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truth and reconciliation... legendary


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
jesus fucking christ, this is far and away the hardest god damned level in the game on legendary (with keyes second). its been quite a while since i've played through the game on legendary and i just started a new profile again... but i'm getting walloped.

i finally boarded the ship. finally pased the initial boarding room. pased tons of hallways and a few large open hanger rooms... but now i'm at the dropship docking bay, where i'm getting hammered from above as well as on the "ground" floor. i have no idea where my sniper rifle is, and i'm getting owned :(

any tips besides cover, run out and gun, then hide again?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

fear this

DJ Sl4m

You in the first room when you first board the ship ?

It has 4 doors, one in each corner.

If so, you need to get offensive and attack like crazy trying to keep as many marines alive as long as possible, then run like hell into one of the hallways and duck for cover, shooting only when they enter or when you get shots off.

BTW, I thought the final run in the Warthog was the absolute hardest damn thing to ever get past in a game on Legendary.

edit: NM, I see you edited where you are located, or maybe I skimmmed past it.

Just take note where the fire is coming from and either take them out, or run past the danger and take them out when you get closer.
Slow, mindfull of where opponents fire was coming from, quick responses and cautousness got me past most of the ship levels.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
DJ Sl4m said:
You in the first room when you first board the ship ?

It has 4 doors, one in each corner.

If so, you need to get offensive and attack like crazy trying to keep as many marines alive as long as possible, then run like hell into one of the hallways and duck for cover, shooting only when they enter or when you get shots off.

BTW, I thought the final run in the Warthog was the absolute hardest damn thing to ever get past in a game on Legendary.

naw, quite a bit past that. the room where the closing cinema shows the covenant drop ship smash the hunters.

and i had no probs with the maw what so ever. we'll see this time through though, as i am admittedly rusty

DJ Sl4m

edit: NM, I see you edited where you are located, or maybe I skimmmed past it.

Just take note where the fire is coming from and either take them out, or run past the danger and take them out when you get closer.
Slow, mindfull of where opponents fire was coming from, quick responses and cautousness got me past most of the ship levels.
That first room is essentially impossible for me to pass. Maybe I'm better at the game now, but the only way I could get past it is while playing co-op.
Ok OP help me help you. When you enter the room, you are on the lowest level, right? There should be a dead marine with some supplies at about 1 or 2 O'clock from where you came in. He's laying next to the big structure in the middle of the room with the elites at the top of it. Use your pistol to snipe those elites up top first. If no pistol, leave those guys alone for the time being. Maybe try to get a lucky plasma nade up there if possible but otherwise ignore them. Try to take out the ground level enemies at 11 O'clock (from entrance) and once you have a handle on them, make your way back to where you came in. Always revert to this point when things get too hairy. If the coast is clear and your shield is charged, head to the dead marine and pick up health and ammo, but watch the door at 3 O'clock as it'll prolly be open with enemies pouring out. Try to herd them into staying in that doorway with grenades while you make your way to the supplies. Once you make it, nade the shit out of that area and take them all out. NOW you can worry about the guys up top that have been taking pot shots at you. Because none of the enemies follow a set routine, the following moves can vary, but I'd say go for the overshield on the other side of the room before wiping out any guys you've left up top. Either way, you'd better have a pistol or a sniper rifle cuz the last two guys you fight in that room are Hunters.


Legendary Halo owns Ninja Gaiden... hell, I can't get past the Halo level. I bow down to anyone who has honestly beat the game on legendary.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Uno Ill Nino said:
Ok OP help me help you. When you enter the room, you are on the lowest level, right? There should be a dead marine with some supplies at about 1 or 2 O'clock from where you came in. He's laying next to the big structure in the middle of the room with the elites at the top of it. Use your pistol to snipe those elites up top first. If no pistol, leave those guys alone for the time being. Maybe try to get a lucky plasma nade up there if possible but otherwise ignore them. Try to take out the ground level enemies at 11 O'clock (from entrance) and once you have a handle on them, make your way back to where you came in. Always revert to this point when things get too hairy. If the coast is clear and your shield is charged, head to the dead marine and pick up health and ammo, but watch the door at 3 O'clock as it'll prolly be open with enemies pouring out. Try to herd them into staying in that doorway with grenades while you make your way to the supplies. Once you make it, nade the shit out of that area and take them all out. NOW you can worry about the guys up top that have been taking pot shots at you. Because none of the enemies follow a set routine, the following moves can vary, but I'd say go for the overshield on the other side of the room before wiping out any guys you've left up top. Either way, you'd better have a pistol or a sniper rifle cuz the last two guys you fight in that room are Hunters.

thats basically the jist of what i had been doing, but i'll keep it up. as long as i stay near to that center platform, the guys up top cant get a shot off at me, so that seems to work well. the hardest part is making sure i dont get surrounded by jackles from that 11 o clock position (in your terms) and all the grunts and few elites from the 3 o clock corner.

i wish i had a pistol or sniper rifle, as i'm sure thats how i got through this the last time i played legendary. and i must say, hunters are bad ass in legendary. especially in rooms with obsticles and no human weapons (ie, pistol or sniper rifle). cant wait to face these fuckers in halo 2 where they'll surely be much more of a challenge as they charge through baracades to knock your punk ass across the ground.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
jedimike said:
Legendary Halo owns Ninja Gaiden... hell, I can't get past the Halo level. I bow down to anyone who has honestly beat the game on legendary.

that first base with the blue laser that shoot sout the top on legendary is quite possibly one of my favorite battles in the whole game... defending all those marienes from that one position is fucking awesome
that fucking stage where you're at(big room, enemies on the ground and above you and to the right) gives me problems on the normal setting. i always run in guns a blazing only to get owned... damn, i love this game..

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
jedimike said:
Legendary Halo owns Ninja Gaiden... hell, I can't get past the Halo level. I bow down to anyone who has honestly beat the game on legendary.

I put so many hours and retries into this game. Finally actually did it.

I almost, ALMOST threw the controller right through the television trying to get stupid captain Keyes out of wherever the hell, but passed it. Library was no where near as bad as keyes.


Keyes made me chew my lips off and shatter my teeth by grinding them in anger. I just have five levels left on legendayry (in no order). I want to try and finish it before november rolls along.


Unconfirmed Member
Mastering both the plasma and regular grenades is the key to beating that level. As for weapons, the plasma pistol is your best friend. Instead of charging the gun, just rapidly tap the trigger when aiming for enemies. The stun from the gun will halt their movement, giving you time to move in for the kill with a melee attack. Whenever you do get the human pistol, use it only on Grunts. If I remember correctly, Headshot = instant kill for them.

Sho Nuff

Don't ask me how, but Mr. Singh and I completed the game on Legendary in co-op.

Note that co-cop makes things INFINITELY easier due to respawning, however.
You might want to restart the level, if you can't find your sniper rifle. The SR makes this level a lot easier.

The trick to beating Legendary, is basically rethinking your attack plan. What works in Hard, will not always work on Legendary.

Knowing the short cuts within certain levels helps a lot as well.

And yes, fear the gold Elites. Once though, because I wanted to see if I could do it, I punched one to death. Took a lot of hits, and I had to dodge like crazy. I've never been able to do it again though.


Sho Nuff said:
Don't ask me how, but Mr. Singh and I completed the game on Legendary in co-op.

Note that co-cop makes things INFINITELY easier due to respawning, however.

No harder than finishing it in Normal single-player.

I've finished it in Normal single-player and Legendary coop. I have trouble with Hard, as I am very careless in FPS, I wouldn't even dare of doing legendary. :(


Heroic is not too difficult even in single player, but Legendary is a mother whore, and yes Truth and Rec. is the devil.

It's fairly easy until you get on the ship, but then it all goes downhill fast. That first room is a bit of a pain, as they send the Sword wielding invisible Elites out randomly from the 4 different passageways, and if you don't kill the stupid grunts fast enough eventually they get seperated and on both sides of the room. They like to chuck plasma grenades too! :(

The part your at is where I have real difficulty.. they like to put you in a stupid corridor and then have people on top and the bottom. Stupid charged plasma shots can drop your shields in one hit.

Oh yeah, I hate towards the very end when they make you go across those catwalks, and as soon as you spawn a door of guys, it spawns an ambush from a door you already went past. :( If you know, sometimes you can run back and make it to your "safety corridor".


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The ship was tough to be sure, but I didn't think it was too bad...

I honestly thought that Keyes was the hardest Legendary level, particularly the ending segments (when you actually FIND him).

There were some pretty rough rooms in T&R, though. That first room on the ship was tough and there were a couple others. Basically, any room that hits you with a suprise attack is generally going to be difficult.


I can't beat Halo on Legendary.

There, I said it.

*weeps as other WHPA (Weaksauce Halo Players Anonymous) members console me*


Hunters are probably the least deadly of any enemy on Legendary.
You've just got to get in close, wait for them to charge, dodge and shoot them in the orange weak point on their back.
Admittidly with 2 Hunters it does get slightly harder as you have to watch out for the gauss cannon from the hunter you aren't attacking, but its still fairly easy.

Oh yeah and if you are having problems with elites use the Needler. I tend to use a combo of Needler and Plasma Pistol. Charged plasma to drop their shields then finish them off with the needler while they are roaring.

I've done Legendary and T&R is without a doubt the toughest level on the game, once the flood come along its easy (shotty / pistol rule all).


Wow, that was really bad lol.

I would tell you to go back to Mayberry 'cuz you're so corny, but i'd be doing the same as you :p.


Phantom said:
Oh yeah and if you are having problems with elites use the Needler. I tend to use a combo of Needler and Plasma Pistol. Charged plasma to drop their shields then finish them off with the needler while they are roaring.

I've done Legendary and T&R is without a doubt the toughest level on the game, once the flood come along its easy (shotty / pistol rule all).

Yup, the Plasma Pistol is a godsend. One charged shot it drops shields and it hones in, after that unloading a round of the needler will do some serious damage.


dark10x said:
I honestly thought that Keyes was the hardest Legendary level, particularly the ending segments (when you actually FIND him).

Your correct, the part with Keyes is annoying because he won't hold the fuck still, and he's constantly running up into battle with the needler. That's all contained within the Truth and Reconciliation level though. Am I mistaken? I'm almost positive the fight to board the ship, then the ludicrous first room of the ship and from their you work your way in and find keyes, then work your way to the hangers to escape.


I love using that plasma pistol. The first time I saw the bad guys shooting at the insane rate they do in legendary completely took me off, I dismissed it as CPU cheating. But then I started using the plasma pistol and realised you could also shoot at that rate. :)


SyNapSe said:
Your correct, the part with Keyes is annoying because he won't hold the fuck still, and he's constantly running up into battle with the needler. That's all contained within the Truth and Reconciliation level though. Am I mistaken? I'm almost positive the fight to board the ship, then the ludicrous first room of the ship and from their you work your way in and find keyes, then work your way to the hangers to escape.

Wrong level. It's when you board the Covenant ship again, and Keyes is a goopy glob thing.


MaddenNFL64 said:
Wrong level. It's when you board the Covenant ship again, and Keyes is a goopy glob thing.

[-= 3.d) Level 3: The Truth and Reconciliation =-]

Mission Overview:
Board a Covenant ship in an attempt to rescue Captain Keyes
Medium-sized level. Consists of two parts - Outside, and Inside the ship.
The first half is outside in the middle of the night where you must
find the Covenant ship and the second half is finding Captain Keyes
and getting on out of there.


It's all one level, the next level is the very fun Silent Cartographer (beach scene). I just played through these 2 in co-op legendary last weekend. ;) Trying to go all the way back through again with a friend.

Oni Jazar

I love Halo on legendary. It's such a better game imo. Who would've thought that there's actually a decent stealth component to the game. I love checking the patrol paterns, running up and wacking them from behind. Anyways the T&R mission is a big pain in the ass: The begining room, the middle launch bay and the damn end with Keys running around thinking he's rambo. Glad I'm passed it now. I only have one more reactor to blow up so I'm hyped.

I'm thinking of starting Halo 2 on legendary what do you think? :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Actually, both of those scenarios involving Keyes were a bitch. When you find him on T&R and when you find him at the end of stage 9 (known as Keyes).

I guess overall, T&R is the harder level...but I retried that damn end part of Keyes so many damn times when I first got there. I f*cking hate that part so much. I think I ended up getting through it by closing myself in one of the hallways in front of you and just watching the doors carefully (and killing everything near them). That way, you don't have to deal with nearly as big of a rush. I tried just rushing out of the room many times, but the doorways were clogged up and there were always grenades being thrown (which would explode as you try to push your way through the enemies).


Dark10x was referring to the level "Keyes" (level 9 I believe... haven't played the game in a few months), not T&R, where you rescue his ass.


jedimike said:
Legendary Halo owns Ninja Gaiden... hell, I can't get past the Halo level. I bow down to anyone who has honestly beat the game on legendary.
Just practice, it's actually not too hard once you find safe spots and don't mind a panic-filled retreat once in a while.

Me and my pal have finished over half the levels on Legendary co-op WITHOUT DYING. ONCE. No shit, when one of us died, we'd restart the level. Even stupid deaths, like accidentally stickying your pal... True, Assault on the Control Room took us nearly 16 months of playing several hours every other weekend. And we're on Library right now, which is an interesting beast. But it really put a new spin on the experience, and to Halo's credit, it never gets boring.

Anyone who wants to breath some new life into Halo, and has a friend as crazy as you, give it a try. Just don't keep anything breakable nearby...


Hehe, I love closed spaces. I love tossing a nade into a group of em, waiting a sec, then tossing another to blow the fuck out of all the grenades the dead ones leave on the ground. Everything gets smeared.. its great. You just have to be careful to leave some nades so you'll have something to throw later.

Gun tactics become lots more important, using plasma against shields and marine weapons vs flesh (I usually have one of each type of weapon). Toying with AI can be fun. They are better against nades in legendary, so use them to flush guys out into your fire, or into another grenade even. Frag nades are more difficult for them to see aswell. Knowing the little things can make a big difference. That one pistol shot will take out a hunter.. or using the needler to dismount an elite off a ghost (saving the ghost in the meantime), using plasma to slow things down, ect.

The game is tough, sure.. but its not THAT tough. Hell of a lot of fun though. Bring on Halo2!!! :D


I've finished legendary...only in co-op mode though. I can imagine it being a lot harder alone, since you'll always be targeted by all the enemies for example. I've tried it briefly and finished the 1st level...maybe I'll continue when Halo 2 is getting closer to being released.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Phantom said:
Hunters are probably the least deadly of any enemy on Legendary.
You've just got to get in close, wait for them to charge, dodge and shoot them in the orange weak point on their back.
Admittidly with 2 Hunters it does get slightly harder as you have to watch out for the gauss cannon from the hunter you aren't attacking, but its still fairly easy.

Oh yeah and if you are having problems with elites use the Needler. I tend to use a combo of Needler and Plasma Pistol. Charged plasma to drop their shields then finish them off with the needler while they are roaring.

well, like i said, without the pistol or sniper rifle, the hunters are MUCH harder, as there is no easy take down. and if your squaring off in a room filled with obsticles, dodging around ones melee attack, while the other is firing at you from a distance, you're bound to get hung up on something eventually, then they both fuck you up. its certainly not a really tough challenge or anything, but calling them the least deadly enemy is just wrong. aside from a group of jackles with an elite in tow, 2 hunters are one of the harder enemy encounters in a bad location.

and the needler isa great weapon, particularly in the hall ways where the enemies have a tough time dodging the needles... out in the open its a bit less usefull though, as its easy to dodge, and the slow speed of the projectiles can give elites plenty of time to recover from plasma pistol charged shots to dodge the incoming needles...

and as far as stage difficulty goes, T&R is really the only stage that gives me trouble on legendary. dont get me wrong, i'll usualy die my fare share of times on most of the others, but its generally from being careless, not from "oh my god how the fuck can i clear this room without getting plasma up my asshole!?" like in T&R.


Op-Ivy, download this video. It's large, but it is very worth it. halo.bungie.org is running a contest for the fastest speed runs through Halo on Legendary - this is the winning run for Truth and Reconciliation.


I never have been able to do the level on anything less than a few hours, but this guy does it in less than twenty-five minutes. He takes one shortcut part way through the level, but aside from that it's a great illustration of the right combat tactics being used. I would study this - hard.

Archive of all of the speed runs is here:


Some amazing stuff there - watch the Silent Cartographer and be amazed. :0


jedimike said:
Legendary Halo owns Ninja Gaiden... hell, I can't get past the Halo level. I bow down to anyone who has honestly beat the game on legendary.

Bow down - anything shy of Legendary is downright easy for me now. Legendary is still a challenge, though. But I've beaten every level at least a dozen times over the past couple years on it.


Its amazing we all still play this game as much as we do, says alot for it.

I still prefer heroic to legendary, you still get the great AI and difficulty, but dont spend so much time in retreat.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
GhaleonEB said:
Op-Ivy, download this video. It's large, but it is very worth it. halo.bungie.org is running a contest for the fastest speed runs through Halo on Legendary - this is the winning run for Truth and Reconciliation.


I never have been able to do the level on anything less than a few hours, but this guy does it in less than twenty-five minutes. He takes one shortcut part way through the level, but aside from that it's a great illustration of the right combat tactics being used. I would study this - hard.

Archive of all of the speed runs is here:


Some amazing stuff there - watch the Silent Cartographer and be amazed. :0

yeah, i had seen that (the T&R vid), but its not much help watching him take out jackles and elites with the sniper rifle... missing that gun changes the entire approach completely, and i will not restart the level :p

and silent cartographer in 4 minutes? i'm downloading that now
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