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Trump to Puerto Rico: Your hurricane isn’t a “real catastrophe” like Katrina


Trump better take care he don't touch that stuff out of packaging or he'll will be gone in a few hours.
Has anyone broached the notion that he will almost certainly be charging forth into full-blown dementia ala Reagan by then?

Hell, I think he's already there.

I didn't want to vote for Hillary for the same reason, of course dementia Hillary is still better than dementia Trump so I made the obvious choice.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Things are not well here. The places he visited, while devasted, is nowhere near as bad as the center of the island which is in a really bad situation.

I can, at least, say that I'm fine personally.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet

I feel like the people in that video who probably are great guys doing the best with what they have to work with probably hate Trump using their efforts for his own self-fellatio.


At the very least he's stupid enough (because he's too inept to do anything) constantly bringing it back up for the US at large to remember they have people suffering because of his ineptitude and that maybe they can help. He's so desperate for "I did it good!" self-patting on the back that he keeps bringing up things that make him look like the inept, heartless monster that he is and people keep being reminded of it. PR isn't somehow better, the people of PR still need help, and at the very least his circus of a petulant child will keep us aware of this fact because he isn't doing jackshit.

He just did this with the NFL too that the US/media had moved to past by having Pence playing charades in the public spotlight again, completely tone-deaf to the affects of his actions.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I imagine the NFL stuff polls pretty well. Ain't nobody think he did a good job in Puerto Rico.


Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico expired Sunday, not being extended: DHS

The Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico expired Sunday night and will not be extended, according to a Department of Homeland Security spokesperson.

Homeland issued the waiver of the Jones Act on Sept. 28, after a request by Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello and pressure from lawmakers, including Senator John McCain and U.S. Representative Nydia Velazquez.

A whole 11 days. Thanks, that's really awesome, fuckers.


Maybe Trump should read this article: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/4/16385658/puerto-rico-taxes-hurricane

Very informative.

Puerto Rico pays billions of federal taxes each year

Puerto Rico is a US territory and not a state, so its residents don’t pay federal income tax unless they work for the US government. Even so, workers there pay the majority of federal taxes that Americans on the mainland pay — payroll taxes, social security taxes, business taxes, gift taxes, estate taxes and so on.
The recent economic crisis on the island has put a huge dent in the federal tax revenue collected from Puerto Rico, but it still added up to $3.6 billion in fiscal year 2016. That’s not much less than some states where residents do pay income tax: Vermont and Wyoming paid $4.5 billion in federal taxes that year.
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