Trump Voters now view NFL less favorably than Clinton voters do Fox News (NYT)

I dont about you guys, but when something idiotic comes out about Trump, the Trump duckies have stopped quacking.

Where are they now to protect their daddy?


i mean...good? it's a shit institution, burn it down & meanwhile trump's base can die mad about it

both sides not particularly caring about the actual message of black liberation/white supremacy says a lot more, nothing new but still
Trump voters like nbc sports alot according to that graph, as far as I can tell. They just don't like it as much Clinton voters who for some reason super like it.

Right, but the question is, why is there a partisan bias to a friggin' sports network? Does the name "NBC" have such a negative connotation to Trump voters that they think even the sports network is out to get Trump? I mean, it makes no sense.

Do Clinton voters have a less favorable reaction to Fox Sports? If they do, it doesn't show up in this chart.
Decades of Republican conditioning all resulting in a cult for the one of the dumbest individual to hold office. It is a blessing that the WH is filled with idiots and those that are strategic are roadblocked by Trump's ego.


Right, but the question is, why is there a partisan bias to a friggin' sports network? Does the name "NBC" have such a negative connotation to Trump voters that they think even the sports network is out to get Trump? I mean, it makes no sense.
To these people, literally everything that happens is part of an ongoing good vs evil, conservative vs liberal conflict.

I'm not exaggerating here. Everything.
Do Trump fans have opinions of their own, or do they just mirror Dear Leader?

Mirror dear leader. Have on friend who agree's with everything he says. Met him in high school which was was pretty diverse. He wasn't racist or anything (he's Taiwanese) back then but a couple years ago something switched in his head.

Here is his new laundry list since Trump ran and won the election.

1. He now hates black people.
2. Hates Middle easterners/refugees/immigrants
3, Hates Mexicans
4. Has no sympathy when it comes down to Puerto Rico and laughed at what Trump did there with the paper towels.
5. calls everything that he doesn't agree with fake news and posts even his own fake news,
6. Hates feminists/women
7. Defended the alt right movement and laughed when that woman died in charlottesville
8. Goes on Facebook and defends white privilege against white people....
9. Talks about how disrespectful it is to our troops when NFL players kneel
10. Blames everything on liberals including the Las Vegas shooting. He posted a fake article proclaiming the Las Vegas shooter was a liberal.

There is more but too much too type. I would say he would be a perfect candidate for the Alt right except his skin color. But hey, soon there could be a cure for that and will be able to get his race changed like in that awful James Bond movie Die Another Day.


The weierd thing is, us that their whole media and politics is based on fear and identifying threats. If it's not secret commies, it Muslims, or SJW's, or socialism, or "cultural Marxism" (basically rock-'n'-roll, feminism, equal rights and questioning society is a secret Marxist plot, or the world's slowest comunists revolution as I like to call it).
As I said to one guy on breitbart, how do you sleep at night when you think everyone's against you?


Trump somehow got a shitload of football loving fools to turn against the NFL because a few dudes were kneeling before the game started. Amazing.
The weierd thing is, us that their whole media and politics is based on fear and identifying threats. If it's not secret commies, it Muslims, or SJW's, or socialism, or "cultural Marxism" (basically rock-'n'-roll, feminism, equal rights and questioning society is a secret Marxist plot, or the world's slowest comunists revolution as I like to call it).
As I said to one guy on breitbart, how do you sleep at night when you think everyone's against you?

Holding their favorite anime full body doll or with a pack of natty light.

If you watch YouTube videos that are Trump supporters but are not smart enough to cash out on their support (Richard Spincer, Milo, and other horrible people) you will see that these people can barely function and would crumble outside of their bubble. They probably live in the city they grew up in, never straying to far from home.
When a league made up of a majority of black players managed by white owners allows those black players to protest about police brutality, of course Trumpers and billionaire white owners are going to view the league negatively. In their eyes, black folks are just lucky to be playing football for a lot of money and aren't viewed as humans with the right to protest.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
To these people, literally everything that happens is part of an ongoing good vs evil, conservative vs liberal conflict.

I'm not exaggerating here. Everything.

Yeah, one of my coworkers has taught his 10-year old daughter the word "libtard" and was gushing around the water cooler the other day about how she brought up that "all the people in here are libtards, daddy!" the other day when they were at Starbucks. Of course, ignoring the irony that they were also in Starbucks and they were labeling these people based on the fact that they were Starbucks patrons.

They're very hateful people and they've really got it in their heads that Americans to the political left of them are the greatest threat to our country. If they seem unhinged now, just wait until the #DEEPSTATE comes in and takes their representation out of the White House.
Rats rats we gotta get rid of the rats!


But they'll still watch.

This. People lie in polling. They'll still watch the games, buy tickets (where applicable), play fantasy football, read NFL stories on their phones, buy NFL-branded Coors Light, and so on. It's easy to be a hypocrite, and they like whatever is the easy way.


Frankly, I hope liberals follow suit too. NFL has chosen their side and it is the wrong side of history.

Can't see why any liberal/progressive would support the organization. Not only after all of their other issues, but especially over this situation.

I would if I gave any fuck about football to begin with. The NFL was a despicable organization even before this.


Because they’re dumbass fucking sheep. You have no redeeming quality if you voted Trump. You’re garbage. Take a long walk off a short pier.


Conservative boomers have to pretend they don't care about football. I don't think conservatives are capable of boycotting anything.

It is funny how long it took them to figure out a lot of black people play sports. Even funnier is seeing them and Trump fall ass backwards into the right thinking for the wrong reason to stop using tax money to fund gigantic stadiums.

they can pretend. but ratings, and ticket sells dont...


Cabela's, Chick-Fil-A, Fox News? Stereotypes write themselves.

Interesting that Clinton voters don't appear to irrationally hate anything the same way. And by interesting I mean not surprising at all.
Cabela's, Chick-Fil-A, Fox News? Stereotypes write themselves.

Interesting that Clinton voters don't appear to irrationally hate anything the same way. And by interesting I mean not surprising at all.
Yeah, it's not surprising. They already showed they had no morals when they supported her over Bernie in the primaries.
Someone's thinking it lmao


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Maybe the NFL should align themselves more closely to the administration by highlighting how many current personnel are under investigation right now for sexual assault or domestic violence. That polls well.
And the folks connected to murder, it amazes me every time I see this posted and think it took players kneeling to protest injustices against blacks at the hands of the police for their opinion to be lowered.

,Murica. Or Amerikka. Whichever fits.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Fucking idiots.

I honestly feel completely justified in my negative view of Fox News. They push a dishonest self serving agenda that is often hateful and destructive. That is a valid reason to view a company negatively in my book.

Meanwhile shit for brains Trump supporters view a company negatively due to some shit dear leader said. These people keep proving time and time again that they do not deserve to be engaged in any sort of meaningful conversation.

If someone is still supporting Trump at this point in the game they irreparably broken.

I'm struggling to understand why Democrats don't have a worse view of Breitbart than this shows honestly. It should be closer to trump hotel-level.
I'll be honest before about 9 months ago I had no idea what Breitbart even was. It might not be as well known and pervasive as some might think.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I remember last year when people said that the Kap thing was keeping them away from the NFL I dismissed as people just being full of shit.. and it was other things. I think it was because of Kap.. and racist Trump voters really hate black people taking a stand (or in this case kneel).

Can you imagine what it most be like in the mind of a Trumpy to be so scared of hispanics and blacks... it most consume them. Seriously, what a miserable fucking existence this people live.

All about a fucking protest that literally harms nobody.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Well maybe they don’t like it because the damn patriots haven’t had their Super Bowls taken away yet! Come on they filmed the other teams practices until 07 then deflated the balls they used on offense to make themselves fumble less starting at least in 2014. I’ll answer negatively on the nfl until those titles are rescinded and Brady and Belicheat are expelled
Oh yeah and all the players that run over people, murder people, hit women, hit kids, etc

But mainly the patriots


Strap on your hooker ...
Trump voters favor Trump Hotels.... yet they will probably never be able to afford to stay in one.
Pretty much every Republican platform follows this pattern. It's amazing how well they've conditioned the lower class to think of themselves as temporarily embarrased millionaires.
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