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Trump takes aim at Toyota over Mexico plans

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aka andydumi
I wonder who will be the first to call his bluff.

NPR made a good point that he is threatening consumer product companies over production in Mexico, which has a weaker economy and can be easily bullied. He has not threatened over production in strong economies like China and Korea (think Samsung Apple), nor non-consumer product companies like finance which are not as susceptible to the whims of consumers.

They literally said he is bullying the weak kid on the playground while avoiding the bigger kids who can put up a defense.


So is Toyota not allowed to do business in Mexico too just because we are not the top market? Also I fear the precedent this could begin that companies are scared from investing in the country because of Trump even if they are not beholden to American interests. It would essentially create a soft embargo. It is one thing to protect American interests and another to knowingly undermine Mexican ones.

Like I said, he has leverage, if they are planning to export most to the US, then the leverage is there, whether anyone likes it or not.


No, you wouldn't. To short a stock is to sell stock you don't actually own. (The underlying mechanism is borrowing the stock, selling it, then buying the stock later to cover the sale and repay the lender.) All Trump has to do is tell anyone that he is about to put a company on blast. They can then short the stock, then cover the sale once the price tumbles for a nice profit.

This was my one time to seem knowledgeable about finance and you beat me to it :mad:


NPR made a good point that he is threatening consumer product companies over production in Mexico, which has a weaker economy and can be easily bullied. He has not threatened over production in strong economies like China and Korea (think Samsung Apple), nor non-consumer product companies like finance which are not as susceptible to the whims of consumers.

They literally said he is bullying the weak kid on the playground while avoiding the bigger kids who can put up a defense.

But he has threatened Apple over Chinese manufacturing, it was one of the things he campaigned on.



Yeah, but now that he's Pres-Elect, he probably doesn't want to start out immediately with Trade War rhetoric with China. Mexico is in far less of a position to respond.

Just a couple of weeks ago, people were saying that he was trying to start a trade war with China...

You can't have it both ways.

koji kabuto

I wonder if people who celebrated this will regret doing so when they realize it will just make things cost more for them, Just like cheering for Trump when he promised to fuck up Obamacare then regret it later on.


I wonder if people who celebrated this will regret doing so when they realize it will just make things cost more for them, Just like cheering for Trump when he promised to fuck up Obamacare then regret it later on.

Are there people more miserable than they are under Trump? Like Muslims, Mexicans, and poorer people? Then they will be happy.
Will this be like the early 90s again where people vandalize and torch foreign made cars?

The WWF's Yokozuna character was created for this bsck then


What if Toyota threatens to close ALL those plants and take all those US jobs outside the country instead? Trump better watch his step.

BTW - those look like mostly RED STATES. The GoP might be a little ticked off about Trump's threats

I hate to sound like I'm defending Trump or act like his tweets have any weigh/sound like a good idea, but you have no idea what you're talking about.

OT: I don't see how he is going to control a foreign-based car manufacturer from choosing to produce in other countries.
I wonder if people who celebrated this will regret doing so when they realize it will just make things cost more for them, Just like cheering for Trump when he promised to fuck up Obamacare then regret it later on.

Then these customers are not going to buy a Toyota but a Ford instead. Toyota want's a competitively priced car in the US, to sell it they'll have to do whatever it takes to sell cars in the US at a competitive price, if they have to build them within the boarders of the US - so be it.

Its not like Toyota has much of a choice, can't start to sell all these cars to Russia instead of the US.
Just a couple of weeks ago, people were saying that he was trying to start a trade war with China...

You cant have it both ways.

Well, he's been two-faced on a lot of stuff, and he's going to figure out soon that there are entities (of which I would include China) that aren't going to deign to continue listening if he's going to be so cryptic.


I don't even know why companies are taking him seriously. A 35% tariff will never make it through Congress and even his own advisors would have to tell him it's economic suicide that would guarantee a one term Presidency. There will be no border tax, trade war with China, or any other totally reckless action that would lead to overnight economic disaster. He's an idiot but he's not crazy.
I don't even know why companies are taking him seriously. A 35% tariff will never make it through Congress and even his own advisors would have to tell him it's economic suicide that would guarantee a one term Presidency. There will be no border tax, trade war with China, or any other totally reckless action that would lead to overnight economic disaster. He's an idiot but he's not crazy.

See post 88 in this thread :D


Then these customers are not going to buy a Toyota but a Ford instead. Toyota want's a competitively priced car in the US, to sell it they'll have to do whatever it takes to sell cars in the US at a competitive price, if they have to build them within the boarders of the US - so be it.

Its not like Toyota has much of a choice, can't start to sell all these cars to Russia instead of the US.

The issue is building a cheap car like a Corolla in the US at a competitive price. It's not like you can just add a few grand to the price of the car and still make a profit. You can't just target manufactures at random.
What's with Americans and their insistance of calling our Baja California state just "Baja"? Why is it always just Baja?

And the case of this plant it wasn't going to be built in Baja California state even so that's wrong, but in the state of South Baja California (yes, there are two).

- Baja California (just like that, just as Virgina is not East Virginia)
- Baja California Sur (aka South Baja California)

The plant is being built in the latter, not the former.
The issue is building a cheap car like a Corolla in the US at a competitive price. It's not like you can just add a few grand to the price of the car and still make a profit. You can't just target manufactures at random.

Yup. Due to our wages it's much more competitive to produce high-end products. Well actually you have to or you can't compete that well especially in the auto industry, so there is that.

Companies are constantly making moves, better to focus on the overall policy than individual cases like this. There's not enough time in the day. Seems like grandstanding.

koji kabuto

Are there people more miserable than they are under Trump? Like Muslims, Mexicans, and poorer people? Then they will be happy.
Well, That's another way to look at it lol.

Then these customers are not going to buy a Toyota but a Ford instead. Toyota want's a competitively priced car in the US, to sell it they'll have to do whatever it takes to sell cars in the US at a competitive price, if they have to build them within the boarders of the US - so be it.

Its not like Toyota has much of a choice, can't start to sell all these cars to Russia instead of the US.

Can any of us guarantee that this witch hunt is going to stop at Toyota? of course not, That means it will continue and he will be going after other companies too.

That won't only change Toyota's prices but the whole market.
The issue is building a cheap car like a Corolla in the US at a competitive price. It's not like you can just add a few grand to the price of the car and still make a profit. You can't just target manufactures at random.

Life will find a way, .... i mean Toyota Managers :D
What if Toyota threatens to close ALL those plants and take all those US jobs outside the country instead? Trump better watch his step.

Not going to happen, the US market is far to important for Toyota, and other foreign OEMs for that matter. They'll swallow whatever Trump serves for dinner. They very same happens in China.

Concerning Mexico, don't forget the cars produced there are for the whole NAFTA market, not only the US, although of course that's by far biggest single market.
I guess these US Toyota plants aren't good enough?

What if Toyota threatens to close ALL those plants and take all those US jobs outside the country instead? Trump better watch his step.

BTW - those look like mostly RED STATES. The GoP might be a little ticked off about Trump's threats.
You forgot all their affiliate plants like the one I work at. Bodine Aluminum makes a lot of the major parts here in the US. My line specifically makes the cylinder heads for all of the NA 6-cylinder Toyota and Lexus engines.

And that is just one line of 6.


What's with Americans and their insistance of calling our Baja California state just "Baja"? Why is it always just Baja?
Just the same as America I suppose. Just like they refuse to acknowledge the continent is called America, they don't want to accept another place has California in their name, so they just use Baja.


It is racist for an American president to want to keep jobs in his country instead of a foreign one? What kind of logic is that?

The USA is not owed jobs, especially when it's new jobs that are being made, they are not getting taken away from anywhere.
This is silly stuff. They are an international company with factories in multiple countries. Congratulations Trump you are keeping the streak alive of days you've made yourself look like an idiot.


They also have plants in the US they can threaten to close.

I don't think they want to be on the receiving end of a 35% tariff. This chart is old but the US is still probably their 2nd largest market by far and possibly the most profitable when you consider their margins are probably much lower in China.




Can someone honestly explain why they're upset with Trump's threats to increase tariffs on automobile imports and why this is a bad idea for Americans?

During the whole Brexit debate, there was (and still is) a lot of focus on how the EU deals with vehicle manufacturers. Manufacturers face heavy import duties for vehicles imported into the trading bloc, and so if manufacturers want tariff-free access to the massive European market, they're heavily incentivised to base their plants within the EU. It's essentially a massive protectionist measure to secure jobs and to sure up the German and wider EU automobile-manufacturing industry. I don't even necessarily have any problems with this, that's the whole point of the EU, right? To group together to increase their collective strength for the benefit of their citizens and member states. The same thing happens with agriculture and virtually every other industry you can think of in the EU.

The US is a tighter-knit collection of states than EU, with a similar GDP, so it has every right to protect its citizen’s jobs, industry and interests in such ways. It's literally the exact same thing the EU does.

So when Trump makes these kind of tweets, and says that if manufacturers and corporations want unfettered access to the massive American market, they need to base themselves and a large part of their work in the USA, why do you (particularly the Americans in this thread) have such a problem with this? Do you have a fundamental problem with this kind of policy or it it just a knee-jerk reaction against Trump's more "colourful" moments?

I get that these are global manufacturers, NAFTA stands in the way of automobile import tariffs and increasing protectionism the world over will lead to untended negative consequences, but at the same time, the relentless free-trade, offshoring and shedding of industry cannot continue unchecked in the West since it's clearly not benefiting its citizens enough.

Maybe I’m just too much of an idiot to see why this is a problem, but what I do know is that after Brexit and Trump, the ripostes to this type of populism have not been anywhere near convincing enough.
Just the same as America I suppose. Just like they refuse to acknowledge the continent is called America, they don't want to accept another place has California in their name, so they just use Baja.

It would blow the minds of most Americans to find out that much of the southwestern US used to be part of Mexico. And that there are Latino families living in the US that have been here since the 1600's.
What's with Americans and their insistance of calling our Baja California state just "Baja"? Why is it always just Baja?

If they say Baja California most in the US will think it is a city called Baja in the state of California. I am completely serious. We don't really do geography.



The whole thing is bullshit, America does not want those manufacturing jobs back. They going to bring all those clothing manufacturing sweat shops home? Kick all those low cost illegals out of the country? They going to start paying an order of magnitude more for all products made now that they are made in America. The whole thing is laughable.
Can someone honestly explain why they're upset with Trump's threats to increase tariffs on automobile imports and why this is a bad idea for Americans?

Why are we so desperate to cling to jobs from dying industries whose workforces will be increasingly automated while the remaining workers will be required to suffer harsher environments, less dignity, and pay? Why are we so desperate to pollute our country? Why do we want jobs that we can't find workers to fill and not allow the immigrants who will do those jobs to come in?

The US is no longer a manufacturing based economy and is better for it. We should be looking forward, not backwards, to industries like tech and service that the future economy will be built on.


Saw a tweet that really caught my attention earlier. It basically said:

So this is the new reality. Trumps sets his agenda on twitter in the morning and we all talk about it for the rest of the day.

Kind of depressing.


He can't do that. It's illegal. One of the core tenants of NAFTA is manufacturing in Mexico and Canada is treated as domestic. He also won't be able to just "tear up" NAFTA. I doubt Canada, our biggest trading partner, will take that lightly.

Dude is dumb.

Also, Toyota is a Japanese company, they owe no obligation to trump or America.

America is a big country, but Donald Trump is trying to basically bully the world. What will happen if the world decides to bully back?


The US is no longer a manufacturing based economy and is better for it. We should be looking forward, not backwards, to industries like tech and service that the future economy will be built on.
I would *love* to see you explain that to someone working in that industry now or someone looking for work in order to feed their family


yeah lets see him really go through with taxing these companies.

He won't. Its all hot air. I really hope one of these companies tells him to stfu and does it anyway.

Lets not forget Trump goods are made in China. Why not make your stuff in America Trump?
I would *love* to see you explain that to someone working in that industry now or someone looking for work in order to feed their family

I would tell the person working in that industry to save what they can and the person looking in that direction to look elsewhere. If you work in manufacturing, you are going to be in a very rough place ten years from now.

My wife comes from a shitty town in Ohio that used to be known for its pottery. Over time, nearly all of the mills left for China or other countries. Recently, a couple opened again. Do you know why? Because instead of needing hundreds of workers like before they need a couple dozen and, aside from a few tech workers, they are mostly desperate people willing to spend most of their day in a furnace for just above minimum wage.


Philosophical question: If Trumps Twitter got hacked and someone started deliberately trolling the world, would

A) anyone notice

B) they be able to be more trollish than Trump


Unconfirmed Member
Here at UNAM (Mexico's largest public university), just a few days after Trump victory, a series of seminars and conferences were organized by Chinese diplomats and businessmen discussing the new panorama in world politics. Does USA really want to lose Mexico an ally? Trump's plan seems to be that the wall will shield USA from any negativity that comes from alienating Mexico, I shit you not.

China does the very same thing. Share your technology, manufacture or produce in China only or we wont allow you in the market and they get away with it all the time. And yet if Trump and the US wants to do the same, it becomes stupid or illegal or even blackmail lol.

Mexico is not China, and we allow your imports without barriers.
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