Trump Voters now view NFL less favorably than Clinton voters do Fox News (NYT)

i am legitimately surprised by this.

I thought the NFL would have been beyond reproach, especially from conservatives.

A lot of mainstream and/or non-populist neoconservatives despise Breitbart.

Maybe one day soon the elites of this country will wake the hell up and realize how badly our toxic political environment is hurting the country. It's finally starting to hit the only thing they care about - their wallets.
I dunno about that. My brother in law and his dad stopped watching the NFL, both trump supporters and both hugely into football. Same for another guy I know. Kinda surprising to me.

They also said theyd stop going to Starbucks and protested it by buying Starbucks then throwing it away, so I doubt it sticks

edit: not your family in particular obviously


y'all should be ashamed
They'll be back.

They also said theyd stop going to Starbucks and protested it by buying Starbucks then throwing it away, so I doubt it sticks

edit: not your family in particular obviously
Could be. Well have to wait and see.

I feel like the declining ratings of the NFL basically had it in a weak position in the first place and for many this was the final straw.
No such thing as good Trump voter.

Or a good Republican for that matter.

They all knew what they were voting for.

Even the ones hiding behind single issues.


I dunno about that. My brother in law and his dad stopped watching the NFL, both trump supporters and both hugely into football. Same for another guy I know. Kinda surprising to me.

I don't think they'd hear the end of what I think about their decision everytime football comes up.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

Nice callout.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
His supporters have always been there. They just never had a platform.

I live in the Bible belt. I'm aware of where they've been. They haven't had a leader as depraved as themselves until now. The fact that this NYC huckster was able to get all these cretins to congeal around him so quickly through the sheer force of race hate and sounding approximately as stupid while speaking as they do, is amazing and terrifying.

Trump is absolutely going to call on "his 2nd amendment people" to do something to protect him when the shit legitimately starts hitting the fan. A non-insignificant number of them will happily leap into action.


Do Trump fans have opinions of their own, or do they just mirror Dear Leader?

In my experience, they're the kind of people who "share" a lot of bullshit on Facebook because their critical thinking skills are nonexistent and they have to let others do the "thinking" for them.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Of all the random celebs for people to throw their adoring support behind... I can’t say Donald was ever high on my list. Truly bizarre the power he has over idiots.
Some people are predisposed to authoritarianism and want to be told what to believe. I imagine a lot of religious zealots fit into this.

Trump filled a large hole in their life.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Some people are predisposed to authoritarianism and want to be told what to believe. I imagine a lot of religious zealots fit into this.

Trump filled a large hole in their life.

Yeah, it took me a while to realize that "fascist" isn't an insult to these people. It's what they want.


I bet they will keep watching though.

Bob Costas is Karl Marx reborn!

NBC Sports is liberal? Wut.

There's no real difference between liberal thoughts on NBC vs NBC Sports. It's all about the insane partisanship among the GOP base.

If it's not Fox or Breitbart, it's the evil librul media.

Trump voters like nbc sports alot according to that graph, as far as I can tell. They just don't like it as much Clinton voters who for some reason super like it.


and the NFL is very conservative organization to boot

They gave trump money and he stabbed them in the back.

Here is the thing about the kneeling, few players would have did it and a few hot takes would ahve been written. But not anything that mattered in the long run, but Trump rallyed the bots and now they got a mess on their hands
Frankly, I hope liberals follow suit too. NFL has chosen their side and it is the wrong side of history.

Can't see why any liberal/progressive would support the organization. Not only after all of their other issues, but especially over this situation.
Some people are predisposed to authoritarianism and want to be told what to believe. I imagine a lot of religious zealots fit into this.

Trump filled a large hole in their life.
I read some kind of study last year that backs this up. It made the argument that it's not the Republican party or conservative media that brainwashes these folks (as I've always believed) but rather that some people are naturally predisposed to to this kind of ideology and gravitate to those that give it them. One thing I don't understand though is if this is true then why does this mental disease only seem to take root in certain parts of the country and demographics? You should find it pretty much anywhere if it's just a mental preference.
To be fair, the NFL is horrible for a number of different reasons.
But, yeah, if the changeover in feelings happened recently, it would obviously not be for most of those other reasons.
They show a lot of hockey, and hockey fans tend to be more liberal.

what? Hardcore hockey fans are more Conservative minded than Liberal minded in their thought process. And its the whitest sport in North America and in Europe.

Hockey Dads are insane on top of it. Hockey Dads threatening to kill the refs and beat up other Dads.


I was arguing with some guy that boycotted the NFL but still looks up Packers scores on his phone. I told him that if you were truly boycotting you wouldn't even be following anything. He was all like , "i'm hurting them if I don't watch it on TV".


Trump voters like Fox News more then Breitbart? I think the NFL's favourability rating and viewer rating. should recover eventually


I read some kind of study last year that backs this up. It made the argument that it's not the Republican party or conservative media that brainwashes these folks (as I've always believed) but rather that some people are naturally predisposed to to this kind of ideology and gravitate to those that give it them. One thing I don't understand though is if this is true then why does this mental disease only seem to take root in certain parts of the country and demographics? You should find it pretty much anywhere if it's just a mental preference.

You do find them everywhere, people are like this in the UK too. Fortunately we don't have a republican party or a political media machine that feeds these worst instincts.(well not TV Anyway, some newspapers are pretty rank though)



I think it's literally impossible for them to disagree with anything he says or does.
Remember when he said he could murder someone in broad daylight and they wouldn't give a fuck?

I can't think of anything he could do to lose their support. He could fucking eat a baby on live television and his supporters would try and rationalize it the next day by arguing that it was a bad baby or some other bullshit.
Remember when he said he could murder someone in broad daylight and they wouldn't give a fuck?

I can't think of anything he could do to lose their support. He could fucking eat a baby on live television and his supporters would try and rationalize it the next day by arguing that it was a bad baby or some other bullshit.

"He might've gone too far right there but he's still MY President."


The indoctrination that has happened to the republican voters is legit terrifying

terrifying is a good word for it

seriously, if you haven't take an hour of your time, any time, and watch Fox News. Realize that this is the reality these people see every day, and then realize that Fox News is the most legitimate avenue for news that these people actually use.

Usually the stuff they take in is even worse, because it's from some random douchebag on Youtube or Facebook.
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