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Trump to launch voter fraud panel

(CNN) President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order Thursday forming a commission on voter fraud and elections, a senior administration adviser confirmed to CNN.

Trump is expected to sign an executive order establishing a so-called “Presidential Commission on Election Integrity” that will be chaired by Vice President Mike Pence and co-chaired by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, according to a report by ABC News. Other potential commission members include state secretaries of state like Matthew Dunlap of Maine (a Democrat), Bill Gardner of New Hampshire (a Democrat) and Connie Lawson of Indiana (a Republican). Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, a Republican, and commissioner of the election assistance commission Christie McCormick are also reported to be under consideration.


No evidence of global warming but voter fraud EVERYWHERE.


At last, a way for us to put our heads together as a nation and figure out how to stop voter fraud from melting all of our icebergs!


Deflections and smoke screens for his controversies. If he thinks the media will go along with his conspiracy theories then he has another thing coming.
This should be fun.

Kris Kobach lost an appeal and has to turn over the documents he was holding meeting with Trump:



These documents:

Oh hey, it's the next stupid thing Trump's doing to distract us from his last stupid thing to ensure he suffers no consequences for it.
Honestly if I were Trump, I'd do what Bush did and cut everyone a $300/600 stimulus check. That'd distract people enough for a few weeks until the next dumbass racist/sexist/horrible thing his administration does.


So this will be how Putin gets his hands on the votes. Yes im full on russia+trump now btw after firing comey im done being reasonable and playing devils advocate fuck trump forever viva la revolución


Aww, look at him trying to change the narrative since firing Comey. Lunatic. Still upset too about losing the popular vote.

Continuing to waste time and tax payer dollars on this shit.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
He, uh, probably has bigger things to worry about at the moment.

He's just putting the measures in place to ensure that regardless of who votes for whom that the outcome is in his admin's favor when mid-terms come around.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
He's just putting the measures in place to ensure that regardless of who votes for whom that the outcome is in his admin's favor when mid-terms come around.

This dude and his staff are as incompetent as it comes. I'd be worried if they were good at their jobs but at the moment they're barely passing muster on day to day mundane stuff.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I'm pretty much numb to this shit now..I don't even know what to say.


The mother fucker won! Why is he still hung up on the election results?

It's only normal. Every time a new poll comes out stating how his approval ratings are dropping, he returns to his election "victory" in one way or another.
It's basically his safe space when things go bad.

Just keep an eye on it, you'll see it come up again and again.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Stacking the deck for 2018/2020. Easiest way for him to assure uneasy constituents they'll be fine in the next election despite what he does to the party, they'll all be taken cared for as long as they continue to have his back.
im guessing this is to make sure that there's no voter "fraud" at the next election and that everything is on the level as defined by the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, huh?
Can't wait for the commission to quietly disappear once they fail to find any substantial fraud (other than the cases of old Republicans trying to vote for their dead spouse, or Republicans trying to vote twice) which will hurt their argument about needing voter ID laws

Ha, as long as they find >1 case of [Democratic/minority] fraud, they'll double down on the voter IDs.
He should offer $50K and full immunity to anyone that fesses up and can prove they committed voter fraud. Would probably be cheaper in the long run.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Can't wait for the commission to quietly disappear once they fail to find any substantial incidents of fraud (other than the cases of old Republicans trying to vote for their dead spouse, or Republicans trying to vote twice) which will hurt their argument about needing voter ID laws
Not to mention everyone in the commission getting fired and more angry raving from Trump.

Totally a Simpsons moment where Mr Burns tried to get Smithers into that model plane.


He measures in centimeters
And this is how they will attempt to steal 2018

Yeah I think most of the posts here about this being about 2016 are missing the point - committees such as this can be put in place for one reason but actually designed for something else entirely (in this case it could control vote counts in future elections).

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
So I'm guessing the stacks of electoral college maps were not just a bizarre prop for the press or something. Trump actually is furious that he isn't the popular choice for president and lost by a significant margin.

He will go to his grave concocting theories in his mind to explain it away and prove to himself he is always number 1, the best at everything, and the most popular person in the room.

And sure, this might be part of a crude and obvious attempt to fuck with future elections. But it also has to be heavily rooted in Trump's fundamental insecurity and hunger for validation.
Really it'll be a Voter Suppression Panel. They'll recommend policies to GOP states to further ensure minorities are more disenfranchised.
This is insanity. Kobach is evil personified and Blackwell helped disenfranchise tens of thousands of Ohioans. Why would any democrats agree to participate in this farce?
Their gerrymandering and attempts at voter suppression are only going to work for so long. And when they do fail, it'll be like a dam bursting.

I'm not convinced they'll hold next year, and if dems make major wins at the state level next year and in 2020, we'll be drawing more maps.

This panel will either be stacked towards favoring the GOP and just cause further push back against the entire GOP, or it will be balanced and fail to give Trump what he wants, by failing to find 3 million plus fraudulent votes for Clinton in California.
Why are several Dems on the shortlist? Why even go through the pageant of trying to spin this as "bipartisan"?

Edit: Frankly, I'm not convinced this panel will do anything other than salve Trump's wounded ego by allowing him to feel like he "did something about" those illegal voters that HAD to have cost him the popular vote.
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