Don't care what else he does as long as he doesn't have my race picking cotton and getting the whip or take away our rights. The problem is Drumpf has been shown support for the LGBT community but the other side just didn't care so this isn't really new to his supporters. The liberal media just brainwashed ppl to think he has a problem with them.


Spoken like someone who doesn't care about listening to LGBT americans. He is not for us. He just plain doesn't care. He's made that clear numerous times. Not to mention every last anti-LGBT politician he surrounds himself with, his promises to do xyz thing to attack us, etc. etc. He only cares about us in the sense that he can use us to attack Muslims.. Otherwise he doesn't give a fucking shit and will let religious extremists in THIS country attack us.

It's nice to see all you have is a "fuck you, got mine" attitude. I hope you turn around on this matter and listen to minorities.


I sure hope it turns out he was just pandering to the idiots to get elected and won't actually do anything he said.
All throughout his campaign he and his supporters have been accused of being deplorables, racist, misogynist, etc. here in this forum alone I've seen some declare the 60 million that voted for him as being evil (racist, sexist, etc) just guilt by association all around, I think after a while you start ignoring other peoples opinions of you and your associates, which is why we see it now, which is why he will not care how "deplorable" the left calls his supporters, he'll ignore it because from his point of view they were wrong before and are just exaggerating.

tl;dr "if you were nicer, Trump wouldn't have included a member of a literal anti-LGBT hate group"

Guess we brought it on ourselves
I sure hope it turns out he was just pandering to the idiots to get elected and won't actually do anything he said.

He's already given power to the exact type of people those idiots he pandered to, love. He's already given power to bigots, homophobes and xenophobes. He can't deny everything he said at the outset and hire these people as his cabinet.


I'll believe it when his Supreme Court appointee retires and hadn't tried to vote against same sex marriage.

And ofc the issue was never with trump himself, it's the people he enables in all three branches.


I'll believe it when his Supreme Court appointee retires and hadn't tried to vote against same sex marriage.

And ofc the issue was never with trump himself, it's the people he enables in all three branches.

Let's just inject the justices with stem cells till the next president.
I'm of the opinion that all Trump supporters are bigots. And yes, I'm fully aware of the numbers he garnered from various minority groups they are just as culpable as his white supporters.

What other word is there for it? His platform was clearly highlighted by the media, his remarks were clear and hot hidden behind the usual code words Republicans normally use to disguise their contempt for various groups in America. If you voted for him, you either agreed with those remarks or thought they weren't important enough to reconsider your vote. Neither of those things shines a positive light on tour character. The fact that a lot of Trump supporters have personally never called anybody a nigger is not a a legitimate defence.

Knowing that someone is a bigot and actively supporting him makes you a bigot even if you did it for his awesome tax plan or whatever other reason. In fact, I would say it's worse than being a typical racist. Most racists think what they're doing is right so they believe that they have moral superiority. Trump supporters know that bigotry is a bad thing but supported it anyways because they simply didn't care.

Not sure if this was posted, but his speech towards the end of the clip he talks about protected LBGT against a "foreign ideology" and getting cheered. He can't say Christian ideology because it'll trigger his voter base...

It's kinda strange hearing him say it, but I wonder if he really did play the Christian right as fools.
If Trump improves the economy (for the Midwest) people won't care about social issues. If the economy continues to stagnate (in the Midwest) he will turn to social issues to win re-election. You won't see anything on things outside economics for 2 years.


Well, I think he's not aware that he can backpedal on the supreme court's decision.

But hey, at least if he thinks like that so far and doesn't change, that's a goodies for homosexuals.
Let's not pretend suddenly like Vice Presidents matter, because no one took them seriously in the past. Trump picked him to secure votes, just like Obama did with Biden to get the working class voter then proceeded to do nothing for that group.

Yeah Dick Cheney was basically a doorstop.
All throughout his campaign he and his supporters have been accused of being deplorables, racist, misogynist, etc. here in this forum alone I've seen some declare the 60 million that voted for him as being evil (racist, sexist, etc) just guilt by association all around, I think after a while you start ignoring other peoples opinions of you and your associates, which is why we see it now, which is why he will not care how "deplorable" the left calls his supporters, he'll ignore it because from his point of view they were wrong before and are just exaggerating.

I think this particular appointment has more to do with Chris Christie's failure than anything else

I am not saying he is not going to listen to them, but in the end what Trump wants is to be loved and be popular, I really do believe than he will be more influence by the general public opinion far more than any other president

But it is campaign talk, his recent interview, the way he is handling himself now, it proves I think that he has no intention of going all in, he already said he would keep the popular parts of Obamacare, in the 60 minutes interview he clarify that the Wall would be part fence and part wall, the very topic we are discussing about same sex marriage, this is not a standard hardcore republican conservative response.

All I am saying guys is you should give him a chance. at least a hundred days to see how he will govern.

I mean at some point you have to be reflective on what the fuck you are typing out.

He wasn't driven to racism, it was his campaign's opening statement. Hate has been the core tenant of his platform permeating through every one of his positions. The one constant through his entire life, family and campaign is literally racism and bigotry. Yet the people who are wrong are the ones to call him out on it? And yes his supporters who enabled this are as much to blame.

Take his wall, if there is no wall the racist ideology behind it is what is important. That the Mexicans who are rapists, murderers and drug dealers are streaming across because there isn't a physical wall. More importantly any Hispanic person on the street is likely a rapist, murderer or drug dealer.

So no I will not give him 100 days because my family's safety, my communities civil rights, and any minorities' safety is non negotiable.
Knowing that someone is a bigot and actively supporting him makes you a bigot even if you did it for his awesome tax plan or whatever other reason. In fact, I would say it's worse than being a typical racist. Most racists think what they're doing is right so they believe that they have moral superiority. Trump supporters know that bigotry is a bad thing but supported it anyways because they simply didn't care.

What I've been saying from the start. Don't tell me you care about women like your wife and daughter and elect a man who shows contempt for and degrades women publicly and privately on the regular and surrounds himself with people who want to strip women of their autonomy. Don't tell me you care about minority races when you elect a man who discusses the Mexican rapist scourge and gains support from people who believe the US to be a nation for the exaltation of white people above all. Don't tell me you care about LGBTQ+ peoples when you vote for a man who chooses a vice president with a history of policies and ideals built on causing suffering for those same people, let alone a party in general that pushes policies that directly go after the livelihoods of people who aren't cis straight Americans. If you don't want to be called a pig, don't roll in the muck alongside pigs.

I don't think Trump understands the Supreme Court can over turn previously made rulings.

I don't think he knows a lot about civics in general. His cabinet could suggest Mephisto be appointed as a judge and as long as they also tell him it'll please his constituents, he'll do it.


My biggest worry about Trump is how he impedes upon our 1st amendment rights. And the people who have his ear. Bannon specifically, he scares me on the level of influence he could potentially hold.
This is all it took for some of ya'll? An individual who has consistently shown his word to be meaningless, whose actions as President-elect have already undermined any professed support for the LGBT community, and this is all it took?

Ken Blackwell as top domestic policy advisor, Steve Bannon as chief strategist, Mike Pence as VP, and ya'll are ready to rest assured because of fucking 60 Minutes?

I feared liberals would roll over, but I didn't expect it to be this easy and this early.


Yeah...might be his thought....

But there is ZERO stopping Congress passing the a law banning all same sex marriages...

It would go to his desk...either he has to veto it, or sign it.

You may think, its unconstitutional! Yeah, it is, but SCOTUS would have to knock down the law again....It could at the very least delay things.

BUT, I don't know. Republicans right now have bigger fish to fry.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some legislation that addresses "bakers can't be forced to make wedding cakes for same sex marriages" or something like that.
I'll repeat this again, it doesn't matter what Trump thinks, it matters what his supreme court picks will think. And I guarantee you they'll be anti-LGBT based on names he's put out


I'll believe it when I see it. If he selects right wing judges, then there's nothing to say they won't overturn it along with Roe v. Wade.


This is all it took for some of ya'll? An individual who has consistently shown his word to be meaningless, whose actions as President-elect have already undermined any professed support for the LGBT community, and this is all it took?

Ken Blackwell as top domestic policy advisor, Steve Bannon as chief strategist, Mike Pence as VP, and ya'll are ready to rest assured because of fucking 60 Minutes?

I feared liberals would roll over, but I didn't expect it to be this easy and this early.

I don't think most people are. Some I feel are Trump supporters trying to do damage control, however. And others trying to be optimistic despite all signs, such as some you mentioned, pointing to the contrary. I don't think the people are going to give up that easily.
Yeah...might be his thought....

But there is ZERO stopping Congress passing the a law banning all same sex marriages...

It would go to his desk...either he has to veto it, or sign it.

You may think, its unconstitutional! Yeah, it is, but SCOTUS would have to knock down the law again....It could at the very least delay things.

BUT, I don't know. Republicans right now have bigger fish to fry.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some legislation that addresses "bakers can't be forced to make wedding cakes for same sex marriages" or something like that.

If it makes you feel better:

1. Such a law would likely not even be proposed due to how many hoops it would have to go through and how little support there would be, even from Republicans relatively speaking;
2. The Supreme Court likely won't revisit this subject, they tend to leave well enough alone unless a major compelling argument is produced;
3. If they do revisit it, unless Trump gets two Supreme Court Justices appointed who are conservative, it is going to be a 5-4 decision, and this is best-case for Republicans. It is more likely in fact that one of the conservative Justices would come around than the case even being heard.
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