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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’

What if a NFL player burned a flag?

Trump thinks it is ok...



I know the joke (and reality) is that there's always a contradictory tweet but what's the context on this?

Truly the most bizarre timeline, haha!

Edit: Fake - too good to be true!


Neo Member
It's at 1 and they play the Bears in Chicago

I wonder if this is more Tomlin than Rooney

Also the Penguins statement on this left a sour taste in my mouth. I was expecting more from the teams after the way the mayor stood up.[/QUOTE]

I had to look up what the Pens said. Disappointing they could've taken a stand like the Warriors but honestly I doubt the NHL, the players, and a good portion of its fanbase would be in the camp that support this protest.


Stop being afraid of narratives. We still have people calling this administration, master strategists. People will create whatever narrative they want

Yes, and the people who are trying to appear "in the middle" will use every excuse to live their lives in ignorance. Bubbles are being popped though, and the less ambiguity in these actions the better. I hope they clarify their intent, I'm guessing they'll issue a statement of some kind.

On another note, fun to see "unity and respect" turn into the new "thoughts and prayers".


Live look in at Pittsburgh....


Fuck you Trump....


The Autumn Wind
This is how I picture Trump 24/7.

Just an old guy who is constantly clenching his teeth and is pissed off all the time. One has to wonder how hasn't the stress taken a toll on his body yet.

Because 4 years of this would be inhuman...
I mean, he is a fat, balding tub of shit.
I had to look up what the Pens said. Disappointing they could've taken a stand like the Warriors but honestly I doubt the NHL, the players, and a good portion of its fanbase would be in the camp that support this protest.

Probably to do with the fact most of the league is not US born than anything else

Whether this is real or not, people have been pointing out all his hypocritical tweets from the past and it just falls on deaf ears.


Does he not realize this is sending a bigger message than anything?

Kraft just falling in line with the other owners right. His golden boy supports him and Kraft donated money

Right? Steelers have been standing for the anthem anyway this whole time right?

So not going out and staying in the locker room so you don't play politics? That's just some mental gymnastic bs.


All these gestures mean nothing if Kaepernick remains unemployed. If the want to make a true statement rehire him; until then none of this matters.


I'm feeling he just said that to take the heat out from the backlash they will receive. Playing politics or not, its the image that will be seen when the entire team isn't out there.
I don't care why Tomlin did it, the message is loud and clear to viewers when they won't see the team out there when the anthem is playing.

Exactly what I was thinking. People aren't going to look at the 'why', they'll just see no one out there and fly off the handle. I understand Tomlin's position here, but I don't think he's grasping the perception from others. Unless his comments on the why are just his way of playing nice with the owners.


All these gestures mean nothing if Kaepernick remains unemployed. If the want to make a true statement rehire him; until then none of this matters.

Kaep being hired or not frankly isn't the goal. I would love it if he was just to see him kneel every week. But hiring him back won't end any of this.
This is how I picture Trump 24/7.

Just an old guy who is constantly clenching his teeth and is pissed off all the time. One has to wonder how hasn't the stress taken a toll on his body yet.

Because 4 years of this would be inhuman...

It's his life battery. According to his wacky doctor, he's the perfect specimen and exercising would only drain his amazing life battery faster.


You know, Mike Tomlin sitting the fence is bad, but it's kinda hilarious, because he chose the absolute worse way to be a fence sitter. Because there's no move more profound in the midst of this protest than to not come out during the anthem at all.

So, congrats to taking a stand against Donald Trump & police brutality, Tomlin. You made a good choice to stand with us, even unintentionally.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
...NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S.

Actually, I started boycotting the league this year because I was angry that Kaepernick was unsigned. The NFL is actually doing a great job of pissing off everybody.
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