Trump's debt limit deal with Dems likely to lead to DACA becoming law at end of year

No, he has zero loyalty, zero consistency and zero commitment. He praises whoever the most recent person to please him was, and insults whoever the most recent person to displease him was. This could be the exact same person in either category in two different weeks.

He's the most easy person to manipulate.

This. Dems just happened to manipulate him. Right place, time and conditions. If the KKK spent all their efforts towards flattering, pleasing and stroking his ego at the expense of any other input, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd work towards legally categorizing POC as non-human.

This isn't a pivot. There will be no pivot. All we have is an egotistical bigot who knows nothing about his job and is controlled as a puppet by the people close to him.
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