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Trump talks Megyn Kelly's nose [Talking Megyn's appearance = ban]

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100% truth bomb. She does nothing for me, and I'm baffled that anyone feels differently.


This is Megyn Kelly.

On a scale of 1-10, she's a knockout.


Because it is an apparent attempt to push him out of the clown show over something that that he didn't say. There is plenty to pick from without depending on misinterpretations.

I'm more concerned about the fact that even if we excuse the most recent comment, Trump's history alone should discredit him from being in the lead of most primary polls, yet somehow there he is. There is a lot of vitriolic anger from some Republicans that has really been fueled on by almost 8 years of near insane rhetoric. At this point to quote the Republicans favorite pastor Jeremiah Wright - 'The chickens have come home to roost.'


Speaking of Megyn Kelly's alleged "hotness," I find it funny that a news network that objectifies its own employees has the nerve to call out Trump for being a sexist idiot. Fox employs a small army of short-skirted, beautiful women, in order to boost their ratings. How fucking cynical, hypocritical, and obviously transparent do you need to be?
There is a strong belief among many conservative women who embrace their femininity and beauty and view the conservative movement as one that empowers the natural order of women, and they tend to view liberal women as agrieved, unwanted, unattractive. If you visit rural America and see the type of people who go to conservative churches, you'd see this view prominently. These are the types of women who would force their daughters into child beauty pageants.

What I'm trying to say is, these women are probably doing it to themselves to a signicant degree. I'd imagine most of the women who work for Fox News subscribe to this view of conservative women as happy, beautiful, and empowered. I used to go the College Republicans when I was at University to take in the culture, and it was so interesting how most of the women were dolled out in heavy makeup and short skirted dresses.
Maybe I'm just weird for this but whenever a woman espouses awful beliefs or just has an unpleasant personality I am immediately turned off by her, no matter how physically attractive she is. Which includes the parade of Republican sex kittens who work for Fox News.

You can pretty much find these on thier homepage and click on any topic with Trump in the title, really.
This stuff is funny.

The last word of this slays me:
3 posted on 8/8/2015, 12:49:42 PM by DefeatCorruption
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To: VinL
First time in his life Jeb Bush was right.

Donald Fraud couldn’t beat Lex Luthor in the General Election, let alone Hillary.

Time for people here to pull their heads out of their ass and get behind Cruz.


Fox and the rest of the Republican establishment has primed its supporters to accept someone exactly like Trump: rich, abrasive, anti-establishment, racist, sexist, and unapologetic.

That is what makes this whole Trump mess so great.

Anyway I find it amusing this thread has pretty much become "That Trump is pretty sexist, but man that Megyn Kelly is pretty bangable for a conservative. Am I right?"

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's an animu reference. Trump is a weeaboo.

I'd consider voting for him if he promised that when elected, he would act exactly like Charles vi Britannia.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Jesus Christ, anyone else getting a scary Aryan vibe from this? (commenting on Fox's internal culture, not Meg & co's appearance)

My guess is that you'd get a similarly "scary Aryan vibe" from Fox News's viewership base too.

("During the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m., MSNBC’s audience is 24% black, CNN’s audience is 16% black and Fox News’ audience is just 1% black. By comparison MSNBC’s primetime audience is 67% white while CNN’s is 73% white and Fox News’ is 92% white.")
My guess is that you'd get a similarly "scary Aryan vibe" from Fox News's viewership base too.

("During the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m., MSNBC’s audience is 24% black, CNN’s audience is 16% black and Fox News’ audience is just 1% black. By comparison MSNBC’s primetime audience is 67% white while CNN’s is 73% white and Fox News’ is 92% white.")

Which is why no matter how crazy Carson gets, he ain't winning shit.
Because she's a woman, of course. It's all that ever matters when discussing women.


I think it's bizarre that there are this many people online who will willingly turn off the part of their brain that knows she totally plays up her looks as part of her career in order to score online GOTCHA points.

And absolutely nobody has said anything like it's the only thing that matters - in fact the entire conversation is couched in terms of her political bent as a news anchor.


People simply commenting on her looks should be ashamed of themselves. Around here we pride ourselves on our progressive thinking and activism and then a few clowns degenerate this thread into blatant sexism. Come on now, we are better than that.

Like or hate her political views, she more than a visual object.


I think it's bizarre that there are this many people online who will willingly turn off the part of their brain that knows she totally plays up her looks as part of her career in order to score online GOTCHA points.

And absolutely nobody has said anything like it's the only thing that matters - in fact the entire conversation is couched in terms of her political bent as a news anchor.

Yeah that "I would drink her bath water" comment from earlier wasn't creepy objectification it was a clever remark about her opinion of water boarding.
And how many actual lives would he ruin? Sure when bush was in power, some of his bufoony moments were funny, but behind that act was a selfish, calculating person who caused so much damage to the world.

I know it's a joke, but I'm scared people wil vote for him 'for a laugh' when he isn't that nice a person.:p
Bush was selfish?
I'd vote for him just to make sure he wins the GOP nomination, to be completely honest. It would make it all the easier for Hillary to win the General.
Yeah that "I would drink her bath water" comment from earlier wasn't creepy objectification it was a clever remark about her opinion of water boarding.

So, as per the thread title change this conversation's over, so I won't say anything further save that when I search 'bath' in this thread the only post is yours, so that comment may not have been part of this particular discussion.

Anyway, Trump's a jerk.
My guess is that you'd get a similarly "scary Aryan vibe" from Fox News's viewership base too.

("During the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m., MSNBC’s audience is 24% black, CNN’s audience is 16% black and Fox News’ audience is just 1% black. By comparison MSNBC’s primetime audience is 67% white while CNN’s is 73% white and Fox News’ is 92% white.")
Fox also has a very old demographic. It is the old man yells at cloud channel as personified by its big ratings king Bill O'Reilly.


LiveFromKyoto: you are probably right there are multiple threads.

Anyways this whole thing is a waste of time IMO; really thing Trumps days as a candidate are numbered.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
LiveFromKyoto: you are probably right there are multiple threads.

Anyways this whole thing is a waste of time IMO; really thing Trumps days as a candidate are numbered.

He's making big ratings and livening up what would otherwise be a dull affair revolving around whoever can say "fuck poor people and minorities" in the nicest sounding way possible.

Will the media tear down their creation? Of course. But I think we'll be in for a couple more months of this.


I think both Trump and Megyn are incredibly morally reprehensible characters, and I get nothing but amusement and joy when either of them attack each other. Knowing their stubbornness, I imagine this could become an interesting, long-standing feud.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Did he mean like a shark with blood in the water or did he really make a period comment?
He claims he was just saying blood in her eyes and something something not offensive. It doesn't even matter though because the thing is, even if it was crystal clear that he was making a period reference, its still wouldn't be even close to as offensive as some of the things he has gone on record with in that past.

This entire thing is really just a carny sideshow spectacle.


I think both Trump and Megyn are incredibly morally reprehensible characters, and I get nothing but amusement and joy when either of them attack each other. Knowing their stubbornness, I imagine this could become an interesting, long-standing feud.

All Megyn does is run an opinion/news show where she sometimes says stupid shit (like reassuring imaginary shocked racist children watching her show that Santa Clause is white). Unless I'm mistaken she doesn't rise even close to the level of offensiveness as Donald. Donald's a fucking moron and an asshole, whereas I'd argue Megyn is about half a moron and probably not much of an asshole.


I think both Trump and Megyn are incredibly morally reprehensible characters, and I get nothing but amusement and joy when either of them attack each other. Knowing their stubbornness, I imagine this could become an interesting, long-standing feud.

If this keeps up, we could very well see some bitterness that affects next year's turnout.

If Trump gets the GOP nomination, he loses, hands-down.

If Trump loses the nomination, he has a few options:
- he could endorse the nominee. Already, after what's going on, with what we're seeing now, I don't see that happening.
- he could withhold his endorsement, calling the nominee a "loser" or sometime similar. Very possible. If his supporters are convinced that he was given a raw deal through this process, imagine a few percent on the right sitting at home. The electoral math is already stacked against the GOP; 1 or 2% of the GOP base sitting home would take the race out of their reach. And imagine what this does to races downticket - suddenly the House comes into play. SCOTUS is likely gone for them. GOP nightmare.
- he could run independently. Again, Hillary wins.

Priebus just cancelled his appearance on Face the Nation tomorrow morning. He's in an incredibly delicate situation here. Piss off Trump, and Trump blows-up their 2016 chances. Handle Trump with kid gloves, and he looks like a clown while the rest of the GOP establishment is lobbing bombs in Trump's direction. He probably needs some time to figure out how he's going to answer the inevitable questions; this is difficult, as we're in uncharted territory as far as modern politics is concerned.

I don't see how this ends well for the GOP. But it's early. Maybe more unpredicted weirdness will happen.

(I'd loooove to know what Bill Clinton is thinking right now. It's no coincidence that he's laying low while all of this is unfolding. That sly devil!)



All Megyn does is run an opinion/news show where she sometimes says stupid shit (like reassuring imaginary shocked racist children watching her show that Santa Clause is white). Unless I'm mistaken she doesn't rise even close to the level of offensiveness as Donald. Donald's a fucking moron and an asshole, whereas I'd argue Megyn is about half a moron and probably not much of an asshole.

Oh, I rank her far worse than Trump by a mile. Her being a so-called "journalist," means that she should be held to a higher standard. Instead, she just goes along with the propaganda machine. She's as reprehensible as she is insidious. Almost everyone acknowledges that Trump is just a stupid side show and that he'll go the way of the dinosaur soon enough.


All Megyn does is run an opinion/news show where she sometimes says stupid shit (like reassuring imaginary shocked racist children watching her show that Santa Clause is white). Unless I'm mistaken she doesn't rise even close to the level of offensiveness as Donald. Donald's a fucking moron and an asshole, whereas I'd argue Megyn is about half a moron and probably not much of an asshole.

She's a "journalist" for Fox News. Just about as low as you can get.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
All Megyn does is run an opinion/news show where she sometimes says stupid shit (like reassuring imaginary shocked racist children watching her show that Santa Clause is white). Unless I'm mistaken she doesn't rise even close to the level of offensiveness as Donald. Donald's a fucking moron and an asshole, whereas I'd argue Megyn is about half a moron and probably not much of an asshole.

You've got that backwards, actually. She runs an opinion show where she sometimes says non-stupid shit. She's as vile as everyone else on that network (minus Shep Smith).
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