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Trump's debt limit deal with Dems likely to lead to DACA becoming law at end of year

Reauthorizing DACA is just not enough. There has to be a legislation to give them a permanent status or at least a pathway to citizenship.
I am glad the Democrats were able to do this, but fuck trying to frame this as a "success." Trump is still President; Trump is still an awful piece of shit; Trump is still a Russian traitor. We still need to impeach him.


Junior Member
I am glad the Democrats were able to do this, but fuck trying to frame this as a "success." Trump is still President; Trump is still an awful piece of shit; Trump is still a Russian traitor. We still need to impeach him.

Saying that anything besides removing him from office isn't success is insanely ridiculous.
Reauthorizing DACA is just not enough. There has to be a legislation to give them a permanent status or at least a pathway to citizenship.

That's the real fight, isn't it? You may be able to get enough Republicans to support not terrorizing these folks, but a path to citizenship? being able to vote?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Not a peep on t_d about this. That's how you know this is bad for them. They can't even spin this or lie to themselves. Just pretend it didn't happen.
All of that is true, but a maneuver that saves Dreamers without legislative concessions should be seen as a victory.
Not to mention that a legislated version of DACA is permanent. The executive order, as we saw was subject to the whims of the president.

Impeach Trump when Mueller brings up charges. Until then, squeeze him for anything you know Pence wouldn't sign.
Trump’s gonna go back on this deal. He’s gonna read the coverage and he’s not gonna give a fuck that he’s putting people in jeopardy.
Not a peep on t_d about this. That's how you know this is bad for them. They can't even spin this or lie to themselves. Just pretend it didn't happen.

I think this is their reaction? I honestly have no idea what any of this even means....? Or I guess they mean in general "today" ? I have no idea what anything on their sub means.

Sorry if I'm not allowed to link to t_d. Will remove if not allowed.


OMG please please please be true.

I will be some happy if something positive comes from this and I wasnt even sure what the deal with the debt ceiling + harvey thing meant, like why it was getting the reactions it did.


No Scrubs
Yeah the Democrats have a strong track record of competency and not having things blow up in their faces.

The Dems core competency tends to be competency. If this were an election strategy I'd be worried, but it's legislative wrangling, which they tend to be good at, so I'm not.


Junior Member
Yeah the Democrats have a strong track record of competency and not having things blow up in their faces.

I know this is a sarcastic post. But yes, Pelosi and Schumer are clearly very competent politicians. Especially compared to Donald Trump.
Explain how.
Pres. Trump ascended to the mountain top in politics by telling people what they want to hear. If I were the Democrats, then I wouldn't celebrate until things are final with respect to the debt ceiling and DACA. Trump has been a Democrat off and on in the past. But he's also been a Republican...so he's not anchored down too much in terms of what either side wants out of him.


Yeah the Democrats have a strong track record of competency and not having things blow up in their faces.

Trump isn't a politician on the most basic level. He has no mental capacity to scheme.

Edit: I'm not saying he won't go back on it, but he's not a strategist and that's the reason he'd done everything he has. No foresight or even the ability to appreciate the basic concept of optics/"good politics". Trump has habitually done things that are actually quite bad for him as Presudent. There's not a big difference here, really.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Take your pick:

1) Trump is angry at GOP congressional leadership for not bending the knee, has repeatedly threatened to work with Democrats instead to give him a win
2) Trump makes decisions based on whoever he talked with last and Schumer/Pelosi have finally figured out how to game him
3) Trump is an incompetent statesman with no real ideological motives of his own
4) All of the above

Is it...4?



Junior Member
Pres. Trump ascended to the mountain top in politics by telling people what they want to hear. If I were the Democrats, then I wouldn't celebrate until things are final with respect to the debt ceiling and DACA. Trump has been a Democrat off and on in the past. But he's also been a Republican...so he's not anchored down too much in terms of what either side wants out of him.

Even if he changes his mind this doesn't hurt Democrats since they gave him nothing.


It might be the case that Trump supports DACA (as do most Americans) but wanted to placate his extremist base that he made promises to in removing the program.


Until republicans can figure out how to agree to fund the government on their own they're going g to keep getting owned like this.


Whatever it takes to keep DACA alive and potentially even lead to citizenship pathway. It's all good for that good.
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