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Trump's first year as a president

Asking for a objective opinion on Trump on Gaf will not go well. You have threads about whats a good pizza that turns into a political argument. I guess that's one thing Trump did.. He polarized America like never before.

Most of the facist SJWers are gone now, and liberal leftist moderators with them. We can have discussions now. If you don’t like Trump I don’t give a fuck; I love my country and the president.

I want DACA legalized though that’s as leftist as I get,.,approve them and end that shit there. Anyone else coming illegal get the fuck out.
Not too bad as long as you don't become engrossed by the opinions of entertainment "news" networks and the oh so insightful social media sheep.


Gold Member
From a Canadian point of view it doesn't seem to be that bad for you Americans, especially in economic terms.

While I probably would have voted for Clinton and half-expected a market meltdown at Trumps election, Trump's policies appear to be an economic boon (at least for the short-term) at the expense of countries like Canada.

Corporate tax cuts, corporate tax holidays for depreciation, shilling for US corps, Buy America provisions, a more US skewed NAFTA (or scrapped NAFTA), and telling us to gtfo when it comes to our free-riding with respect to military expenditures is going to cause both short and long-term damage to the Canadian economy.
Medicare (thought seen it had a lot of issues) and Abortion shit is crazy, but that's just how fucked up American political system is.

Death of Trans-Pacific Partnership
Turkey friendly with Russia and calmed down
Trump inherited the crazy shit the last South Korean government and Obama pulled (closing down economic zone, extra sanctions over made up shit like NK hacking sony and defence shield)


Well luckily for all of us he's too incompetent to have done much more than he did. So for that I'm happy. Although the recession that's going to come once the bubble bursts will not be pretty. I'll be curious to revisit this thread then.
He should've started with infrastructure instead of healthcare and taxes. That should've at least showed bipartisan support, instead of creating future legislative foes.

For me this remains the most inexplicable part of his administration so far. Infrastructure seems like a relatively easy win, and even Trump likes to use the excuse about how new he is to this whole politics thing. So it would have been the perfect thing to start with, a nice little warm-up before getting to the genuine hard stuff, and I have no idea why his people ignored it.

(Even the idea that they just focused on stuff that would make themselves richer -- which is true -- doesn't throw out infrastructure, because of course there's loads of room for corruption there too!)

On the whole I expected worse, purely because Trump's level of incompetence was far deeper than I could have imagined. Obviously everybody reasonable expected some amount of failure -- history shows us that Trump has always been bad at things -- but the number of self-inflicted wounds in 2017 is really remarkable. (The blood from many of these might not be especially clear without hindsight, but that will come.) His degree of incompetence is unprecedented.
I'm pretty happy with President Trump but I sure wish he would lay off of Twitter. He got tax reform through and hopefully next year Trump along with Congress can hopefully pass an infrastructure bill and give some sort of legal status to DACA recipients to appease the Dems but only if they play ball with us regarding sweeping immigration reform that uses Senator Tom Cotton's Raise Act as a template.

Any immigration reform has to completely end the Visa Diversity Program and curtail legal immigration by limiting chain migration. It'll be difficult to end it outright (which I prefer) but if they can reign in to two categories only (spouses and unmarried minor children, which Cotton's bill also posits) then that's a start. Not a huge fan of "build the wall" nonsense since studies suggest most illegals come into our country through many means that don't necessarily have to do with the southern border.

Also an uptick in hiring on ICE agents would have to be part of any deal, or funding for it rather and allowing the US government to deport illegals as soon as they're arrested.

All in all, besides the spectre of the Mueller investigation, Trump's tweeting and the media I'm pretty happy with his first year. Passing tax reform was a big legislative win, his only one really. Putting more conservatives in the judiciary has been a plus as well. Now if only Ginsburg and Bayer would retire so Trump can put 2 more constitutionally minded justices in the SCOTUS.

I want DACA legalized though that’s as leftist as I get,.,approve them and end that shit there. Anyone else coming illegal get the fuck out.

Legalize by giving them a legal status yes, in exchange for immigration reform that curtails legal immigration, enacts an e-verify program, curtails chain migration (I believe it would be difficult to end it outright) eliminate completely the Diversity Visa Program etc then yes, legalize DACA recipients but have stringent criteria in order to do so as well.


This president, Donald Trump, is extremely partisan, incompetent and dangerous - he has been stoking a lot of division in the country, even though he is the leader of it. A lot of his rhetoric and policy has been heavily directed towards only the people who funded or voted for his presidency, leaving virtually half of the country in a continuous state of extreme anger and panic. This is in comparison to Obama, who spent virtually his entire first term trying to be as bipartisan as possible with "the other side" - the current president has had harsh, nasty rhetoric that has divided the America greatly during his first year. This, I think will have terrible consequences for the remainder of my life living in this country.

He has also been quite a terrible leader within his own executive branch, with multiple cabinet or cabinet-level employees leaving in record time, many over corruption charges, or just being truly unable to work within the dysfunction that is the current White House. This includes Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, Anthony Scaramucci, Sean Spicer, Tom Price, and Omarosa Manigault all being fired or "released" in the first year. It is also likely that Betsy DeVos, Gary Cohn, Jeff Sessions, Jim Mattis, Rex Tillerson, Ryan Zinke, Dina Powell and Paul Winfree will all be gone within the next year as well.

This is also not mentioning that literally every cabinet in the executive branch is missing hundreds of positions, leaving essentially every function of the Donald Trump-led Executive Government to be in various states of disarray, which for some reason seems to be part of the strategy of the president, in some sort of absurd "Starve the Beast" model. The most obvious crisis from this disarray has been the ongoing mismanagement of Puerto Rico, which has been in a constant state of blackout for over three months now on much of the island, with many citizens lacking even drinking water or other basic utilities. There does not look to be any hope for repairing the energy grid to the island anytime soon and the government has more or less abandoned large-scale repair to the island, leaving much of the population to relocate to nearby Florida instead. Essentially, if any crisis unfolds in America of any sort over the next few years, the government will be unable to help on a large scale in any capacity, which is quite disturbing.

On the global stage, Donald Trump has been a strange leader, starting initially from a place of some sort of neo-isolationism, but has mostly backed off this platform after realizing how much America is woven into the fabric of literally all of human society currently - he has not called China currency manipulators, not ended NAFTA, still supports the EU, has participated in large offenses in the middle east still and has saber rattled against North Korea just as all of his predecessors have, in direct opposition to his many campaign promises on foreign policy. That being said, he has more or less failed at all or almost of his foreign policy goals, as he has destabilized the middle east even further, starting a new crisis between Qatar and the rest of the Gulf States, created multiple Travel Bans that have been found illegal, and also ineffectual, nearly started nuclear war with North Korea (and still likely to attack), and has more or less destroyed the soft power of the US for generations to come in the world. The world sees Donald Trump and sees a clown, and this does the US no favors.

Trump has also been under multiple independent investigations during his entire term as president so far due to extreme accusations of corruption and possibly even treason, which has so far led to a series of arrests, recusals and possibly a pathway towards his own impeachment, all of which is pretty unheard of in the first year of a US presidency.

Ultimately, while the Trump white house has so far been a laundry list of mismanagement and incompetency, it has been ubiquitously powered by a rebel yell from white Americans, who stand in arms with the current president, nominally due to "economic anxiety", but likely due to a demographic shift in power dynamics away from white America and onto the minorities of America, which are destined to become the majority in roughly 30 years. What we are currently seeing with the white American support of Donald Trump is likely just the beginning of a prolonged power struggle white Americans will have with the rest of America over the next 20-30 years, which will likely lead to an uptick in white supremacist terrorism over the next generation of American politics. Fortunately, there is no way for white America to win this battle - the majority of children are already not white, and once these children come of age, and the older generations die off, America will transform into a minority-majority state by roughly 2045.

This President is just a bump in the road to a liberal utopia basically.

Great summary. Essentially every element of Trump and his administration has been a disaster or just outright embarrassing. And like you mentioned: his backing off of his "damn everybody but the U.S." rhetoric probably just comes from his ignorance of how important the United States is to the rest of the world. Instead of crossing right over the line, he seems to want to just get as close to it as possible.

And we can't forget his lack of respect for America's institutions. Asking for loyalty from the FBI director, publicly condemning the CIA and talking about how the FBI is in shambles (or whatever he said), etc.

It's almost as if the United States is just really sick or something. It'll wear off, but in the meantime, it's really, really bad. And it has only been one year; he has at least three more to do something even worse (like start a war or something).


Well if he went in to tank international relations, he's going strong.

His use of twitter is just fucking bizarre. His goading of NK blows my mind, its like a teenage relationship being played out over social media.

No wars (yet) so theres that as a positive.

So apart from that one positive theres nothing much else to say really, worst case scenario hasnt played out but theres nothing really positive to add either.


Well if he went in to tank international relations, he's going strong.

His use of twitter is just fucking bizarre. His goading of NK blows my mind, its like a teenage relationship being played out over social media.
My guess was alays that is also one reason why people voted for hm. Even if he is stupid is kind of refreshing to hae such language in politics. Its really childish yeah but it is also very different from actual politicians.

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member
Wtf at some of the comments here. Mostly juniors too. Odd

Just a gentle reminder; this kind of dismissive snub to posters who are still junior members is not something we condone, nor will be tolerated. Let's just chalk this down to a misdemeanour and move forward ;)


Is this the same GAF from the start of 2017? The pro-Trump levels are way higher than I recall them being.

That said, he’s been a shit show of a president from where I’m standing. I want to see his policies fail but also want the country to be successful. It’s a catch-22.
All the people praising him, heard the dog whistle calls. They want America to be great again, just like they fore father's whoever the fuck they were. Let's be real here, if your in favor of trump, your not standing with the good people of this nation.


Trades and relations with other nations are stronger than ever anything else is a false narrative.

I can assure you 100%, that what you say here is absolute and provable garbage. Relations with other nations - especially the UK - are the LOWEST they have ever been, because Trump keeps saying stupid things that other nations cannot condone or approve of, and so have to publicly denounce his words. We have delayed to the point of cancellation his public visit as the protests that will occur means he doesn't want to come.

It is pretty funny you claim an outright falsehood as truth and the actual truth as a false narrative. Those relationships with other nations have never been so poor.


I can assure you 100%, that what you say here is absolute and provable garbage. Relations with other nations - especially the UK - are the LOWEST they have ever been, because Trump keeps saying stupid things that other nations cannot condone or approve of, and so have to publicly denounce his words. We have delayed to the point of cancellation his public visit as the protests that will occur means he doesn't want to come.

It is pretty funny you claim an outright falsehood as truth and the actual truth as a false narrative. Those relationships with other nations have never been so poor.

Not to mention the recent Jerusalem debacle and UN vote. That was a direct repudiation of Trump's Jerusalem move.


Yes hes the president

Except that's not how it works. He has had little to no impact on the economy yet, just as the state of the economy of 2009 had nothing to do with Obama's policies.

Anything you attribute to the economy in 2017 is, however, due to the previous eight years. So hopefully you're able to thank Obama for that.

(And to clarify, that doesn't mean it's directly due to Obama himself. There are many factors that go into it. But if you think Trump has done a good job because of the economy in his first year as president, you're flat out wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. But hey, if you can be happy with a factual racist and admitted sexual assaulter, you do you.)


Except that's not how it works. He has had little to no impact on the economy yet, just as the state of the economy of 2009 had nothing to do with Obama's policies.

Anything you attribute to the economy in 2017 is, however, due to the previous eight years. So hopefully you're able to thank Obama for that.

Th stock market is very reactionary and conservative leaders often have caused such a jump because of hope of less restrictions less taxs for the rich etc. It makes sense for the economy raising since apital is the number 1 priority for conservatives.

Also the Jerusalem thing was the best he did so far. It was a promise people made since 20 yeas alrady. The rest condemningthis rightfully move are just scared of Islamists like Hamas or Erdogan.


Not to mention the recent Jerusalem debacle and UN vote. That was a direct repudiation of Trump's Jerusalem move.

Of course Trump knew that his embassy move would be condemned by the majority of UN members. He's moving the embassy out of principle not popularity. He wants to stand in solidarity with the only free democracy and our greatest ally in the region and strengthen their claim to Jerusalem as their capital city.


I see that Guatemala announced that they will also be moving their embassy to Jerusalem. Certainly more nations will follow and Israel's claim to Jerusalem will continue to be cemented, per Trump's plan.


ISIS is not a big fan of Trump:


"ISIS has lost 98 percent of the territory it once held -- with half of that terror group's so-called "caliphate" having been recaptured since President Trump took office less than a year ago, U.S. military officials said Tuesday.

The massive gains come after years of "onerous" rules, when critics say the Obama administration “micromanaged” the war and shunned a more intensive air strategy that could have ended the conflict much sooner."

Blood Borne

Th stock market is very reactionary and conservative leaders often have caused such a jump because of hope of less restrictions less taxs for the rich etc. It makes sense for the economy raising since apital is the number 1 priority for conservatives.

Also the Jerusalem thing was the best he did so far. It was a promise people made since 20 yeas alrady. The rst condeming this rightfully moe are just scared of Islamists like Hamas or Erdogan.

It's always "heads I win and tails you lose" with leftists.

Even if the economy is still soaring in 2018, 2019, 2020, they'll still say it's Obama. And when a leftist president takes over and fuck it up, they'll say it's Trump.

It's a known fact and it's been reiterated numerous times both by left and right economists, that the cause is simply less regulations and certainty. Investors are now confident, they know that there won't be any more 'surprises'.


lol at people so stupid they think Trump has had an actual beneficial or detrimental effect on the stock market. Bahahahahaha. Some dumb people in this country. Probably voted for the moron in the White House.


lol at people so stupid they think Trump has had an actual beneficial or detrimental effect on the stock market. Bahahahahaha. Some dumb people in this country. Probably voted for the moron in the White House.

Its not about Trump but a more conservative politic. And this is a known fact as well. So you should better inform yourself.


Of course Trump knew that his embassy move would be condemned by the majority of UN members. He's moving the embassy out of principle not popularity. He wants to stand in solidarity with the only free democracy and our greatest ally in the region and strengthen their claim to Jerusalem as their capital city.


I see that Guatemala announced that they will also be moving their embassy to Jerusalem. Certainly more nations will follow and Israel's claim to Jerusalem will continue to be cemented, per Trump's plan.

Romania has also said they are looking to move their embassy to Jerusalem. Czech Republic as well; they came out and praised Trump's decision.

I would think the next few countries that will probably end up moving are those two listed above + Poland and Hungary.

I think Trump's done a very good job. Cut regulations, tax reform, consumer confidence level is the highest it's been in a very long time, stock market and 401k is soaring, DOW went up over 5,000 points in a year which it's never done in its 121 year history, ended TPP, etc.

I remember talking heads in the media told us the stock market would pretty much tank if Trump got elected. I'm glad I voted for him and would do it again. I am fed up with both parties and have no desire to vote for a career politician.


Of course Trump knew that his embassy move would be condemned by the majority of UN members. He's moving the embassy out of principle not popularity. He wants to stand in solidarity with the only free democracy and our greatest ally in the region and strengthen their claim to Jerusalem as their capital city.


I see that Guatemala announced that they will also be moving their embassy to Jerusalem. Certainly more nations will follow and Israel's claim to Jerusalem will continue to be cemented, per Trump's plan.

Jerusalem was never a part of any agreement with regardss to being the capital of Isreal, it was always meant to be neutral ground.

Why Christians and Republicans in the US have such a hard on for Isreal has always been a mystery to me.

Isreal not an ally and has absolutely no interest in contributing anything outside of its own borders. Never has.

ISIS is not a big fan of Trump:


"ISIS has lost 98 percent of the territory it once held -- with half of that terror group's so-called "caliphate" having been recaptured since President Trump took office less than a year ago, U.S. military officials said Tuesday.

The massive gains come after years of "onerous" rules, when critics say the Obama administration “micromanaged” the war and shunned a more intensive air strategy that could have ended the conflict much sooner."

Exactly what was Trumps contribution to the downfall of ISIS?


Romania has also said they are looking to move their embassy to Jerusalem. Czech Republic as well; they came out and praised Trump's decision.

I would think the next few countries that will probably end up moving are those two listed above + Poland and Hungary.

I think Trump's done a very good job. Cut regulations, tax reform, consumer confidence level is the highest it's been in a very long time, stock market and 401k is soaring, DOW went up over 5,000 points in a year which it's never done in its 121 year history, ended TPP, etc.

I remember talking heads in the media told us the stock market would pretty much tank if Trump got elected. I'm glad I voted for him and would do it again. I am fed up with both parties and have no desire to vote for a career politician.

That’s cute you think that but he is different. Let’s continue the ignorance on Trump. Continue to white wash and forget everything the man stands for and his actions to support that. Continue to say “it’s not illegal or corrupt if I don’t see it.”

Let’s not read any of the legislation the career politicians have gotten away with since Trump came in. You may be right that he wasn’t before but he sure likes them..

Now tell me what a great company ATT is and how Trump is response for that bonus LA LA LA.

This thread is fucking insane.


That’s cute you think that but he is different. Let’s continue the ignorance on Trump. Continue to white wash and forget everything the man stands for and his actions to support that. Continue to say “it’s not illegal or corrupt if I don’t see it.”

Let’s not read any of the legislation the career politicians have gotten away with since Trump came in. You may be right that he wasn’t before but he sure likes them..

Now tell me what a great company ATT is and how Trump is response for that bonus LA LA LA.

This thread is fucking insane.

I disagree. You may not like it, but he's pretty much kept his promises to supporters which is super rare. While not all have been fulfilled, he's on the right track. I like that about him.

And no I don't think he's some super monster like the media wants me to believe. I do my own research and come to my own conclusions.


Stocks and bitcoins went crazy, probably will carry on for the next year.
So for investors and punters, better increase your capital while you can!


Its not about Trump but a more conservative politic. And this is a known fact as well. So you should better inform yourself.

Hahahahaha. The stock market has always been at its highest during the presidency of a liberal. It's hilarious, but predictable, how unintelligent and uninformed pro-Trump people are.




Compared the liberal sky is falling bullshit they were shouting all year, the guy did a fucking amazing job...

But in actual reality, not fantasy land where those idiots live, he just did ok... not great, not bad...
It's always "heads I win and tails you lose" with leftists.

Even if the economy is still soaring in 2018, 2019, 2020, they'll still say it's Obama. And when a leftist president takes over and fuck it up, they'll say it's Trump.

It's a known fact and it's been reiterated numerous times both by left and right economists, that the cause is simply less regulations and certainty. Investors are now confident, they know that there won't be any more 'surprises'.

Do you have brain damage?


I disagree. You may not like it, but he's pretty much kept his promises to supporters which is super rare.

Drained the swamp?

He's getting millions from the tax break. As is son in law and cabinet members.

I must admit, he is keeping his promise of being a nuisance to our children's future. I have to agree with you on this.


Drained the swamp?

He's getting millions from the tax break. As is son in law and cabinet members.

I must admit, he is keeping his promise of being a nuisance to our children's future. I have to agree with you on this.

And the tax cut is going to benefit me and the family. I don't know how much the Trump's are getting, but I'm not going to complain about keeping more money.


Arguments supporting Trump in this topic have mostly hinged on economic reasons why you should support him and seem to ignore any part of his actual day-to-day chicanery as the sitting president that has made up a theoretical and approximate 98% of the conversation on this president so far.

There seems to be a heavy reliance on describing the state of the stock market in this thread (which has very little to do with the economics for the extreme majority of American citizens) or the moderate tax cut for the lower classes that comes along with the massive tax cut for the rich (which, again does very little for the majority of American citizens) in this thread. For many of you, this seems to make all of the corruption, incompetence and childishness coming from the white house all "okay" somehow. I don't see how you can ignore all this and say that these benefits somehow "excuse" them?

Donald Trump has done nothing in the economy that helps the middle class or poor class in any significant way - the bottom 80% of the American economy only owns 8% of the wealth in the stock markets, compared to 81% owned by the top 10%, so quoting stock market numbers really means nothing for the extreme majority of Americans in their day-to-day lives. As well, the "tax cut" which just passed for the middle and lower classes is temporary and actually becomes a permanent tax increase within the next 10 years, while the tax cuts on the rich and corporations are permanent and only become larger over time. How does this help average citizen? These both sound like terrible things to me.

If you were to make a case that the tax cut on the rich will somehow subsidize the poor and middle class as well, why was there no language put into the law to hold the rich accountable towards creating new jobs in America, or at least put into the bill a clause for investing a certain amount of money into America in order to receive the tax cut? Virtually all subsidies for the poor in the last 25 years have tied welfare towards working, such as making sure the citizens who receive medicaid or food stamps are actively looking for work, in order to make the economy more prosperous. Why not tie the rich towards creating jobs then, which would direct contribute to this so-called "trickle down" wealth that conservatives always speak of? The reason for the lack of any limitations or regulations on these subsidies for the rich, and the high amount of limitations or regulations on subsidies for the poor is due to the fact that CONSERVATIVES DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE POOR OR MIDDLE CLASS. They have fully devolved into a donor party, and only care about the people who pay towards their PACs, Lobbyists and Dark Money Slush Funds. There is literally nothing helpful conservative economics does towards helping foster the economics for the middle or poor classes. It is short sighted to call this meager tax cut or the stock market rise as any sort of benefit towards the extreme majority of American citizens as they are either temporary or irrelevant.

And the tax cut is going to benefit me and the family. I don't know how much the Trump's are getting, but I'm not going to complain about keeping more money.

Bruh. 1% gets 20% of the tax breaks. If the breaks expire, 1% gets 82% of the tax breaks.

Rather than benefitting the rich so much, they should have given more breaks to the upper middleclass and below. They could have done that, but didn't want to. So you should rightfully complain. Why do rich people get everything they want, but give you scraps because they lobby politicians?

Trumps tax savings on his private jet in 1 year could be more than everything you get in 5 years.


Bruh. 1% gets 20% of the tax breaks. If the breaks expire, 1% gets 82% of the tax breaks.

Rather than benefitting the rich so much, they should have given more breaks to the upper middleclass and below. They could have done that, but didn't want to. So you should rightfully complain. Why do rich people get everything they want, but give you scraps because they lobby politicians?

Trumps tax savings on his private jet in 1 year could be more than everything you get in 5 years.

Those who pay the most in taxes will save the most....how....unfair.....


Lil’ Gobbie
ISIS is not a big fan of Trump:


"ISIS has lost 98 percent of the territory it once held -- with half of that terror group's so-called "caliphate" having been recaptured since President Trump took office less than a year ago, U.S. military officials said Tuesday.

The massive gains come after years of "onerous" rules, when critics say the Obama administration ”micromanaged" the war and shunned a more intensive air strategy that could have ended the conflict much sooner."

Have you read the article you linked?

For reference, try not to cite fox news in the future
Those who pay the most in taxes will save the most....how....unfair.....

You didn't interpret that right, nor does the basic "pay more, get more" have anything to do with the lopsidedness of the tax bill.

Yea, if someone making 500k gets a 1% tax reduction than someone making 40k, yes they pay more and get a much bigger decrease, but that doesn't even begin to describe the economics of it.

For example you shouldnt create incentives for private jets above childcare, when childcare will have a much bigger affect on the economy, and plus people actually need it to be productive.

"But they offered more credits for having 1+ children, there's the benefit even if they had to reduce childcare credits".

How about they give the middleclass both, and give the middle finger to the private jet credits?


Arguments supporting Trump in this topic have mostly hinged on economic reasons why you should support him and seem to ignore any part of his actual day-to-day chicanery as the sitting president that has made up a theoretical and approximate 98% of the conversation on this president so far.

There seems to be a heavy reliance on describing the state of the stock market in this thread (which has very little to do with the economics for the extreme majority of American citizens) or the moderate tax cut for the lower classes that comes along with the massive tax cut for the rich (which, again does very little for the majority of American citizens) in this thread. For many of you, this seems to make all of the corruption, incompetence and childishness coming from the white house all "okay" somehow. I don't see how you can ignore all this and say that these benefits somehow "excuse" them?

Donald Trump has done nothing in the economy that helps the middle class or poor class in any significant way - the bottom 80% of the American economy only owns 8% of the wealth in the stock markets, compared to 81% owned by the top 10%, so quoting stock market numbers really means nothing for the extreme majority of Americans in their day-to-day lives. As well, the "tax cut" which just passed for the middle and lower classes is temporary and actually becomes a permanent tax increase within the next 10 years, while the tax cuts on the rich and corporations are permanent and only become larger over time. How does this help average citizen? These both sound like terrible things to me.

If you were to make a case that the tax cut on the rich will somehow subsidize the poor and middle class as well, why was there no language put into the law to hold the rich accountable towards creating new jobs in America, or at least put into the bill a clause for investing a certain amount of money into America in order to receive the tax cut? Virtually all subsidies for the poor in the last 25 years have tied welfare towards working, such as making sure the citizens who receive medicaid or food stamps are actively looking for work, in order to make the economy more prosperous. Why not tie the rich towards creating jobs then, which would direct contribute to this so-called "trickle down" wealth that conservatives always speak of? The reason for the lack of any limitations or regulations on these subsidies for the rich, and the high amount of limitations or regulations on subsidies for the poor is due to the fact that CONSERVATIVES DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE POOR OR MIDDLE CLASS. They have fully devolved into a donor party, and only care about the people who pay towards their PACs, Lobbyists and Dark Money Slush Funds. There is literally nothing helpful conservative economics does towards helping foster the economics for the middle or poor classes. It is short sighted to call this meager tax cut or the stock market rise as any sort of benefit towards the extreme majority of American citizens as they are either temporary or irrelevant.

We gave Obama 8 years and 9 trillion dollars to get us to 2% economic growth.

Trump is promising to spend about 1.5 trillion to get us to 4% growth. I would say it's fair to at least giving him a chance, right?

Anyways it's pretty dumb to try to measure his success when he's barely a year into his term.


Stock market has literally been growing since 2009... Some of the responses in here are comically disingenuous.

You won't see the effects of his policies until 2018-2019 and seeing how the Obamacare bandaid is dead, I can't wait to see what kind of abomination they come up with in healthcare.
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