His appointments to the EPA is biggest example of letting the foxes run the henhouse youll ever see. Pruitt and his second in command are beholden to the fossil fuel corporations and tow the line about climate change being a hoax. At least a lot of states are pledging to uphold the Paris Agreement after the inevitable pullout.
I dont wanna see us become China or India in terms of the environment but the EPA is a motherfucker.
I worked in environmental drilling..we would basic go out for the epa and take soil samples and watch the EPA destroy mom and pop places via fines.
Where I work now we pay hundred of thousand of dollars in permits on our potable water system..which we've never had a problem with. If we have 1 accident in our waste water treatment system its game over for the company. 1 fish kill will be millions.
A town I lived in a few years back was a wasteland of broken down buildings/closed shops. Crime was terrible and there was no work or things for people to do.
Why? Cause being in a wooded area meant jumping through EPA hoops was to expensive.
Good luck starting a million dollar project or thinking of building a factory. If a speckle nosed toad was found you would be screwed. And since it bordered on a water shed area it was hsrd enough. No one would touch the place.
I'm all for reducing polution but the EPA really stifles growth and milks money out of people.