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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


The soldiers shit is so fucking hysterical. These same people hate Kaep and the players for kneeling during the national anthem and "disrespecting" the soldiers, but support a shit stain of a president who has actually attacked veterans.

The soldiers shit is hysterical because being in the military and talking with other members we agree with the protests, we generally feel that we are serving to protect their right to do it, not serving for the flag. I know military members who don't necessarily like the players protesting during the anthem, but they agree that it is their right as an American.

Basically what I'm saying is when someone says its disrespecting the soldiers they are speaking for us when they shouldn't be. Have any of the folks who say that ever talked to a soldier, asked them their feelings on the matter?


Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady about to make this about "unifying" the country instead of taking a stand against racism and police brutality, aren't they?
Aint no way tom brady is speaking up about this in what is most likely his final year in the league. He want to leave a superman, he will tow the line.
Aint no way tom brady is speaking up about this in what is most likely his final year in the league. He want to leave a superman, he will tow the line.

He did respond to Rodgers post with this


That's honestly more than I thought he'd do. I fully expected him to try to avoid saying or having any involvement in this.
I mean originally it wasn't just to protest Trump yeah? It was to protest a country that kills black people way too much.

That's part of the problem. Was watching good morning America this morning (first time ever because my friends restaurant was going to be on it lol) but they repeatedly mentioned that kneeling was in protest to social injustice.
It's wonderful how many players are kneeling, but I hope people don't forget Kaepernick's original intention for kneeling in the first place.

Same here. This is about police brutality and a society that allows white supremacy to persist at the expense of black lives. People shouldn't get stuck thinking this is about pissing off Trump or even simply about the National Anthem (which remember is still a song that references black destruction)


This has shifted to a 1st amendment thing. Police brutality won't be the primary topic of discussion

Yea the original intent was the police brutality thing. But the whole first amendment thing has always been in the mix to try and silence people.

You need to get people like Kaep, Shannon Sharpe, etc to keep pounding the original message home.

But this conversation has morphed. The President should not be calling owners to fire anyone because they don't stand for a flag or Anthem.


You know that scene from The Boondocks where Riley throws a chair into the middle of the room and everyone starts fighting each other?

I can't figure out if Trump is Riley, or the chair.
This doesn't jive with the discussions I've been seeing. Even in the mainstream. There has been a good dive into the why of the protests too.

The issue that will be confronted is the right to protest. Police brutality will not be what's addressed. Unless the high profile individuals make police brutality and racial inequality what they reference, it will be 1st amendment rights


Jamie Erdahl
Mike Tomlin just told me @NFLonCBS #Steelers will NOT be participating in the #NationalAnthem today in CHI. Staying in the locker room.

10:01am · 24 Sep 2017 · Twitter for iPhone

The issue that will be confronted is the right to protest. Police brutality will not be what's addressed. Unless the high profile individuals make police brutality and racial inequality what they reference, it will be 1st amendment rights
So I think ESPN is one the most vanilla things on the planet. They dove pretty deeply into the why. Of course they talked about the 1st too, but they were clear about the why.


The soldiers shit is hysterical because being in the military and talking with other members we agree with the protests, we generally feel that we are serving to protect their right to do it, not serving for the flag. I know military members who don't necessarily like the players protesting during the anthem, but they agree that it is their right as an American.

Basically what I'm saying is when someone says its disrespecting the soldiers they are speaking for us when they shouldn't be. Have any of the folks who say that ever talked to a soldier, asked them their feelings on the matter?

When someone joins the military, either enlisted or commissioned, they take an oath (as you're aware).

Here's the oath of enlistment (something I swore three time as a member of the Air Force).

Oath of Enlistment said:
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The job of a US service member it's to support and defend the Constitution, not a flag or a song.

The flag is just that, a flag and the anthem is just that, a song. Don't get me wrong, they have meaning, but the Constitution is the foundation of our government. Without it, there is no government.

That's why I, as a veteran, support anyone who exercises their amendment rights. I spent 12 years of my life supporting and defending a US citizen's right to do so.


Mike Tomlin just told me @NFLonCBS #Steelers will NOT be participating in the #NationalAnthem today in CHI. Staying in the locker room.
So I think ESPN is one the most vanilla things on the planet. They dove pretty deeply into the why. Of course they talked about the 1st too, but they were clear about the why.

I'm talking about and, CNN, MSNBC, local news and the like. ESPN loves to touch race topics. They had the n word panel a few years ago.


The soldiers shit is hysterical because being in the military and talking with other members we agree with the protests, we generally feel that we are serving to protect their right to do it, not serving for the flag. I know military members who don't necessarily like the players protesting during the anthem, but they agree that it is their right as an American.

Basically what I'm saying is when someone says its disrespecting the soldiers they are speaking for us when they shouldn't be. Have any of the folks who say that ever talked to a soldier, asked them their feelings on the matter?

I know if I was a soldier, I wouldn't want to be fighting to protect a damn flag. You fight to protect the rights of people in this country.
These same assholes yelling about respect probably don't give one shit about all the people who talk, selfie, grab beers, piss during the national anthem.

I would say wait and see what else he says/does. Some dudes just like the spotlight.

Kind of what I was thinking. It's good they did it but I can't help but feel it's more to keep their players happy than actually standing up for it.
Seeing the wave of support for this protest after Trump took it too far has me feeling quite optimistic, even if it's just people looking at it from a 'he has a right to voice his opinion' place. That's still a better place than they were at, when they were at 'fuck this guy, he should keep his opinion to himself'.
They talked about this a bit on NFL network. Faulk, Irvin, Mooch, and Warner were all on the same page in liking what the players were doing. Warner said he thinks this will also be a turning point in showing more people that this was never about disrespecting the flag and was always about fighting for equality.
Why would you think Brady would ever do that?

Brady was a high profile Trump supporter. I don't see it happening.

To distance himself from Trump or at least to protect his personal brand in so far as showing how he's clearly not a racist. It'll be purely selfish and opportunistic but I don't put it past him.

To be fair, even the response on instagram is way more than I would have anticipated.
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