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Trump to Puerto Rico: Your hurricane isn’t a “real catastrophe” like Katrina

Eh there are more than white Puerto Ricans. Funny enough PR's demographics mirror America's pretty closely in terms of percentage (13% are black, 75% are white, etc)

Another interesting thing is Trump has lived in the biggest Puerto Rican population center besides the island itself his whole life. It's impossible to understate the impact they've had on NYC.



Oh my fucking god man... the statements, this picture.

I really feel like avoiding Neogaf offtopic and Reddit front page because of this man's actions. It's like a super evil troll and you can't do anything about it


I just hate the constant mis-identification by our own members. Trump is an idiot but we should be better than that.
Eh some of us don't want to identify with our oppressors. I'm light skinned AF but I don't identify as white, I rather identify as Afro-Mexican since that's what my family is.
Holy shit... is there any real supporters of Trump left in the US after the last four months ?

Real is the keyword because it’s hard to say how many online are Russian trolls, but I believe he will always keep about 30% of Americans if for nothing else because he is not a liberal.

The real problem I have seen, firsthand even, is that Trump supporters distance themselves or just make interactions awkward with liberal friends and family members. Sometimes cutting communication entirely. So naturally they fall into similar or further to the right groups, and where their opinions and bias go unchecked. They’ve basically created safe spaces where they can pretend the status quo is fine and there is no one there to challenge that.
Mate that title is pure clckbait. That's not what he said.

His phrasing was clumsy but he was trying to make the point that they have done a reasonable job containing the death toll.

Now, we all know that's more to do with dumb luck than any sort of "management" but he wasn't saying what the title says.

Trump says and does enough dumb shit that we don't need to dress up other stuff like this.


Mate that title is pure clckbait. That's not what he said.

His phrasing was clumsy but he was trying to make the point that they have done a reasonable job containing the death toll.

Now, we all know that's more to do with dumb luck than any sort of "management" but he wasn't saying what the title says.

Trump says and does enough dumb shit that we don't need to dress up other stuff like this.

The death toll hasnt changed since the first week because it's not easy to get a consensus of dead or missing since every single facet of their goverment is fucked and destroyed. They're not focusing on counting the dead and dying right now....because they have to struggle to find enough food, water and shelter for everybody. Unlike florida and Texas....PR has been on it's own for the most part with very minimal assistance.

You will see the death toll rise much higher in a couple months, due in part to the lackluster first response by trump and co.

16 dead, yet entire hospice facilities and retirements have said entire clinics full have died with lack of food and power, and four of my family members are still missing and unaccounted for after three+ weeks.

I dont have high hopes at this point
The death toll hasnt changed since the first week because it's not easy to get a consensus of dead or missing since every single facet of their goverment is fucked and destroyed. They're not focusing on counting the dead and dying right now....because they have to struggle to find enough food, water and shelter for everybody. Unlike florida and Texas....PR has been on it's own for the most part with very minimal assistance.

You will see the death toll rise much higher in a couple months, due in part to the lackluster first response by trump and co.

16 dead, yet entire hospice facilities and retirements have said entire clinics full have died with lack of food and power, and four of my family members are still missing and unaccounted for after three+ weeks.

I dont have high hopes at this point
I totally get that and don't disagree but what I saw was Trump praising the response, not downplaying the situation as "no big deal".
I’m really sorry for de railing this topic a little bit but as a Brit who doesn’t know much about politics...like is it possible for Trump to get impeached? Like all this stuff it’s just like some sort of fucked up nightmare

I suppose a basic answer will suffice also again sorry for being a bit off topic if the mods want me to remove this lemme know


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I’m really sorry for de railing this topic a little bit but as a Brit who doesn’t know much about politics...like is it possible for Trump to get impeached? Like all this stuff it’s just like some sort of fucked up nightmare

I suppose a basic answer will suffice also again sorry for being a bit off topic if the mods want me to remove this lemme know

It's possible as there is an investigation going on by a former FBI director Mueller that's pretty extensive. Many of us Americans are so eager that we're nervous it won't happen. For Trump to be forcibly removed from office he has to be crimes at a state level and other corner cases because we have this dumb thing called a Presidential pardon where you can get out of jail for as many people as you want for free. Google Mueller investigation. Latest thread here:

Which is kind of full circle as this MI6 report was leaked just before the election last year and considering Mueller has the agent testifying it appears to be real which is damning for Trump.



I would've thrown that shit back. Maybe get a decent night sleep in a military cell.

This condescending piece of shit does not have one shred of dignity and self awareness.
Can't he just hand over the packs like a fucking normal person? Does he really think those people worship him as a kind of savior and are begging him to throw fucking toilet paper at their face...
It reminds me of those peacekeeping soldiers in africa throwing candies to malnourished kids from their trucks.
Any chance Biden runs in 2020?
I can't take 8 years of this, never mind 1 year.

If he had run last round and won, we would have expected him to run for a second term in 2020, so I do believe he has got it in him to give us a good fight. There will be strong contenders against Trump next time, no way he gets away with it (for the millionth time), unless Trump decides to just not run for a second term. All the shit coming his way, all the crap he has to deal with, the crybaby orange snowflake "business" "man" will drop dead of a heart attack long before.


Pence is even worse due to the fact that he’s a true believer and isn’t a complete buffoon.
I understand this argument but I'm not convinced.

If Pence got in, I don't think I would worry about him possibly starting a nuclear war after a 3 a.m. Twitter argument with North Korea. This is something people have to actually think about with Trump.


I mean they are white so maybe?

Puerto Rico was a part of Spain for 400 years before we got it right around 1900. Spaniards are white just like the majority of Americans.
Im not white. Neither are a lot of Americans. Or Spaniards. You stupid fuck. Puerto Rican is not a race any more than American is.


Junior Member
Malignant narcissism fits Trump very well

Yup. All narcissists are VERY VERY concerned with their image; it's their entire life.

The more dangerous narcissists, though, are the covert ones. The ones who seem gentle, submissive, altruistic, etc. but in reality they're horrid pieces of shit.

The malignant narcissist I dealt with told me that he constantly imagines being interviewed by some woman in his head. I remember thinking that was really odd. One time we were walking around town looking for a shop. We crossed the street and he looked back and realized that we missed the shop. I told him to just cross back to the other street. He said "no no we can't do that." So he got his phone, had a fake phone conversation and waved at a fake person across the street, so that moving cars don't realize that he went the wrong way?????

My self esteem is pretty abysmal, but NPD's pretty much have no hope of recovery and they continuously harm everyone around them as a result. They suck peoples' souls, because they don't have one.
Couple reasons why this whole thing today was just a propaganda photo-op...

1- The reason that church was picked by government officials in PR is because the leaders are Americans from the mainland, who are Evangelical Christians, and part of the very, very small group of Trump supporters in the island. Basically, the shit in the church was propped and staged to benefit Trump, Jennifer Gonzalez (who has an aid who called the Obamas "monkey" all the time on social media) and Ricky Rosello, who is a puppet.

2- Trump and his minions landed in Base Muniz in Carolina, which is only 15 minutes away from Loiza, Rio Grande and other towns in the southeast of PR who were completely destroyed by Maria. Instead, he was taken to Guaynabo, which has some damage, but not as much as other areas, and that is 30-40 minutes away from the base.

This was all set up for Trump to look good and for him to continue with his narrative that everything is fine in PR, federal help is doing good work, and that the mayor of San Juan is lying.


I would've thrown that shit back. Maybe get a decent night sleep in a military cell.

My God.


Inside the Puerto Rican town that lays bare the failures of America's relief effort

Strung along the northeastern shoulder of Puerto Rico, it does, however, have something many other communities clamouring for assistance in the wake of last month’s hurricane do not: it’s barely twenty minutes from the international airport in San Juan and therefore the rest of the world. That should make it a first stop of any island-wide effort to distribute emergency aid.

Trump calls on Senate committee to examine 'fake news' media
And yet it seems to be no advantage at all. More than two weeks after Hurricane Maria struck, Loiza and its 29,000 inhabitants, many of whom were already living in dire poverty, are still largely on their own. There are no US soldiers handing out bottled water in the town square or keeping order when the sun goes down and you can’t see beyond the toes of your boots.

There is still only one available truck for city officials to attempt to get what supplies they do have - nothing is more urgent than bottled water - to all 44 communities that make up the city. Most astounding of all, nobody has yet thought to give the city’s increasingly desperate mayor, Julia Nozorio Fuentes, a satellite phone. She has no connectivity to the rest of the island. None.
“We think it is going to get more serious. People are very destroyed,” warned Mayor Fuentes, whose first floor office in city hall, a modest cement building painted yellow, is besieged every day by residents demanding food and drinking water. At about 5 foot tall, she is almost at her wit’s end. Every night at 8pm she drives to the next big town where the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, has an office just to beg - beg - for more help for her people.

“I think they are trying but the strategy they are using is not the correct one,” she explained. “They have to come to the towns directly. They have to distribute in every town.” Some food boxes have been coming in from FEMA, but far too few of them. And according to the mayor what’s inside them - apple sauce, sweet treats, two cans of Italian ravioli - is all wrong. “They don’t want that kind of food. They don’t need snacks. They need rice. People are desperate.”

She needs more trucks and more water. And she needs FEMA to understand better that Loiza is not Orlando or Houston. For now, it is asking residents who need help fixing their homes - almost everyone - to apply online, obviously a laughable request. Even if everyone in Loiza was computer literate, there are no computers to register on. And there is no electricity.

Asked what she thought of Mr Trump’s assurance that the relief effort is going well, Mayor Fuentes seemed unsure whether to speak or bite or tongue. “That’s what Donald Trump says, but he didn’t come to Loiza, he went to a town that is rich,” she finally offered, referring to his stop on Tuesday in one of the more prosperous parts of San Juan. “We are poor, very poor.”

“They are saying he threw paper towels in the face of the governor,” Ms Quinones said. “That’s what they are saying here. They are saying he is not going to help the people, that he doesn’t like the people here.” She paused and seemed to make up her mind. “Trump is doing nothing. You are throwing paper towels when people here are dying. He is doing nothing to help us.”

So he's handing out flashlights to people while claiming they don't need flashlights anymore.

So he's just dumb, is what you're saying.

He's saying they don't need them anymore because as you can see he is now there and look at all the camera lights around him it must be exactly like that outside in the entire Island. 😖


And she needs FEMA to understand better that Loiza is not Orlando or Houston. For now, it is asking residents who need help fixing their homes - almost everyone - to apply online, obviously a laughable request. Even if everyone in Loiza was computer literate, there are no computers to register on. And there is no electricity.
Oh for fucks sake...
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