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Trump's first year as a president


Well it's just like those that claim a president who wants to deport illegal immigrants is a racist despite Obama deporting more illegals than any president in history and puts Trump to shame in that department. People believe what they want to believe and support who they want to support. They ignore any inconveniences to their world view...
People don't claim Trump is a racist just because he wants to deport illegal immigrants. They call him a racist because he's displayed a repeated, well-documented pattern of racist behavior and language for over 40 years.


Well it's just like those that claim a president who wants to deport illegal immigrants is a racist despite Obama deporting more illegals than any president in history and puts Trump to shame in that department. People believe what they want to believe and support who they want to support. They ignore any inconveniences to their world view...

Calling some Nazi's to be good people was surely an inconvenience I'm sure!


Yes, yes they do...
Nah man. We call him a racist because he's obviously racist, and has been saying and doing racist things longer than I've been alive.

Look, they've just created a rhetorical atmosphere any policy disagreement with the left is just inherently called "racist." Remember how they called opposition to Obamacare racist...? So there is no escape for anyone to the right of Mitt Romney/Jeb Bush. You must be a racist, because there is no other rational reason for you to not hold the same positions statists do.

The good thing about these intolerant leftists is that they continue to drive centrists and moderates farther to the right with their constant demeaning of everyone else. I want them to keep throwing around "racist," "Nazi," etc., because I want to keep winning elections.

Sometimes they just make their "movement" look insane to outsiders, like some sort of self-parody. Yesterday I was reading the thread from the other place about pink "pussy hats" and whether they are exclusive of women of color and women "without vaginas." It was like a Bizarro world that only hipster millenials and college professors can understand.


Nah man. We call him a racist because he's obviously racist, and has been saying and doing racist things longer than I've been alive.
That doesn't change the fact that many people site his intent to deport illegals as racism...


So what you're saying is that this is the one and only thing that people call him racist about.

Cute reply, but here is what I read verbatim:

"People don't claim Trump is a racist just because he wants to deport illegal immigrants."

To which you replied:

"Yes, yes they do."

The person who said that was saying that Trump is considered racist for more than just that one thing.


It's amazing how the complexities of speech evade you when it challenges your world view... making my point exactly...

"People don't drink toilet water cause they're might be pee in there."
"No, they don't not drink it because there's pee, they don't drink it cause there's poo."
"Yes, people do indeed refuse to drink toilet water because there's pee."
"So they ONLY don't drink toilet water cause of pee?!?!"

This is literally how stupid your debate skills have because when your world view was challenged. People call Trump racist because he wanted to deport illegals. Yes, there are other reasons they call him racists, but the potential deportation of immigrants is one of them. Please don't feign stupidity to prove stupidity...
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It's amazing how the complexities of speech evade you when it challenges your world view... making my point exactly...

"People don't drink toilet water cause they're might be pee in there."
"No, they don't not drink it because there's pee, they don't drink it cause there's poo."
"Yes, people do indeed refuse to drink toilet water because there's pee."
"So they ONLY don't drink toilet water cause of pee?!?!"

This is literally how stupid your debate skills have because when your world view was challenged. People call Trump racist because he wanted to deport illegals. Yes, there are other reasons they call him racists, but the potential deportation of immigrants is one of them. Please don't feign stupidity to prove stupidity...

So people called Trump racist for a whole bunch of reasons including immigration? So like, he's racist then right?


So people called Trump racist for a whole bunch of reasons including immigration? So like, he's racist then right?
People call Obama and idiot for all different reasons, does that make him an idiot? You have zero sense of logic...

Either way this poor attempt to derail my point won't work. Fact is people believe what they want, as you and others immediately demonstrated shortly after I made that point. It's a sad disease of modern western culture, which Hideo Kojima tried to warn us about way back in 2001...
People call Obama and idiot for all different reasons, does that make him an idiot? You have zero sense of logic...

Either way this poor attempt to derail my point won't work. Fact is people believe what they want, as you and others immediately demonstrated shortly after I made that point. It's a sad disease of modern western culture, which Hideo Kojima tried to warn us about way back in 2001...

We have objective evidence of Trump being a racist. We call him a racist because of those facts. Does that sound sensible?
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It's amazing how the complexities of speech evade you when it challenges your world view... making my point exactly...

"People don't drink toilet water cause they're might be pee in there."
"No, they don't not drink it because there's pee, they don't drink it cause there's poo."
"Yes, people do indeed refuse to drink toilet water because there's pee."
"So they ONLY don't drink toilet water cause of pee?!?!"

This is literally how stupid your debate skills have because when your world view was challenged. People call Trump racist because he wanted to deport illegals. Yes, there are other reasons they call him racists, but the potential deportation of immigrants is one of them. Please don't feign stupidity to prove stupidity...

What are you talking about lmao, you literally didn't understand what we said. We said that his approach to immigration is not the only thing we call him racist for, and you replied "yes it is"

This isn't complex speech, it's that you didn't read carefully


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
It's amazing how the complexities of speech evade you when it challenges your world view... making my point exactly...

This is literally how stupid your debate skills have because when your world view was challenged. People call Trump racist because he wanted to deport illegals. Yes, there are other reasons they call him racists, but the potential deportation of immigrants is one of them. Please don't feign stupidity to prove stupidity...

Come on now, you gave a poor response in post 603, perhaps you misread what you quoted, but you clarified with a different statement in your following post. Do not suggest others are stupid or at fault because you can't own a mistake you already corrected.


Look, they've just created a rhetorical atmosphere any policy disagreement with the left is just inherently called "racist." Remember how they called opposition to Obamacare racist...?
Nope. You might want to try reading grown-up news instead of whatever the fuck you are filling your head with.

You must be a racist, because there is no other rational reason for you to not hold the same positions statists do.
Someones read Ayn Rand! Hahaha. Ugg.

Sometimes they just make their "movement" look insane to outsiders, like some sort of self-parody. Yesterday I was reading the thread from the other place about pink "pussy hats" and whether they are exclusive of women of color and women "without vaginas." It was like a Bizarro world that only hipster millenials and college professors can understand.
Again...not in the real world. Most dems care about lack of skilled leadership on the international stage, a dearth of qualified diplomats at the state department, the state of healthcare in the US , short sighted trade wars with China, and the fact that the president of the United States is very obviously an idiot.

The scientists at the CDC don’t know what a “cuck” is. Intelligence Officers in the pentagon don’t give a fuck if someone is “triggered”. Members of the world health organization don’t know what 4chan is. That shit is important to you, not people who are actually trying to get shit done.


Moderator battling in the shade.
Dial down the rhetoric people. I understand the frustration on heated arguments, but lets get back on track please.

Edit: I should say, pretty please (and this isn't directed at one person in particular, so please do continue, I just want to make sure we are not escalating to that point b/c we have some great people in here). :)
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Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
People call Obama and idiot for all different reasons, does that make him an idiot? You have zero sense of logic...

Either way this poor attempt to derail my point won't work. Fact is people believe what they want, as you and others immediately demonstrated shortly after I made that point. It's a sad disease of modern western culture, which Hideo Kojima tried to warn us about way back in 2001...

People call Trump racist because:

- His real-estate company systematically attempted to avoid renting apartments to African Americans in the 70s. He was literally sued by the federal government over it for discrimination. Twice.
- He's been quoted as saying things like: "Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control." (bonus anti-Semitism!).
- "Very fine people"
- He continues to push the Obama Birther narrative
- He supported and pardoned Joe Arpaio, a fellow Birther, who has been convicted of some of the worst racial profiling, abuse of power and police misconduct in US history
- etc.

Not sure why you're so stuck on the "deport illegals" stuff.


Tears in the rain
Trump's first year as president was pretty absurd IMO. Man is a total fuckup. An embarassment to his political party.


Tears in the rain
The only difference between Trump and standard GOP is that Trump got rid of the dog whistles

I dunno, I respect #nevertrump Conservatives. I don't agree with them on basically...well anything, but they have their views and they are sticking with them. I mean they feel that Trump is too left haha. I have to at least respect that. Especially since they actually drag him when he does something dumb (which is...all the time).


Come on now, you gave a poor response in post 603, perhaps you misread what you quoted, but you clarified with a different statement in your following post. Do not suggest others are stupid or at fault because you can't own a mistake you already corrected.
I made no mistake. There are plenty of people that called Trump racist immediately simply for suggesting we should deport illegals. Did we forget about those videos of little mexican kids and grandmas saying fuck trump and calling him racist for exactly these reasons? Hell even today you see plenty of people calling out trump as a racist for deporting illegals meanwhile obama's deportation numbers make trump look like a pushover...

I never said ALL people call Trump racist EXCLUSIVELY because of his suggestion of deporting illegals. The mistake is on those who took what I said that way...

Again, stop derailing my point. My point is people call Trump racist for doing things that Obama did better, such as deporting illegals. Bill Clinton also called for deportation and better border security, with zero accusations of racism. Hillary also hated the idea of gay marriage before it was popular. All these people who you want to support you give a pass to, whereas you demonize someone you want to hate for doing the same things. THAT is the point I was making. You are stuck in your own box and don't want to see the world objectively...
May I remind you off what Trump said that pissed everyone off:

Trying to stroke those fears, he went right to racism. Did anyone else do that?


I think those who claim Christians have somehow turned a blind eye to Trump's sin because they voted for him, is a hollow and often false accusation. Obviously you can, on Christian ethics, vote for a candidate, even if you think him a great sinner, so long as you believe he will do less evil and more good for Church and society then his opponent and no other candidate has a reasonable hope of success. Period.

I thought Trump's "grab her by the p__" comment was shameful. If the allegations are true that he had an adulterous affair with a porn actress, that's a grave mortal sin worthy of Hell fire unless he repents, according to Catholic dogma. And so on. Also note that I say, "if." I don't publicly judge anyone as being guilty of sins that they deny unless proven otherwise, for example, perhaps in a court of law. So I don't publicly declare Trump is an adulterer or that Bill Clinton is a rapist just because others have made the allegations against them. So Trump may be a great sinner in his private life. OK? Am I his judge or is Christ? So long as he doesn't support evil policy or I should say, so long as he supports less evil and more good for Church and society than his opponent, then I am completely, 100% justified voting for him, as a Christian. I think most of the great Christian thinkers in history would side with me on this. So why do liberals keep insisting this is somehow inconsistent with "being a good Christian." Nonsense.

I voted for Trump as a faithful Roman Catholic who attends mass every week and day of obligation. I think the act was virtuous as he is clearly pro-life (promising to fill SCOTUS with pro-life judges with Gorsuch as the first proof), in defense of Christian liberty (freedom of conscience for medical staff to not perform abortions or hand out abortifacient drugs, freedom of Christians to not violate their consciences in their business practices [bake gay marriage themed cakes, use their private property to host gay weddings, etc., be forced to pay for abortion, abortifacients and/or contraceptives as part of employee benefit packages, etc.], Trump wants to overturn the law the forbids Christians from being explicitly political in their houses of worship while remaining tax free, he wants to expand school choice [including vouchers to Catholic and other religious schools], etc., etc. I could go on. But clearly, as a Christian he is my ally and is fighting for me, as he has explicitly promised he would after he was elected.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
I made no mistake. There are plenty of people that called Trump racist immediately simply for suggesting we should deport illegals. Did we forget about those videos of little mexican kids and grandmas saying fuck trump and calling him racist for exactly these reasons? Hell even today you see plenty of people calling out trump as a racist for deporting illegals meanwhile obama's deportation numbers make trump look like a pushover...

I never said ALL people call Trump racist EXCLUSIVELY because of his suggestion of deporting illegals. The mistake is on those who took what I said that way...

Again, stop derailing my point. My point is people call Trump racist for doing things that Obama did better, such as deporting illegals. Bill Clinton also called for deportation and better border security, with zero accusations of racism. Hillary also hated the idea of gay marriage before it was popular. All these people who you want to support you give a pass to, whereas you demonize someone you want to hate for doing the same things. THAT is the point I was making. You are stuck in your own box and don't want to see the world objectively...


“I chose my words poorly but it’s all of y’all’s fault for not understanding me”

Also, that’s a nice looking straw man you’re arguing with. So you think some people out there are being unfair in one of their reasons for calling Trump racist. Ok? Are you genuinely saying that Trump's way of going about "doing things that Obama did better, such as deporting illegals" is identical to how Obama handled it? The way he behaved, the things he said, the justifications used, etc. No one is arguing that the act of deporting illegals is racist, dude. You keep dumbing everyone else's statements and arguments way down. It's reductive.


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
I never said ALL people call Trump racist EXCLUSIVELY because of his suggestion of deporting illegals. The mistake is on those who took what I said that way...

No you did not, you suggested that there are people (not all) that call him racist for that reason solely without any evidence of that being the case. You then changed the statement to "many people site his intent to deport illegals as racism". The second statement is far more reasonable and obviously less broad than the first, and it seems as though you understand that.

I don't have a position in this specific argument, and can assure you I am quite capable of viewing discussions objectively, but you need to understand why people addressed your post without attacking their intelligence, accusing them of derailing or any other misdirection. Simply clarify your position without the garbage and move on.


No you did not, you suggested that there are people (not all) that call him racist for that reason solely without any evidence of that being the case.
Did we forget about those videos of little mexican kids and grandmas saying fuck trump and calling him racist for exactly these reasons?

edit: NVM I see what you said. It was obviously a communication error that nobody wants to own up to. I'll just take the onus even though again, I believe bringing that up was just a poor attempt to derail the point I was making...
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Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
Neither your quote or your videos backup the first point you made. Indeed, nothing you will be able to provide will be able to do so because of the nature of the statement. Everyone here accepts the second statement you made, that it is A reason for such claims against Trump. We can do this all day but the things you have already said are clear to everyone in the thread, and it is not the case that people who took issue with it are at fault, that is your perspective alone. Please do not in future attack others because of your choice of language. I will say no more on the matter.


May I remind you off what Trump said that pissed everyone off:

Trying to stroke those fears, he went right to racism. Did anyone else do that?

Here is a classic and famous attempt to brand Trump a racist, typical of the left. Proof even! Someone posts this hoping you will walk away thinking he has made a claim that all illegal immigrants are rapists. No, even better, "All Mexicans are rapists!" I mean, the shameful lie is implied right in the title of that clip "Trump Calls Mexican's Rapists" However he does nothing of the sort. But what does he actually say.

"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

The above statement is 100% true. The illegals (some of them) are bringing drugs, crime and are rapists. We know he is only referring to a subset of illegals because he immediately clarifies and says "some, I assume, are good people." If you were to feed the complete quoted statement above into a hypothetically perfect A.I. logic machine and asked it to analyze the total statement as true or false, the machine would undoubtedly say it was true.

Yet the left went bonkers with this phony charge. This kind of knee jerk racist branding is so intellectually dishonest it's laughable.
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Neither your quote or your videos backup the first point you made. Indeed, nothing you will be able to provide will be able to do so because of the nature of the statement. Everyone here accepts the second statement you made, that it is A reason for such claims against Trump. We can do this all day but the things you have already said are clear to everyone in the thread, and it is not the case that people who took issue with it are at fault, that is your perspective alone. Please do not in future attack others because of your choice of language. I will say no more on the matter.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Perhaps you didn't go far enough back into the conversation to see my original point...

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Here is a classic and famous attempt to brand Trump a racist, typical of the left. Proof even! Someone posts this hoping you will walk away thinking he has made a claim that all illegal immigrants are rapists. No, even better, "All Mexicans are rapists!" I mean, the shameful lie is implied right in the title of that clip "Trump Calls Mexican's Rapists" However he does nothing of the sort. But what does he actually say.

"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

The above statement is 100% true. The illegals (some of them) are bringing drugs, crime and are rapists. We know he is only referring to a subset of illegals because he immediately clarifies and says "some, I assume, are good people." If you were to feed the complete quoted statement above into a hypothetically perfect A.I. logic machine and asked it to analyze the total statement as true or false, the machine would undoubtedly say it was true.

Yet the left went bonkers with this phony charge. This kind of knee jerk racist branding is so intellectually dishonest it's laughable.

In a vacuum, without any other knowledge of Trump’s previous acts and behavior, I do agree with you. On its own, it’s no proof of racism, just an arguably poor choice of words.

With context, I still probably wouldn’t say the statement itself is racist, but it certainly looks a lot worse and I understand why some would argue that. I don’t think it’s a stretch, anyway.

Let’s see the full quote:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.””

It’s an odd thing to say given the vast majority of illegal immigrants do not fit that description. Not just “some”, thrown at the end as an afterthought. A majority.

Is there a subset of violent criminals and drug traffickers? Absolutely.
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I’ve never been able to give Trump a label, racist or not. He seems to have multiple personalities. It’s hard to tell if he’s doing something for shock value, pretending, or being serious. He’s a character to me.


Nope. You might want to try reading grown-up news instead of whatever the fuck you are filling your head with.

OK, I'll stick to CNN, Salon, Alternet, and DailyKos.

Someones read Ayn Rand! Hahaha. Ugg.

Ayn Rand, the only person every to use the term "statist."

Again...not in the real world. Most dems care about lack of skilled leadership on the international stage, a dearth of qualified diplomats at the state department, the state of healthcare in the US , short sighted trade wars with China, and the fact that the president of the United States is very obviously an idiot.

The scientists at the CDC don’t know what a “cuck” is. Intelligence Officers in the pentagon don’t give a fuck if someone is “triggered”. Members of the world health organization don’t know what 4chan is. That shit is important to you, not people who are actually trying to get shit done.

Nobody brought up "cucks," "triggered," or "4chan," but you. Those are not important to me in any way.

Most Dems care about expanding the power of the state (aided by idiot Republicans), bringing in enough illegal immigrants and giving them amnesty to lock up a permanent electoral majority, and expanding state largesse as much as possible to grow the dependent class that serves as their clients.
Here is a classic and famous attempt to brand Trump a racist, typical of the left. Proof even! Someone posts this hoping you will walk away thinking he has made a claim that all illegal immigrants are rapists. No, even better, "All Mexicans are rapists!" I mean, the shameful lie is implied right in the title of that clip "Trump Calls Mexican's Rapists" However he does nothing of the sort. But what does he actually say.

"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

The above statement is 100% true. The illegals (some of them) are bringing drugs, crime and are rapists. We know he is only referring to a subset of illegals because he immediately clarifies and says "some, I assume, are good people." If you were to feed the complete quoted statement above into a hypothetically perfect A.I. logic machine and asked it to analyze the total statement as true or false, the machine would undoubtedly say it was true.

Yet the left went bonkers with this phony charge. This kind of knee jerk racist branding is so intellectually dishonest it's laughable.

The supervast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people. Trump said some, but that is incorrect. Plus Trump played on stereotypes to cause fear and manipulate viewers into agreeing with his message. That's only good enough for his base, and sounds racist as hell to everyone else.

"They're not sending you".

See how Bill Clinton, Bush and Obama talked about it.
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However he does nothing of the sort. But what does he actually say.
"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

The most important part of that quote is purposely left out: "When Mexico sends their people, they don't send their best"
He's clearly saying the Mexican government empties prisons into the US. How can you not see that? Do you know any history? This exact sentiment has been used throughout history to dehumanize immigrants.
He's saying most of those Mexican migrant workers are dangerous animals and are less than human. You are right to hate them. You are right to fear them. If some of them are good people, that's a shame because MEXICO IS SENDING RAPISTS AND MURDERERS to the US.

In Matthew 25:40 Jesus tells you that what you do to the least of us you do to me.

Cathlosiem is filled with beautiful stories of martyrs giving their lives to prevent the suffering of people. We need you. The world needs you. You have a duty to fight against people like this.
Even the Cato Institute argues against the wall, but at the end of their quality analysis, it seems they found a twisty way to form some of the argument. Trump can't use it, but it's interesting just to know that they said it, nothing more.

In a sense, the wall merely represents the Trump administration’s worst instincts and desires. It is harmful, wasteful, and offensive, but an ineffective wall is nonetheless better than the surge of 5,000 new Border Patrol agents and 10,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to round up and deport people that the president also wants. No wall has ever arrested, robbed, battered, or murdered nonviolent people, as immigration enforcement has. A wall will not create an interest group to lobby for itself, endorse nationalist presidential candidates, and demand more power and funding, as the Border Patrol union does.
The wall is more than a symbol. It will harm the lives of thousands of border residents and immigrants while wasting billions of tax dollars. But in a world run by nationalists, the one small source of comfort for non-nationalists over the next four years may be the knowledge that it could be worse.

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I think those who claim Christians have somehow turned a blind eye to Trump's sin because they voted for him, is a hollow and often false accusation. Obviously you can, on Christian ethics, vote for a candidate, even if you think him a great sinner, so long as you believe he will do less evil and more good for Church and society then his opponent and no other candidate has a reasonable hope of success. Period.

I thought Trump's "grab her by the p__" comment was shameful. If the allegations are true that he had an adulterous affair with a porn actress, that's a grave mortal sin worthy of Hell fire unless he repents, according to Catholic dogma. And so on. Also note that I say, "if." I don't publicly judge anyone as being guilty of sins that they deny unless proven otherwise, for example, perhaps in a court of law. So I don't publicly declare Trump is an adulterer or that Bill Clinton is a rapist just because others have made the allegations against them. So Trump may be a great sinner in his private life. OK? Am I his judge or is Christ? So long as he doesn't support evil policy or I should say, so long as he supports less evil and more good for Church and society than his opponent, then I am completely, 100% justified voting for him, as a Christian. I think most of the great Christian thinkers in history would side with me on this. So why do liberals keep insisting this is somehow inconsistent with "being a good Christian." Nonsense.

I voted for Trump as a faithful Roman Catholic who attends mass every week and day of obligation. I think the act was virtuous as he is clearly pro-life (promising to fill SCOTUS with pro-life judges with Gorsuch as the first proof), in defense of Christian liberty (freedom of conscience for medical staff to not perform abortions or hand out abortifacient drugs, freedom of Christians to not violate their consciences in their business practices [bake gay marriage themed cakes, use their private property to host gay weddings, etc., be forced to pay for abortion, abortifacients and/or contraceptives as part of employee benefit packages, etc.], Trump wants to overturn the law the forbids Christians from being explicitly political in their houses of worship while remaining tax free, he wants to expand school choice [including vouchers to Catholic and other religious schools], etc., etc. I could go on. But clearly, as a Christian he is my ally and is fighting for me, as he has explicitly promised he would after he was elected.
So your main reason for voting Trump, over all of the many issues that a President deals with, was because you thought he would best help you impose your religious beliefs on the rest of the country. Got ya.


So your main reason for voting... ...was because you thought he would best help you impose your... ...beliefs on the rest of the country. Got ya.

You just discovered why we ALL vote... Congratulations!
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You just discovered why we ALL vote... Congratulations!
That's not true at all. Giving women the right to choose doesn't force Christians to have abortions. Taking away their right to choose forces women to have unwanted children, in the name of a religion that they might not even agree with


OK, I'll stick to CNN, Salon, Alternet, and DailyKos.

Jesus Christ. Can you really not name a respected news organization? Is that what you think grown-ups actually read. Fucking hell.
PBS News Hour? the AP? NPR?

Most Dems care about expanding the power of the state (aided by idiot Republicans), bringing in enough illegal immigrants and giving them amnesty to lock up a permanent electoral majority, and expanding state largesse as much as possible to grow the dependent class that serves as their clients.

I'll give you an example of what the government actually does. There is an invasive beetle that was accidentally imported from China in the 90s called ALB. It has the potential to cause billions of dollars of damage to the timber industry. The USDA tracks it's spread, studies ways to contain it, does DNA analysis....all this cool stuff to mitigate the huge impact it would have on our economy. Now picture that single example and extrapolate it into thousands to equally esoteric, but necessary, jobs that people in government do. These programs need to be staffed by experts.

Your views of the world sound like they were forged exclusively on the internet.


You just discovered why we ALL vote... Congratulations!

Wow....That's actually pretty sad.
I vote for the common good. I vote because I feel a responsibility to take care of my community and to ease suffering, and I vote because I know that an educated, happy, healthy, and stable community benefits me in every way.

Your posts make much more sense now.

I'm sorry you have such a cynical view of humanity.


Jesus Christ. Can you really not name a respected news organization? Is that what you think grown-ups actually read. Fucking hell.
PBS News Hour? the AP? NPR?

All those "grown-ups" like you who constantly argue for why we all have to be on the teat of the nanny state. Those are state shill media, as bad as Pravda was back in the day. They all parrot the regime talking points. They're garbage, the lot of them. I only read blogs from people who have inside information, like about Jay-Z and Beyonce being in the Illuminati and HRC having secret meetings with Julian Assange at that child molester pizza place. That's real news.

I'll give you an example of what the government actually does. There is an invasive beetle that was accidentally imported from China in the 90s called ALB. It has the potential to cause billions of dollars of damage to the timber industry. The USDA tracks it's spread, studies ways to contain it, does DNA analysis....all this cool stuff to mitigate the huge impact it would have on our economy. Now picture that single example and extrapolate it into thousands to equally esoteric, but necessary, jobs that people in government do. These programs need to be staffed by experts.

Your views of the world sound like they were forged exclusively on the internet.

I'm glad they are killing the bugs, good for them.

Of course some state activity is absolutely necessary. I'm not an anarchist. But most of it is just highway robbery.


You just discovered why we ALL vote... Congratulations!
No, I don't vote to impose my religious beliefs onto people, so don't lump me into the group that's fine with the way he acts just because he's going to tell them what they can do with their bodies.


Wow....That's actually pretty sad.
I vote for the common good. I vote because I feel a responsibility to take care of my community and to ease suffering, and I vote because I know that an educated, happy, healthy, and stable community benefits me in every way.

Your posts make much more sense now.

I'm sorry you have such a cynical view of humanity.

C'mon dude. You know what he is saying. We all vote because we believe that the policies we believe in would be better for that community in which we live. So in that way we are ALL trying at some level to "impose" our policy preferences on others.
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