You know when everyone got on Patricia Arquette for white female feminism? Megyn Kelly represents that to a degree. She's talked about maternity leave and rights before on the liberal side, but outside of that what has she really done? I think at one time even I believed she was probably one of the moderates at Fox News, probably spurred by the aforementioned going against white male conservatives on maternity rights and her hilarious part on 2012 election night ("math as a conservative to make you feel better"). But I firmly know she's just a shill. Like how Walker is a Koch homunculus, she is merely a Fox News homunculus.
You know when everyone got on Patricia Arquette for white female feminism? Megyn Kelly represents that to a degree. She's talked about maternity leave and rights before on the liberal side, but outside of that what has she really done? I think at one time even I believed she was probably one of the moderates at Fox News, probably spurred by the aforementioned going against white male conservatives on maternity rights and her hilarious part on 2012 election night ("math as a conservative to make you feel better"). But I firmly know she's just a shill. Like how Walker is a Koch homunculus, she is merely a Fox News homunculus.
Megyn Kelly is that weird kind of hot where you know you should hate her guts because of the things she says but her saying that crap makes her even hotter than she already is and makes you want her more.
Ann Coulter probably taught her the business. We all know Fox is entirely predictable, as evidenced by their predilection towards female newscasters. I want to hate the player, but ultimately it's the game that's ruining the world.
Donald 'The Apprentice' Trump is the frontrunner amongst the potential Republican party nominees for President of the United States of America, which the most powerful country in the world.
If he does get the nomination, it won't be the first honour for the internationally heard-of businessman - he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2013.
That's the bizarre thing about this. You can't say mean shit about women, oh unless they are liberal and or a lesbian. He got applause from the audience AND appreciative smiles from the panel and the hosts for the Rosie ODonnell gag.
Donald 'The Apprentice' Trump is the frontrunner amongst the potential Republican party nominees for President of the United States of America, which the most powerful country in the world.
If he does get the nomination, it won't be the first honour for the internationally heard-of businessman - he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2013.
That's the bizarre thing about this. You can't say mean shit about women, oh unless they are liberal and or a lesbian. He got applause from the audience AND appreciative smiles from the panel and the hosts for the Rosie ODonnell gag.
The guy whose being championed as standing with women and disinviting Trump was the same guy whose twitter is filled with "feminazi" rants. If he had said these same exact comments about Clinton they would be quiet as can be right now.
That's the bizarre thing about this. You can't say mean shit about women, oh unless they are liberal and or a lesbian. He got applause from the audience AND appreciative smiles from the panel and the hosts for the Rosie ODonnell gag.
This "presidential" debate and subsequent fallout is a disgrace. The moderators' behavior and candidate bickering had the decorum of the The View or a broadcast of the Glenn Beck show.
Donald 'The Apprentice' Trump is the frontrunner amongst the potential Republican party nominees for President of the United States of America, which the most powerful country in the world.
If he does get the nomination, it won't be the first honour for the internationally heard-of businessman - he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2013.
The guy whose being championed as standing with women and disinviting Trump was the same guy whose twitter is filled with "feminazi" rants. If he had said these same exact comments about Clinton they would be quiet as can be right now.
This. I'm there's a lot of jokes like this that they've made about Clinton that never bothered them. But now when they get a chance to try to bring down Trump with such a comment, they are suddenly all feminists.
I find it telling that the other candidates and Fox News are aghast that a known misogynist said something misogynistic, but were unusually quiet or deflective back when he claimed all immigrants from Mexico were rapists, etc.
If this keeps up, we could very well see some bitterness that affects next year's turnout.
If Trump gets the GOP nomination, he loses, hands-down.
If Trump loses the nomination, he has a few options:
- he could endorse the nominee. Already, after what's going on, with what we're seeing now, I don't see that happening.
- he could withhold his endorsement, calling the nominee a "loser" or sometime similar. Very possible. If his supporters are convinced that he was given a raw deal through this process, imagine a few percent on the right sitting at home. The electoral math is already stacked against the GOP; 1 or 2% of the GOP base sitting home would take the race out of their reach. And imagine what this does to races downticket - suddenly the House comes into play. SCOTUS is likely gone for them. GOP nightmare.
- he could run independently. Again, Hillary wins.
Priebus just cancelled his appearance on Face the Nation tomorrow morning. He's in an incredibly delicate situation here. Piss off Trump, and Trump blows-up their 2016 chances. Handle Trump with kid gloves, and he looks like a clown while the rest of the GOP establishment is lobbing bombs in Trump's direction. He probably needs some time to figure out how he's going to answer the inevitable questions; this is difficult, as we're in uncharted territory as far as modern politics is concerned.
I don't see how this ends well for the GOP. But it's early. Maybe more unpredicted weirdness will happen.
(I'd loooove to know what Bill Clinton is thinking right now. It's no coincidence that he's laying low while all of this is unfolding. That sly devil!)
Yeah there aren't sports babes on ESPN. ESPN sucks but you can't say they just have a bunch of models reading highlights. Most don't look like models and they know sports better than me.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
This. I'm there's a lot of jokes like this that they've made about Clinton that never bothered them. But now when they get a chance to try to bring down Trump with such a comment, they are suddenly all feminists.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
General voting public, the moderates and swing voters, will be pretty put off by Trump's shtick as it relates to voting for him in a presidential election. He can't win a general.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
Megyn Kelly is a good journalist I'm sorry if she isn't liberal and has her own opinion on things. I highly respect her, and watch her regularly instead of relying on sound bites to tarnish her.
I totally believe that she is intelligent and skilled. But I would not call anyone a "good journalist" who blatantly pushes an agenda, and who willfully accepts the distortion of facts, instead of reporting the facts as they are, calling others out for lying about them, and asking the important and hard questions.
When I think about it: that one phone call where Bill Clinton encouraged Trump to get involved in GOP electoral politics might be the phone call that won the election.